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1 Health Impacts of Air Pollution in the San Joaquin Valley Failing to meet the current health-based standards each year results in –823 premature deaths.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Health Impacts of Air Pollution in the San Joaquin Valley Failing to meet the current health-based standards each year results in –823 premature deaths."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Health Impacts of Air Pollution in the San Joaquin Valley Failing to meet the current health-based standards each year results in –823 premature deaths –452 hospital admissions –68,740 lost work days –151,510 school absences –505 emergency room visits Annual economic cost of $5.7 billion

2 2 SJV Air Quality Progress 8-hr Ozone ExceedancesDays Per AQI Category WinterSummer GOOD UNHEALTHY

3 3 Valley Self-Help Efforts Have Significantly Increased Grant Funding School Buses (replace & retrofit)$ 54,506,400 Energy Efficiency3,844,300 Gross polluting vehicle repair & replacement4,700,000 Residential lawn mower replacements912,300 Commercial lawn equipment500,000 Fireplace change-out500,000 Vanpools, hybrid/electric/CNG vehicles, bike paths, park & ride, public transit subsidies 2,809,800 Public service clean air projects through local government and universities10,000,000 GHG support for cities and counties250,000 Technology Advancement3,000,000 Agricultural Pumps (repower & electrification)7,202,400 Farm Equipment (Ag tractors, harvesters, etc.)27,272,400 Trucks (replace, repower, & retrofit)63,170,000 Locomotives (line haul, passenger, switcher)31,000,000 Construction Equipment (replace, repower, & retrofit)4,950,000 Alternative Fuel Infrastructure3,255,700 Total Incentive Grants$ 217,873,300

4 4 County 8-hr Ozone NAAQSPM2.5 NAAQS 1997: 84 ppb 2008: 75 ppb 2011 Reconsideration 1997: 65 µg/m³ 2006: 35 µg/m³ 2011, low: 25 µg/m³ 70 ppb60 ppb Fresno 214974121 1 2863 Kern 367194138 3 2861 Kings 17385398 1 1740 Madera 3101455 1 1424 Merced 6173371 0 1540 San Joaquin 16933 0 925 Stanislaus 4121964 0 2041 Tulare 3679102130 0 1138 Basin-wide499511415034896 New Standards Will Pose Significant Challenges Valley-Wide Based on 2010 measurements

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