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Organisation Details Name of NGO JYOTI MAHILA MANDAL Address of NGO 926/9, Nehru Nagar, 90Quarters,Indore, M.P. Registered Office Indore Region Email,

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Presentation on theme: "Organisation Details Name of NGO JYOTI MAHILA MANDAL Address of NGO 926/9, Nehru Nagar, 90Quarters,Indore, M.P. Registered Office Indore Region Email,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisation Details Name of NGO JYOTI MAHILA MANDAL Address of NGO 926/9, Nehru Nagar, 90Quarters,Indore, M.P. Registered Office Indore Region Email, Phone Nos. 0731-2541037, 98270-55448 Date of Registration under SRA//ITA IND/21752/89 Preferred area for program intervention Indore, Bhopal, Dewas, Shajapur, Dhar, Badwani, Khandwa,

2 Human Resource S.No.AreaDetails 1.Total No. of Staff 15 2.No. of paid staff 9 3.No. of volunteers (Unpaid) 6 4.No. of qualified staff (eg. Medical Doctor, Engineer, MSW, MBA, etc.) MSW 3, 5.Others (specify) 0

3 Financial Resources S.No.AreaDetails 1.Financial Status (Last 3 Year audit report is compulsorily attached for consideration later.) Attached Total Transaction of last three years30,21,632 1.2008-09 5,33,882 2.2009-10 14,52,001 3.2010-1110,35,809

4 Additional Resources S.No.AreaDetails 1.Infrastructure 15\20 office 20/20 terning center 2.Office EquipmentsComputer 2, printer, ups, fun 4, inviter, betray, phone, 3.Furniture Gerrin boled, computer tebal 2, cheir 6, almari 2, display 1, ceter tebal 2, rewolving cheir 2, 4.OthersBolero zeep(1) 5. 6.

5 Program Experience S.No.AreaDetails 1.Experience in Social Development Sector other then Health sector Desing workshop in Zari-Zardoji By (DCH)Trainings to the women on vocational, art & craft. By DUDA, Indore,Dewas, Bhopal,Design & Technical Development workshop(DCH) Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, (LWS Skim)AIDS awareness camp, Akshay Bharat Project(TB) VHI, The Uniyan Environment awareness,programs, Epco Bhopal, Zila panchayt, Indore,Dhar, Dewas 2.Experience in rural based Health activity MPVHA-PC & PNDT Act Project on COTPA- Anti tobacco, IDD project- MPVHA-UNICEF, health camp,TB Project-VHI, Natinal Rural Drinking Water Qulati Programme PHE Indore,Dhar, Badwani, Shajapur, Khandwa Woman & Child Development Dipartment Training Centre For Rehabilitation of Women in Distress (Jwellery Design workshop, Buity Parlar) 3.Experience in working with government with government grant. DUDA, Indore,Bhopal, Dhar, Zila Panchayat, Design workshop (DCH) Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Woman & Child Development Dipartment Training Centre For Rehabilitation of Women in Distress (Jwellery Design workshop, Buity Parlar) Natinal Rural Drinking Water Qulati Programme PHE Indore,Dhar, Badwani, Shajapur, Khandwa 4.Activities conducted without government grant /support. Health camps,plantions, and Natinal Rural Drinking Water Qulati Programme PHE Indore,Dhar, Badwani, Shajapur, Khandwa,other activities 5.Experience in Project Implementation (Only Name the project) SGSY,SJSSY,PC, PNDT, COTPA Antitobacco, IDD project, TB Project VHI, Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP)’ PHE Dhar, Nalccha, UmrbaanIndore, Bhopal, Badwani, Khandwa, 6.Experience in awareness and social mobilization Last 10 year

6 Program Experience S.No.AreaDetails 1.Current Field based activities COTPA- Anti tobacco 2.Population coverage5000 3.Youth2000 4.Male1200 5.Female1000 6.Childen300 7.Elderly500 Other0

7 Name of the person who has filled the tamp let Name : Ajay Nigam Designation : Treasure of Jyoti Mahila Mandal Complete address : 1009/9 Nehru Nagar Indore M.P. Contact information: 0731-2541037, 98270-55448

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