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AN ENTERPRISE IPV6 MIGRATION TOOLKIT Christian Brown Steve Lotthammer Matt Oswalt.

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Presentation on theme: "AN ENTERPRISE IPV6 MIGRATION TOOLKIT Christian Brown Steve Lotthammer Matt Oswalt."— Presentation transcript:

1 AN ENTERPRISE IPV6 MIGRATION TOOLKIT Christian Brown Steve Lotthammer Matt Oswalt






7  Translation  IPv6  IPv4  Tunneling  IPv6 over IPv4  Dual-Stack  IPv6 + IPv4

8  Translation  Changing IP packets on the fly

9  Tunneling  IPv4 within IPv6

10  Dual-Stack  Run both IPv6 and IPv4 everywhere

11  Dual-Stack where you can  Tunnel where you must  Translate if your life depends on it

12  Simulates the effects of a phased IPv6 migration  Gathers performance data on network resources

13  IPv6 isn’t just about bigger address space  Security  Usability  Performance

14 In live tests IPv6 shows a considerable increase in performance over IPv4.


16 CentOS TCP over IPv4

17 CentOS TCP over IPv6

18 CentOS UDP Comparison

19 Windows Server Legend

20  Tested a variety of Operating Systems for IPv6 compatibility.  Linux  Common Distributions  Kernels

21  Tested a variety of Operating Systems for IPv6 compatibility.  Microsoft  Windows 2000 / 2000 Server  Windows XP / Vista / 7  Windows 2003 / R2 / 2008 / R2

22  Tested a variety of Operating Systems for IPv6 compatibility.  Apple  Mac OS X  Mac OS 9

23  IPv6 Toolkit  Transitional Technologies Research  OPNET Modeling  Performance Comparison Testing Charts  OS Ratings

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