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FOSS in Education Strategy JOHN MACASIO 6 September 2006.

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1 FOSS in Education Strategy JOHN MACASIO 6 September 2006

2 Presentation The Coverage: –Some global perspectives to consider in seeing FOSS as a strategic component in building up ICT services in education. –Implication to instruction and teacher in-service training of FOSS software development framework and licensing. –Stable FOSS projects to build competencies of teachers and students, and to implement ICT solutions that support service strategy of education.

3 FOSS is bigger than LINUX An Infocommunications Technology (ICT) solution development framework –project management, organization, requirements, standards, workflow, contributors, coding, testing, release, and support. A licensing agreement on how product is distributed, shared, attributed, changed, supported, and marketed. A collection of software and document freely shared in the Internet.

4 FOSS is bigger than LINUX An ICT project supported by a community of nationalities, ICT users and developers, corporate sponsors, educational institutions, and advocacy groups. Provides the open standard that allow the users to control their data. Opportunity to build infocommunications technology solutions without re-inventing the wheel, and close the digital divide.

5 Open Source Project Infocommunications technology solution that respond to a community defined requirements. Software and documentations that can be accessed freely. Source code that is available and can be altered to suit users needs. Software that can be re-distributed freely without violating copyright. Derivative work is freely encourage to improve or localize the solution.

6 FOSS-Collaborative Project Software Solution Repository –Sourceforge.Net –Eduforge.Net –Freshmeat.Net –Linux.Org Project Documentation –The Linux Documentation –The Open Office Documentation

7 Project Repository

8 Index of FOSS Project

9 Education Project

10 Resource Site

11 Open Documentation

12 Documentation Project

13 Open Standard Collaboration Data standard to insure Interopertatibility as business become “e” and as learning and instruction become “e”. As applications are run on top of the “web”, data and documents are means for integration and global sharing.

14 Standard

15 FOSS as Empowerment Right to use Right to modify Right to redistribute Right to study Right to innovate and create

16 FOSS Licensing Framework Free Software Foundation Open Source Initiative Creative Commons

17 General Public License

18 Free Software Definition Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely, it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software: 1.The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0). 2.The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. 3.The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2). 4.The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. Free Software Foundation Richard Stallman

19 Open Source Initiative

20 Open Source Definition 1.Free redistribution 2.Software must include source code 3.License must allow modifications and derived work 4.Integrity of the author's source code 5.No discrimination against persons or groups 6.No discrimination against fields of endeavor 7.Distribution of license 8.License must not be specific to a product 9.License must not restrict other software 10.License must be technology-neutral Open Source Initiative Bruce Perens

21 Creative Commons /

22 Creative Commons License Attribution. You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work — and derivative works based upon it — but only if they give credit the way you request. Noncommercial. You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work — and derivative works based upon it — but for noncommercial purposes only No Derivative Works. You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it. Share Alike. You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.

23 Know More on FOSS Quick references

24 UNCTAD Report 2003 FOSS Implication to Developing Countries Barrier reduction to market entry of developing countries Cost reduction Expansion of technology and skills Digital inclusion

25 On FOSS –UNDP Primer

26 FOSS Licensing Primer

27 Open Standard Primer

28 Significance to Instruction Low-cost to no-cost availability of software and documentation for instruction and learning Freedom to study and modify the source to build knowledge and skills. ‘Freely' participate in open source communities to learn emerging standards and new skills, and to contribute in the improvement of the software.

29 Significance to Instruction Teachers and students are moved up from being mere users of software to developers and innovators of infocommunications technology solution, Teachers become “practitioners” who serve in the development, enhancement, localizations of infocommunications technology solutions for the school and community.

30 FOSS and Competency Building open standard learning by doing collaboration technology based and not on brand learner as knowledge builder teacher as practioner Innovation through experimentation

31 Significance to Service Portfolio Affordable software for the educational institution to use infocommunications technology to improve service quality. Stable stack of solutions, and open standard to build an integrated ICT infrastructure. Ability to customize solutions to meets specific requirements Local development of ICT skills to support services.

32 Open Service Infrastructure Low Cost No locked-in Inter-operate, open standard Build competency of both teacher and student Localized Contribute to knowledge building Integrative

33 The Open Service Infrastructure Open Accounting Centre SIS Linux e-Mail Server Web Mail Open Source Internet/Intranet Environment Ubuntu Linux Desktop with OpenOffice.Org, Internet Browser and e-Mail Client, Multimedia Tools, and Educational Software PhP Application Server Atutor WordPress PHPBB Dspace Apache Web Server Joomla CMS MySQL Database The User Working Environment

34 Service Portfolio Open Office Productivity Software Open Web Authoring System Open Multimedia System Open Web Hosting Services Open Database System Open Application Development Platform Open Communication and Collaboration System Open Content Management System Open Learning Management System Open Digital Repository System Open Web Publishing System and Interaction Open Desktop and Network Operating Systems Open Customized Business Application

35 Support Model Via the Internet Community of Users On-line Manual and Documentations Source Code

36 Rating FOSS Are you ready to use FOSS

37 Business Readiness Rating

38 Select Open Source Project 1.Features (Service Objectives) 2.Requirements (Infrastructure Demand) 3.Open Standard (Interopertatibility) 4.Licensing (No lock-in) 5.Source Code (Innovation and Localization) 6.Download (Availability)

39 Select Open Source Project 7.On-line Membership (Participation) 8.Support Forum (Collaboration) 9.Documentation (Empowerment and Local Training) 10.Roadmap (Direction) 11.Implementation (Users) 12.Sponsor (Sustainability)

40 Service Features

41 Requirements

42 Open Standard

43 Licensing

44 Download

45 Documentation

46 Membership

47 Support Forum

48 Roadmap

49 Implementation

50 Project Sponsor

51 Migration Consideration Data reusable Essential Skills Set – generic not lock on specific brand of technology Runs on multi operating system Consider learner familiarity on the standard interface, functionalities and data

52 Mindset to Manage

53 Operating System (multi-platform)Operating System Standard Data (Interopertatibility)Standard Data Interface (Standard Format)Interface Functionality (Standard Operation)Functionality % of Change ( convention, function and workflow) Skill Set (Competencies)Skill Set

54 Multi OS

55 Saved Data

56 Data Standard

57 Export Data

58 Data Standard

59 Interface

60 Functionality

61 Supported ICT Skills 1.Worprocessing and Textual Editing 2.Spreadsheet Calculation and Database 3.Multimedia Presentation 4.Image and Graphics Manipulation 5.Video Editing

62 Supported ICT Skills 6.Web Site Creation and Publishing 7.Web Browsing 8.Email and Internet Communication 9.Project Management 10.Database Creation and Access 11.Browser based Application Programming

63 FOSS Desktop Application

64 1.Office Productivity SuiteOffice Productivity Suite 2.Desktop Publishing SystemDesktop Publishing System 3.Web Authoring SystemWeb Authoring System 4.Internet ToolsInternet Tools 5.Image Manipulation ProgramImage Manipulation Program

65 FOSS Desktop Application 6.Vector Graphics SystemVector Graphics System 7.3D Graphics and Animation3D Graphics and Animation 8.Video Editing SystemVideo Editing System 9.Project Management ToolProject Management Tool 10.Desktop Operating SystemDesktop Operating System

66 FOSS Internet/Intranet Services 1.Web Hosting SystemWeb Hosting System 2.Data Management SystemData Management System 3.Application Management SystemApplication Management System 4.Web Content Management ServiceWeb Content Management Service 5.Email ServicesEmail Services

67 FOSS Internet/Intranet Services 6.Learning Content Management ServiceLearning Content Management Service 7.Web Log Publishing ServiceWeb Log Publishing Service 8.On-line Forum ServicesOn-line Forum Services 9.Digital Repository SystemDigital Repository System 10.Web Casting ServiceWeb Casting Service 11.Network Operating SystemNetwork Operating System

68 FOSS Application Development 1.Unified Modeling ToolUnified Modeling Tool 2.PHPPHP 3.JavaJava

69 Office Productivity

70 Desktop Publishing

71 Web Authoring

72 Internet Tools

73 NVU Features

74 Image Manipulation Program

75 Vector Graphics

76 3D Graphics & Animation

77 Video Editing

78 Project Management

79 Desktop Operating System

80 Web Services

81 Database System

82 Application Development

83 Application Development

84 Mail Services

85 Mail Services

86 Modeling Tools

87 Content Management System

88 Digital Repository

89 Web Log

90 Forum


92 WebCasting

93 Network Operating System

94 Presentor John J. Macasio Consultant Human Capital Development Group Commission on Information and Communications Technology

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