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Ireland vs. America By Brianna Murray. Leadership – Michael D. Higgins – Elected – Term of 7 years. No more than two terms. – Background/Qualifications:

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Presentation on theme: "Ireland vs. America By Brianna Murray. Leadership – Michael D. Higgins – Elected – Term of 7 years. No more than two terms. – Background/Qualifications:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ireland vs. America By Brianna Murray

2 Leadership – Michael D. Higgins – Elected – Term of 7 years. No more than two terms. – Background/Qualifications: must be an Irish citizen over 35 years old.

3 Lawmaking body – The Houses of the Oireachtas included Dáil Éireann and the Seanad. – Bicameral

4 Freedoms – Freedom of Speech/Press? YES – Freedom of Religion? YES – the right to bear arms? YES

5 Political Parties – multiparty system – Fine Gael: symbols- Key beliefs- support fiscal restraint and law and order domestically while adopting a less nationalist position on Northern Ireland -Labour Party: symbols- Key beliefs- radical anti-Treaty party, drawing support from small farmers and urban workers but has since become a party of the establishment -Sinn Féin: Symbols- Key beliefs- primarily focused on achieving the reunification of Ireland and a large scale expansion of Ireland's social services (such as adopting a universal health care system and creating subsidized housing), reform of the tax system and support for small and co- operative businesses

6 Elections and Voting – voting age: 18 – elections held every 5 years at longest. – types of elections: primaries

7 Government – Do they charge an income tax? Yes – Ireland's main economic resource is its large fertile pastures. Exports form a big source of Ireland's economy. The main exports are: - agriculture products mainly cattle, beef, and dairy products - raw materials like zinc, alumina, and lead, - pharmaceuticals and software-related goods and services Tourism is also a great resource. – Compare this country’s spending with what we spend on the following – Military: Ireland spent €1.354 Billion in 2010 compared to the $1.19 trillion that the us spent. – Education: Ireland spends approximately €8.6bn. – Healthcare: in Ireland was 3,704 as of 2010.

8 crime rates: Dublin - Eastern - 23.84 Cavan-Monaghan - 8.95 prison population:(as at 13.09.2007) 3300. punishments: capitol punishment has been abolished in the Republic of Ireland. The last execution was in 1954. Current imprisonment rate : 81

9 Connections: The United States and United Kingdom share enormous trade and economic relations. Each country is among the other's top trading partners. On the diplomatic front, both are among the founders of the United Nations, NATO, World Trade Organization, G-8, and a host of other international bodies. The U.S. and U.K. remain as two of only five members of the United Nations Security Council with permanent seats and veto power over all council actions.

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