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P15462 – TETHERED WIND ENERGY PLANE Devin Bunce Matthew Kennedy Matthew Maginn Carl Stahoviak Matthew Zebert.

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Presentation on theme: "P15462 – TETHERED WIND ENERGY PLANE Devin Bunce Matthew Kennedy Matthew Maginn Carl Stahoviak Matthew Zebert."— Presentation transcript:

1 P15462 – TETHERED WIND ENERGY PLANE Devin Bunce Matthew Kennedy Matthew Maginn Carl Stahoviak Matthew Zebert

2 Project Background

3 Customer Requirements Taken from MSD1

4 Engineering Requirements Taken from MSD1

5 Proposed System Design Taken from MSD1

6 Areas of Design Design Intent mapped to Physical Parameters Partially from MSD1

7 MFG - Foam Parts Foam Cutter Learning Curve Limitations Wing and Tail Airfoils Image(s) Here

8 MFG - Foam Parts Manual Foam Cutter Spar Holes Fuselage Image(s) Here

9 MFG - 3D Printed Fuselage How Design changed to reduce cost Key Parameters for ordering Post-Processing Image(s) Here

10 MDG - 3D Printed Motor Mount

11 MFG - Spar Connections Wing Spar/Tail Spar/Boom Anti-rotation spars CF wrap after break Tail spar reinforcement

12 MFG - Electronics Bay Electronics Bay Cut Out Cut-outs for batteries

13 Assembly - Devin Wing to Fuselage Connections Tail Assembly Servo Mounting Electronics Bay/ Wiring Schematic

14 Weather DATA - Carl

15 MSD II – Pre-Flight Opportunities Foam Cutter - MK Motor Mount/ propeller - MK Control Surfaces – MK/CS CG location/ counterweights – MK

16 Final System Design - MK

17 Flight Testing - Maginn Hand Launches Car Testing Longboard (proxy winch system) Tether to board Tether to plane

18 MSD II – Post-Flight Opportunities Nose shearing off Wing Spar and Tail Spar Failure ESC Failure/ Motor Intermittency - MK Tail Drag – Wheel Budget Constraints/ Problems


20 Engineering Requirements - Maginn

21 Customer Requirements – Devin

22 Accomplishments Designed, built, and tested a plane with the full intension of it crashing into the ground Manufacturing Aerodynamic Surfaces with Foam Cutter Integral 3d printed fuselage Implemented the novel plane wrap or “snuggie” idea Repair time was very low Repair costs were low Successful lift off Team and individual growth

23 Lessons Learned Designing a plane is easier said than done Durable materials are much more expensive than normal model aircraft material Hand launching the plane is not the best method Hollow carbon fiber tubes have low radial strength H-Tail is not a durable design

24 Moving Forward Purchase new speed controller and receiver 3D print control surfaces (lightweight/rigid) Remove material from motor mount plates to allow for more airflow Winch/launch system design 2 nd wheel for tail stability Snuggie design changes

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