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How do living things use Energy?. Objective:  Where do living things get energy and how do they use it?

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Presentation on theme: "How do living things use Energy?. Objective:  Where do living things get energy and how do they use it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do living things use Energy?

2 Objective:  Where do living things get energy and how do they use it?

3 Vocabulary preview sheet  Rate yourself 1-4 on your understanding of each word at this time in the rating before column  4 – you understand the word well enough to explain to someone else what it means  3- pretty sure you know what it means  2- heard the word before, but not sure exactly what it means  1- Never heard the word or no idea what it means.

4  We will watch a few short videos about photosynthesis.

5 Photosynthesis Photo – light Synthesis- to make Photosynthesis – to make food energy using light energy

6 Photosynthesis  Examples:  Plants and some protists

7 Carbon Dioxide:  A compoundcontaining one carbon and two oxygen atoms. Formula: CO 2

8 Water:  A compound containing two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms.  Formula: H 2 O

9 Oxygen:  A compound containing two oxygen atoms.  Formula: O 2

10 Sugar (Glucose): a compound containing 6 carbon, 12 hydrogenand 6 oxygen atoms. Formula: C 6 H 12 O 6


12  h/photosynthesis.html h/photosynthesis.html h/photosynthesis.html

13 Put it together and what do you get? Formula:_Sunlight___ CO 2 + H 2 O = O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 6 Photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide + Water = Oxygen + sugar


15 Respiration:  When an organism makes kinetic energy using food energy.  Reverse of photosynthesis  All organisms do this even plants.


17 Respiration Formula: _Kinetic Energy_____ O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 6 = CO 2 + H 2 O


19 Complete the T-Chart that compares how photosynthesis and respiration are similar and different: SimilarDifferent

20 Diagram of photosynthesis and respiration  Use the words, pictures and arrows to show the processes of photosynthesis and Match the words with the formulas.  Once completed, raise your hand to get checked.  Then draw the picture and explain in your journal.  Do the same for respiration

21 Discussion Questions Can animals live without plants?Can animals live without plants? Can plants live without animals?Can plants live without animals?

22 Virtual Lab  ssets/science/virtual_labs/LS12/ ml ssets/science/virtual_labs/LS12/ ml ssets/science/virtual_labs/LS12/ ml

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