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Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013 Advice to Lead partners for final reports Lead Partner Seminar 14th November 2012 City Hotel, Londonderry/Derry,

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Presentation on theme: "Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013 Advice to Lead partners for final reports Lead Partner Seminar 14th November 2012 City Hotel, Londonderry/Derry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Northern Periphery Programme 2007-2013 Advice to Lead partners for final reports Lead Partner Seminar 14th November 2012 City Hotel, Londonderry/Derry, Northern Ireland, UK Christopher Parker

2 Advice to partners and lead partners – "Be pro-active" parters and lead partners - "Be pro- active" vice to partners and lead partners - "Be pro-active"  Plan ahead knowing that delays are expected from FLC 's and other members of the partnership consortium  Start working on final report before the project is due to be completed  Make sure all public match funding is accounted for both cash and In- kind  Submit budget changes to Desk officer before processing claim for each partner and whole project before END DATE ( i.e. 2 month before)

3 Advice to partners and lead partners – "Be pro-active" parters and lead partners - "Be pro- active" vice to partners and lead partners - "Be pro-active"  ONLY complete Final reports WILL BE processed, meaning.....ALL components of the Final Reporting Package with supporting documents must be received and correct. Ensure for example:-  that Fact sheets in the Final Content are for products and services and not activities.  that Final project claim is correct.  that promotional material has been sent  that project website is updated  Programme Secretariat will conduct an Admissibility check to determine if all components of the Final Reporting Package have been submitted, if missing…… The Final Reporting Package will not be processed until complete.

4 Advice to partners and lead partners – "Be pro-active" To avoid delays  Get Financial claims to partner FLC's in good time to avoid delays  Ensure - communications indicators are accumulative and not from the project's last progress report  Ensure - Indicators in Administrative and Final content reports match  Ensure - Final content report and Product and Service facts contain correct contact details  Ensure - Public match funding has been received

5 Advice to partners and lead partners – "Be pro-active"  REMEMBER – All partners are counting on you meeting your deadline and avoiding finanical complexities because of delays; especially, Public like orgainisations such as NGO’s and charity organisations.

6 Thank You for Listening!

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