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Warm Up If you could solve any current world problem, which would you choose and why? ACT Word: Emigrate (v): To eave one’s place of residence or country.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up If you could solve any current world problem, which would you choose and why? ACT Word: Emigrate (v): To eave one’s place of residence or country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up If you could solve any current world problem, which would you choose and why? ACT Word: Emigrate (v): To eave one’s place of residence or country to live elsewhere.

2 Agenda Current Events Notes with Videos on Current Issues How do we fix Environmental Issues? Globalization Pros and Cons Reflection

3 Goal! SWBAT evaluate how globalization has impacted world issues by reading about current issues.

4 Where are your clothes from?? You have two post-it notes, look at 2 items of clothing you have and stick it on the spot on the map where your clothing item is from.

5 Current Events: Should we care about global issues? How do they impact us? What is the history of the Syrian conflict?history Currently what is still going on? Currently

6 What is globalization? The exchange and interaction of ideas, culture, trade, etc around the world

7 What do you notice in the following pictures?

8 What are social challenges? Human rights abuses: slavery, torture – NGO: nongovernmental organization works to prevent these Poverty: having a very small amount of money; varies from country to country Poverty – Often results in famines: shortage of food Disease: Disease – Epidemic: contagious disease that spreads rapidly and affects many people – Ex. HIV/AIDS

9 Would you visit this place?

10 Social challenges continued: Natural disasters Ex tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes Population movement: Ex. Refugees: people who flee violence from their country into another country Urbanization: people moving to cities -creates slums

11 What can we do to improve these social issues?improve


13 How are we affecting our environment? Deforestation: clearing of trees Pollution: harmful contaminant released into environment (impure, shouldn’t be there)

14 What are these environmental problems and how can we fix them? Three main problems in Latin American. Read about issue and complete the following chart. 5 minutes with each station. Environmental IssueWhere?What is happening? (4 important details) How can they fix it?

15 What new technology connects the world? Space exploration Internet Cloning: creating identical organisms

16 What are threats to world security? Terrorist attacks Weapons of mass destruction – Example: chemical warfare, atomic bombs Ethnic and religious conflict (To be continued tomorrow…)

17 Is globalization a good or bad thing? How does it effect us socially and economically? Read the text following text with your partner. Alternating who reads a paragraph. 1 st : identify what the article is about. 2 nd : create a “T-chart” in your notebook, with the benefits and costs of globalization. 3 rd : Evaluate is globalization ultimately good or bad? (discuss with your partner, you may disagree, which is OK! )

18 Reflection Of the worlds conflicts discussed today, what do you think is the most pressing issue? Write a letter to the world leaders persuading them as to why they should care about that issue and what are some possible solutions. ~1 pg.

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