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Serving engineers and the world for over 150 years to build a better quality of life.

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Presentation on theme: "Serving engineers and the world for over 150 years to build a better quality of life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving engineers and the world for over 150 years to build a better quality of life.

2 Why Join ASCE? Make a difference in your profession by working to increase society’s understanding of the importance of Civil Engineering.

3 Benefits From the Ground Up…  Local Activities  Section and/or Branch  Younger Member Group  Society Level Opportunities  Personal / Financial

4 Local Activities  Section and Branches  Based on geographic area  A Section may be divided into Branches  Both serve as the local face of ASCE  Younger Member Groups  Associated with a Section or Branch (a committee)  Younger Member = 35 and under

5 Section/Branch Benefits  Meet the local engineers and develop a network  Find a mentor  Learn about local projects  Join a committee or serve in a leadership position  Hone leadership skills  Gain satisfaction for a job well done  Earn PDH’s by attending meetings  Participate in government affairs activities

6 Younger Member Group Benefits  Be a leader now  Find study buddies (or a review course) for the PE Exam  Help your community  K-12 outreach activities  Service projects  Instant network (especially helpful when relocating)  Be social – team and group activities

7 Society Level Opportunities  Publications  Discounts – Journals, Manuals, Standards  ASCE News & Civil Engineering  Conferences  Annual Society Conference  Younger Member Council Meetings  Younger Member Leadership Symposium  Webinars, Seminars, eLearning Workshops  Member Discounts

8 Society Level Opportunities  Technical Institutes  Eight Institutes  Technical Education  Government Relations Program  Key Contacts  Fly-In  Report Card for America’s Infrastructure

9 Society Level Opportunities  Career Resources  Salary Survey  Career Connections  Job Boards  Outreach Resources  Engineers Without Borders  Mentoring, eMentoring

10 Personal / Financial Benefits  Networking – technical, professional, personal  Training & Experience – technical, professional  Affinity Programs  Save money  Access to special benefits – insurance, financial, car rental, shipping, etc.  E-mail forwarding

11 Transferable Leadership Skills ASCE Experience team building consensus building negotiating presentation skills fiscal responsibility fundraising/membership Work Experience staff management decision making negotiating public speaking setting priorities sales/marketing

12 How to Join ASCE  Online at (click on Join Today!)  E-mail  Call 800-548-ASCE (2723)  Be a part of the ASCE community – more than 144,000 members strong!

13 Invite Your Friends Help ASCE grow! It’s easy… quick… and rewarding!

14 ASCE Graduated Dues Schedule after Baccalaureate Degree Graduating from college? Upgrade from Student Member to Associate Member! First year $50 Second year $80 Third year $115 Fourth year $155 Fifth year and thereafter$205

15 Questions? Contact ASCE (800) 548-ASCE (2723) (703) 295-6300

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