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Naming Ionic Compounds Ch. 9 Part II. Naming Ionic Compounds For ionic compounds where the metal always has the same oxidation number, 1) Name the metal.

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Presentation on theme: "Naming Ionic Compounds Ch. 9 Part II. Naming Ionic Compounds For ionic compounds where the metal always has the same oxidation number, 1) Name the metal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naming Ionic Compounds Ch. 9 Part II

2 Naming Ionic Compounds For ionic compounds where the metal always has the same oxidation number, 1) Name the metal. EX: BaBr 2 Barium

3 Naming Ionic Compounds For ionic compounds where the metal always has the same oxidation number, 2) Write the name of the non-metal, and change the end to –ide. Barium brom ine ide EX: BaBr 2

4 Naming Ionic Compounds If there is a polyatomic anion, then you do not change the ending: EX: Ca(NO 3 ) 2 Calcium nitrate

5 Name These: Na 2 O MgCl 2 Na 2 CO 3

6 Naming Ionic Compounds 3)If a positive ion (a metal) can have more than one oxidation number, you have to designate its charge in the name! We do this by putting the charge as a roman numeral in parenthesis between the positive and negative ion.

7 Naming Ionic Compounds Why do we need to do that? Name: Fe 2 O 3 FeO These both exist in nature, so we have to show which one we mean.

8 Naming Ionic Compounds Fe 2 O 3 Name it: Iron Ox Iron (III) Oxygen ide ( ) III -2 If this is true, then what was iron to begin with? +3 Reverse criss cross to find the charge of the iron:

9 Naming Ionic Compounds Fe O Name it: Iron Ox Iron (II) Oxygen ide ( ) II If this is not true, the numbers must have been reduced. +2-2

10 Naming Ionic Compounds Metals that don’t need parentheses: Group I, II and IIIA Zn, Cd (always +2) and Ag (always +1) Which means transition, inner transition and other metals do!

11 Naming Ionic Compounds Final flowchart of how to name: Name the positive ion. Does it need a roman numeral? If so, reverse criss cross, if not, ignore. Name the negative ion and: If a nonmetal end in -ide; if not, end normally

12 Name these: Na 2 S CuCl 2 K 2 SO 4 Pb(NO 3 ) 4

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