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ALEC 640 – Audrey Sepulveda October 27, 2015

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1 ALEC 640 – Audrey Sepulveda October 27, 2015

2 1914 Smith-Lever Act Formalized a system of cooperative extension services educate rural Americans about advances in agricultural practices and home economics eXtension… increase their measurable local impact. “innovations creating tools and new methods for achieving local impact.” e-Extension… $$$ (only lasted two years)

3 Recognizing a problem or need: Problem: Cultural & Technological changes are quickly outpacing the traditional delivery methods. Need for an innovation that helps Cooperative Extension System professionals “do their work more effectively using an online constellation of people, resources and tools within the Cooperative Extension System.”

4 Basic and applied research & Development: Moodle merged their ideas with this platform resources and assistance for their employees

5 Commercialization: Relative Advantage “keep it in the system” (e-Extension couldn’t) available to students, researchers, clinicians, professors, as well as the general public, at any time from any internet connection “It was education and tech support through eXtension that helped me understand why and how to set up an online course.”

6 Commercialization: Compatibility “name brand” Texas AgriLife Extension Five Grand Challenges “Optimization of is the key to reaching our goals and people, through a spiral effect.” – Dr. Cathey 8 Groupings Many align with TEKS

7 Commercialization: Complexity

8 Commercialization: Trialability & Observability FREE to create an account compatible with the lifestyle of many busy Americans

9 Diffusion and adoption (stuck here) lack of CES professionals that are capable of utilizing this technology to implement it

10 Consequences “If you make a mistake in a face to face classroom you usually don’t get told you are wrong by your students (they either don’t know or don’t have the confidence to disagree with you). However, if you put it out there on the internet for everyone to see and it is wrong you’re going to darn well hear about it.”

11 Road Blocks to Adoption helped solve real-life problems in real time, by making information more accessible Stuck in “Diffusion and Adoption” stages growing population of younger CES professionals more innovative and technologically savvy adoption of this innovation should expand in the upcoming years

12 References Cathey, J. (2015, October 7). Campus Extension: Distance Education as an Innovation [Personal interview]. Harmel-Garza, D. (2015, September 29). Campus Extension: Distance Education as an Innovation [Personal interview]. Lippke, L. (2015, October 21). Interview via eXtension Ask An Expert [Online interview]. Locklear, M. (2015, October 21). Interview via eXtension Ask An Expert [Online interview].

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