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AMCA International Technical Seminar 2009 Energy Efficiency Classification for Fans John Cermak, Ph.D., P.Eng., M.Sc. Executive Vice President ACME Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "AMCA International Technical Seminar 2009 Energy Efficiency Classification for Fans John Cermak, Ph.D., P.Eng., M.Sc. Executive Vice President ACME Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMCA International Technical Seminar 2009 Energy Efficiency Classification for Fans John Cermak, Ph.D., P.Eng., M.Sc. Executive Vice President ACME Engineering and Manufacturing Corp.

2 The Air Movement and Control Association International (AMCA), has met the standards and requirements of the Registered Continuing Education Providers Program. Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to the RCEPP. A certificate of completion will be issued to each participant. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by NCEES or RCEPP.

3 Learning Objectives Learn about the current actions in fan industry leading to immediate and long term improvement in energy consumption by fans Understand the choices of the corner stones for building the AMCA Int’l initiative in ASHRAE and ISO Learn about importance of fan total pressure for finding energy savings Understand how fan selection impacts energy consumption of fans Understand how knowledge of the fan discharge energy contributes to successful fan selection from energy consumption point Learn about standardization of fan energy efficiency for better usage of energy by fans

4 Fan Industry Energy Consumption Challenge

5 What is Happening? 5

6 6 What is happening ASHRAE – 90.1 Standard (revision 2010) – TC 5.1 Fans - ad hoc WG 90.1

7 7 What is happening AMCA International – Mid-year and annual meetings 08 – Fan Committee – SC for AMCA 205 – AMCA Standard 205 “Energy Efficiency Classification for Fans”

8 8 What is happening ISO/TC 117 Fans – WG 11 Fan Efficiency – DIS 12759 Energy Classification for fans

9 9 What is happening AMCA International AMCA International active in ASHRAE ASHRAE ANSI ANSI ISO ISO

10 Purpose

11 11 Purpose AMCA International AMCA International supporting Legislative bodies Regulatory bodies in U.S.A. as well as in other countries

12 12 Purpose Establishing ways and goals to achieve significant energy savings in usage of fans

13 13 Purpose Making the application of fans fitting the energy consumption goals without making it difficult

14 Corner Stones

15 15 Corner Stones Fan energy efficiency based on fan total pressure

16 16 Corner Stones Tool for regulative bodies

17 17 Corner Stones Support fan manufacturers’ effort to improve the energy efficiency of their products

18 18 Corner Stones As much as possible keep one series in one efficiency grade

19 19 Corner Stones Fan peak total efficiency of a fan series is dependent on fan size

20 20 Corner Stones Defining areas of responsibility for: Fan manufacturer Motor manufacturer HVAC system designer

21 Fan Total Pressure Why?

22 22 Total or Static? Fan creates pressures: dynamic (velocity) and static

23 23 Total or Static specific energies Both pressures are also specific energies a unit of flow exerted into the air by a fan

24 24 Total or Static? primaryFan is a device to create air flow as its primary function motionThe motion of the air carries dynamic dynamic (velocity) energy

25 25 Total or Static? Fan total pressure Fan total pressure is sum of dynamic (velocity) pressureand static pressure

26 26 Answer For fan selection are needed at least two from the three fan pressures: totalvelocity total and velocity staticvelocity static and velocity totalstatic total and static

27 Fan Selection 27

28 28 Fan Selection

29 29 Fan Selection

30 30 Fan Selection

31 31 Fan Selection does notMatching the pressure drop across the system against fan static pressure does not give the correct flow, fan size and power

32 32 Fan Selection

33 33 Fan Selection

34 Using Fan Discharge Energy 34

35 35 Using Discharge Energy

36 36 Using Discharge Energy

37 37 Using Discharge Energy

38 Fan Characteristics 38

39 39 Fan Energy Efficiency transferring energyFan is a device creating air flow and transferring energy from the motor into the air Fan Total PressureFan Total Pressure is the total energy exerted into air by fan

40 Fan Energy Efficiency 40

41 Fan Energy Efficiency 41

42 Fan Energy Efficiency 42

43 Fan Energy Efficiency 43

44 Fan Energy Efficiency 44

45 Fan Energy Efficiency 45 Fan energy efficiency Fan energy (total) efficiency Fan Fan total energy motor Energy from motor

46 46 pTE

47 47 pTE

48 48 The characteristic of the fan energy transformation quality is fan peak total efficiency fan peak total efficiency

49 pTE 49 Fan total efficiency changes along the fan pressure curve significantly

50 Fan size and pTE 50

51 51 pTE At constant tip speed the fan pTE pTE of a fan Series changes with the fan size

52 52 pTE and Fan Size

53 53 pTE and Fan Size As a base fan size was chosen impeller size of 1000 mm (40”)

54 54 Fan Size Effect Size Effect The Size Effect includes effects –Reynolds number –changes in flow pattern –impact of volumetric and mechanical losses

55 55 Fan Size Effect Size Effect The Size Effect includes effects –deviations from geometrical similarity from size to size

56 56 Fan Size Effect Size Effect The character of the Size Effect changes from one fan Series to another

57 Design of FEG System FEG = Fan Efficiency Grade

58 58 FEG System

59 59 FEG System Grade labels in preferred numbers 8071, 63 e.g. FEG 80, 71, 63 etc. Layer thickness is 6%Layer thickness is 6%

60 60 Grade Label

61 61 Grade Label

62 62 Grade Label

63 63 Grade Label

64 64 Grade Label

65 65 Grade Label

66 Attached Conditions Using these conditions would yield the fastest energy savings

67 67 Off Peak Load

68 68 Off Peak Load

69 69

70 70 Off Peak Load

71 71 Off Peak Load

72 72 Off Peak Load

73 73 Off Peak Load

74 74 Off Peak Load

75 75 Off Peak Load

76 76 Off Peak Load

77 77 Off Peak Load

78 78 Off Peak Load

79 79 Off Peak Load

80 80 Part Load

81 81

82 82 Part Load

83 83 Part Load

84 84 Part Load

85 85 System Effects Restrictions on usage of “system effects”

86 Result Defined Areas of Responsibility

87 87 Areas of Responsibility Fan manufacturer Offers fans with the highest pTE Offers fans with the highest pTE now at least FEG 67 later 71 now at least FEG 67 later 71 and direct driven units and direct driven units

88 88 Areas of Responsibility Motor manufacturer Offer motors with highest pEff Offer motors with highest pEff and smart units and smart units

89 89 Areas of Responsibility HVAC system desi HVAC system designer Optimizes use of the selection Optimizes use of the selection of the fan and the motor incl. of the fan and the motor incl. drive package) drive package)

90 90 Areas of Responsibility What is missing? User of HVAC User of HVAC

91 Questions?

92 Thank You

93 93

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