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Presentation on theme: "Corundum."— Presentation transcript:

1 corundum

2 Corundum Corundum is a very valuable mineral and it comes in many different colors.

3 Corundum’s properties
Color: Frequently gray, but also white, red, blue, yellow, and green. Streak: Colorless. Luster: Vitreous* and pearly. Hardness: 9 on the scale. It is harder than topaz and quartz, but softer than diamond and moissanite. *Vitreous: Glassy

4 It’s crystal shape Corundum has a hexagonal shape.

5 Where you can find corundum
Corundum can be found in metamorphic and volcanic rocks in places like Burma, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.

6 The formula of corundum
The formula of corundum is AI203. (Aluminum Oxide)

7 Fun facts Did you know that a red corundum is a ruby and a blue corundum is a sapphire? Corundum has no cleavage. Corundum is the 3rd hardest mineral. It was named "corinvindum" in 1725 by John Woodward. Richard Kirwan used the current spelling "corundum" in 1794.

8 Resources Used

9 Credits Presented and created by: Helen and Elizabeth. Helpers: Asad Soomro, Ben Rosenfeld, and Luke Capello.

10 Properties Where is it found? Moh’s Scale Random 100 200 300 BONUS

11 What is corundum’s Streak?
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12 Colorless Back to Chart

13 What is corundum’s luster?
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14 Vitreous(Glassy) and pearly
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15 What is corundum’s usual color?
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16 Usually gray Back to Chart

17 True or false: corundum is found in Burma.
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18 True Back to Chart

19 Is corUNDUM FOUND IN METAMORPHIC/Volcanic rocks or in sedimentary rocks?
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20 Metamorphic/volcanic rocks
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21 True or false: sri lanka is one place corundum is found.
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22 true Back to Chart

23 True or false: corundum is 9 on the moh’s scale.
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24 True Back to Chart

25 Daily double See Problem

26 What 2 minerals are harder than corundum?
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27 Diamond and moissanite
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28 What number is corundum on the moh’s scale?
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29 9 Back to Chart

30 What mineral is number 8 on the moh’s scale?
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31 Topaz Back to Chart

32 What is a red corundum called?
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33 Ruby Back to Chart

34 Corundum’s shape is… Click for Answer

35 Hexagonal Back to Chart

36 True or false: corundum is the 3rd hardest mineral.
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37 True Back to Chart

38 What is corundum’s formula?
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39 AI203 (aluminum oxide) Back to Chart

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