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1 st Word2 nd Word3 rd Word Use your word cards make 5 compound words.

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2 1 st Word2 nd Word3 rd Word Use your word cards make 5 compound words

3 1 st Word2 nd Word3 rd Word HamStringHamstring QuarterBackQuarterback CrossBowCrossbow HoneyMoonHoneymoon CartWheelCartwheel  Compound words are two separate words with two separate meanings combined to form a new word.  Compounds in science are similar.  There are millions and millions of compounds.

4  A compound is a pure substance composed of two or more elements chemically combined in a specific proportion.

5  When elements combine to form a compound we say they have made a chemical reaction.  The elements in a compound can lose their properties and take on new properties.

6 Na-Sodium and Cl-Chlorine (a deadly gas) combine to form the compound NaCl which makes table salt. H-Hydrogen (gas) and O- Oxygen (gas) combine to form water (liquid)

7 Identify these cards as either elements (E) or compounds (C)


9  A formula tells you how many atoms of each element are in the compound and what elements are in the compound.  For example, CO ₂ Carbon Dioxide has 1 atom of the element Carbon (C) and 2 atoms of the element Oxygen (O)  A compound will always have two or more capital letters in the formula.  Elements only have one capital letter

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