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Fly Swatter Game Computer Technology By: Lee Jeppson & Mary Peterson Revised by: Ashley Higgs Let’s Swat It Now!!

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Presentation on theme: "Fly Swatter Game Computer Technology By: Lee Jeppson & Mary Peterson Revised by: Ashley Higgs Let’s Swat It Now!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fly Swatter Game Computer Technology By: Lee Jeppson & Mary Peterson Revised by: Ashley Higgs Let’s Swat It Now!!

2 Spreadsheet Columns are labeled by:

3 Letters Numbers

4 What type of chart is this?

5 Donut Chart Pie Chart

6 What does this spreadsheet button reveal about the worksheet

7 The active cell is A1 A formula starts at A1

8 Which key was held down to make this selection?

9 Shift Control

10 What AutoSum feature was used for this equation?

11 Count Maximum

12 In a spreadsheet, what is the purpose of this bar?

13 Create a range Insert a function

14 The intersection of a column and row in a spreadsheet is called...

15 Location Cell

16 How are “rows” labeled in a spreadsheet?

17 Numbers Letters

18 A Block letter has

19 Indents No Indents

20 What part of a letter is this?

21 Complimentary Close Closing

22 What part of a letter is this?

23 Letter Address Letterhead

24 When you see a red line under a word it means this?

25 Spelling Grammar

26 Which is the correct copy notation?


28 What is this

29 Inside Address Letterhead

30 In a letter Dear Ann Landers is called a...

31 Complimentary Close Salutation

32 In a letter, May 27, 2008 is called what...

33 Date Time Stamp

34 What AutoSum feature was used for this equation?

35 Average Sum

36 This orientation is wider than it is tall.

37 Landscape Portrait

38 Which is not part of keyboarding?

39 Columns & Rows Home Row

40 This orientation is taller than it is wide.

41 Portrait Landscape

42 Boolean operators use these words when doing an Internet search.

43 And, Or, But And, Or, Not

44 Which one is an operating system (OS)?

45 Apple Macs Adobe Photoshop

46 What is a digital slide show?

47 Presentation Spreadsheet

48 Single piece of data is called...

49 Byte Bit

50 Removes highlighted data/info and pastes it in another place

51 Copy & Paste Cut & Paste

52 The correct formatting for a Memorandum (memo) is...

53 To: From: Date: Subject: To: From: Subject: Date:

54 Which application software contains formulas and functions?

55 PowerPoint Excel

56 In a “slideshow” what animates an entire slide?

57 Transitions Custom Animations

58 Phishing is...

59 A fun sport and a great way to relax A way to steal your identity

60 Which is the correct form of mixed punctuation?

61 Dear John Henry Sincerely Dear John Henry: Sincerely,

62 What AutoSum feature was used for this equation?

63 Minimum Sum

64 What is the correct name for this bar

65 Standard Toolbar Formatting Toolbar

66 What is the correct name for this bar

67 Title Bar Menu Bar

68 What is the correct name for this bar

69 Title Bar Menu Bar

70 In an Excel worksheet, numbers are also known as?

71 Formulas Values

72 What type of chart is this?

73 Bar Chart Column Chart

74 Which one is bigger?

75 Gigabyte Megabyte

76 Quatro Pro is this type of program.

77 E-mail Spreadsheet

78 This option just keeps the document with the same name and in the same location.

79 Save As Save

80 What AutoSum feature was used for this equation?

81 Count Maximum

82 Which one is an operating system (OS)?

83 Microsoft Windows Microsoft Office

84 In a spreadsheet, what would titles be consider as?

85 Labels Values

86 What type of view is this?

87 Normal View Slide Sorter View

88 Leaves high lighted data/info in place and pastes it in another place

89 Copy & Paste Cut & Paste

90 A System unit is...

91 The case or Chassis A Large hard drive

92 What type of chart is this?

93 Bar Chart Column Chart

94 When you see a green line in a Word document it means this error.

95 Spelling Grammar

96 Which key was used to make this selection?

97 Control Shift

98 What view is this in?

99 Slide Show View Normal View

100 In a worksheet, what would this be?

101 Formulas Equations

102 This allows you to rename a document and pick the location to save it to.

103 Save Save As

104 What are the following pictures?

105 Output Devices Input Devices

106 Which is an example of a Search Engine?

107 Internet Explorer Yahoo

108 Columns run in this direction.

109 Vertical Horizontal

110 What AutoSum feature was used for this equation?

111 Average Minimum

112 Rows run in this direction.

113 Horizontal Vertical

114 What view is this?

115 Normal View Slide Sorter View

116 What are the following pictures?

117 Input Devices Output Devices

118 A way to send formatted word processor documents, pictures, and other multimedia files via email. A way to send formatted word processor documents, pictures, and other multimedia files via email.

119 Attachments Modem

120 The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession. The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession.

121 Acceptable Use Policy Ethics

122 A network in which the computers are physically close to each other. A network in which the computers are physically close to each other.


124 Which one is bigger?

125 Kilobyte Megabyte

126 A powerful desktop computer designed for specialized tasks.

127 Workstation Minicomputer

128 A method for representing numbers using only two digits 0 and 1.

129 Bits Binary Code

130 A program that performs a useful task while at the same time carrying out some secret destructive act.

131 Worm Trojan Horse

132 A unique identifying number assigned to each computer connected to the internet.

133 IP Address Web Address

134 Memory that includes permanent information only. The computer can only read information from it, it can never write any new information on it.


136 A user interface based on graphical displays. The user selects commands from menus.


138 An example of the combination of hardware and operating system software upon which application software is built.

139 Dell Mac

140 A tool in your Word Processor to help you find just the right word.

141 Thesaurus Grammar Checker

142 Which of the following domains is an example of a commercial site?

143 .COM.NET

144 Which is an example of an Internet Browser?

145 Mozilla Firefox Google

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