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1 UNIT 4. 2 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Write the correct letters in the blanks. There are two wrong answers. Listen and check your answers. A p.5 B E D.

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Presentation on theme: "1 UNIT 4. 2 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Write the correct letters in the blanks. There are two wrong answers. Listen and check your answers. A p.5 B E D."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 UNIT 4

2 2 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Write the correct letters in the blanks. There are two wrong answers. Listen and check your answers. A p.5 B E D

3 3 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Audio Transcripts: Making a List No. 1 A: What do we need from the store? B: We need some cream. No. 2 A: Do we need eggs? B: No. We have some.

4 4 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Audio Transcripts: No. 3 A: Is there any bread? B: No. We need to get some. No. 4 A: Are there any candles? B: Yes, there are. Look in the drawer.

5 5 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Small Talk Work with a partner. Repeat the dialogues above using these expressions. p.2

6 6 WORDS TO LEARN Do you know how to say these groceries? Listen and repeat.

7 7 WORDS TO LEARN A.Say It Right Practice talking about shopping with a partner.

8 8 1. Josh wants to make a ______________. 2. He needs some ______________. 3. Molly wants a ______________. 4. They also need ______________, soap, and ______________ paper. 5. The ______________ at the supermarket ______________ $2.40 a pack. WORDS TO LEARN B.Listen Up Task I Listen and fill in the answers. meat vegetables toilet doughnuts sandwich toothbrush cost / are

9 9 WORDS TO LEARN Audio Transcripts: Josh: Hey, Molly. I need to go to the convenience store for meat. I want to make a sandwich. Molly: The supermarket is better for that. I can come with you. I need a new toothbrush. Josh: Do we need anything else? Molly: Yes. We need vegetables, soap, and toilet paper too. Josh: You’re right. We can also get doughnuts there. Molly: How much do they cost there? Josh: They are $2.40 a pack. Molly: Let’s go!

10 10 Shopping List psoa → __________________ estableevg → __________________ amte → __________________ ohtotrbsuh → __________________ leitot rapep → __________________ hugsdotun → __________________ WORDS TO LEARN B.Listen Up Task II Put the letters in the right order. vegetables toothbrush toilet paper doughnuts soap meat

11 11 Open with default media player CONVERSATION

12 12 CONVERSATION Key Words

13 13 CONVERSATION Language Tips

14 14 CONVERSATION Language Tips

15 15 1. you / Can / a / get / Eric? / basket,  ________________________________________ 2. over / is / The / section / dairy / there.  ________________________________________ 3. cream. / need / buy / Next, / we / to / ice  ________________________________________ CONVERSATION Wrap Up Listen and put the words in the right order. The dairy section is over there. Next, we need to buy ice cream. Can you get a basket, Eric?

16 16 CONVERSATION Wrap Up Listen and put the words in the right order. 4. do / we / What / need? / else  ________________________________________ 5. last / is / The / jam. / thing  ________________________________________ 6. we / need / Now / pay. / to  ________________________________________ The last thing is jam. Now we need to pay. What else do we need?

17 17 CONVERSATION Audio Transcripts: Kenny: Can you get a basket, Eric? They’re beside the door. Eric: No problem. I can carry it. You read the list. Kenny: OK. The first thing is cheese. Eric: The dairy section is over there. Kenny: Next, we need to buy ice cream. Here’s the freezer. Eric: That’s cold. Kenny: Yeah. You have a basket, though. Eric: What else do we need? Kenny: The last thing is jam. Eric: OK. There it is. I can get it. Kenny: Is that everything? Eric: Yes. Now we need to pay.



20 20 [s][s] [6z] [z][z] GAMMAR FOCUS

21 21 1.There is _________ man over there. He’s our new neighbor. 2.I need _________ more minutes. Please wait for me. 3.Harrison has _________ news for you. 4.Can you see _________ bird over there? It’s red and black. 5.Josh goes to Florida every summer. He has _________ uncle there. GRAMMAR PRACTICE A. Fill in the Blanks Complete the sentences. There may be more than one correct choice. an a an the a few X a a few X the

22 22 6.I don’t like sweet things. I only want _________ sugar in my coffee. 7.Sara doesn’t read _________ books. She only reads one or two every year. 8.We don’t have _________ money. We just have ten dollars. 9.There are _________ people in the park. There are more than 2,000. 10.Do you have ________ questions? I can answer them now. GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences. There may be more than one correct choice. a little a lot of / much any many much a lot of any a little A. Fill in the Blanks a lot of / many

23 23 GRAMMAR PRACTICE B. Match Match the question / statement with the appropriate response. _____ 1. Do you need some help? _____ 2. How much time do you have? _____ 3. Is there any space in your bag? _____ 4. We need to bring a lot of warm clothes. _____ 5. Do we have a picture of her? _____ 6. We don’t need any oranges. _____ 7. Do you need an answer today? _____ 8. How much TV do you watch? a. Yes. You can put your camera in. b. OK. I can put them back. c. I watch about three hours a week. d. I have an hour. e. No. I can do it. f. Yes. Here it is. g. No, we don’t. It’s really hot there. h. No. You can tell me tomorrow. e d a g f b h c

24 24 This is 1. _________ painting by Henri Matisse. 2. _________ painting is from 1897. On 3. _________ table, there are 4. _________ types of fruit and 5. _________ flowers. There are also 6. _________ bottles of wine and 7. _________ water. GRAMMAR PRACTICE C. Complete the Passage Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. Some blanks have more than one possible answer. a The the three / some many some / many a little / some some things a little the any many the a lot of a much three the

25 25 There is one chair, but there aren’t 8. _________ guests. There is 9. _________ fruit but not 10. _________ food for dinner. It’s still in the kitchen. The woman has a lot of 11. _________ to do before 12. _________ guests come! GRAMMAR PRACTICE any a lot of things much / a lot of the some things a little the any many the a lot of a much three the C. Complete the Passage Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. Some blanks have more than one possible answer.

26 26 READING 1 Fruit is delicious and healthy, but sometimes it can be more than just food. Cultures around the world give meanings to different fruits. Some fruits also have an important place in stories. P.34 P.35 P.36 P.33 P.31 P.30

27 27 READING To the Greeks, apples mean love and beauty. For the Norse and the Celts, they bring long life. To the Chinese, apples are a sign of peace. Cherries also have many meanings. In England, they are lucky for farmers. Cherry flowers mean beauty to the Japanese. 5 P.34 P.35 P.36 P.33 P.31 P.30

28 28 READING 11 Pomegranates are another important fruit. People bring them to weddings in Greece. They’re good luck. In China, they mean lots of children because they have so many seeds. Many fruits have interesting meanings. Next time you enjoy a natural snack, think about its meaning. P.31 P.30 P.34 P.35 P.36 P.33

29 29 READING Extra Info

30 30 1.Fruit is a natural s____________k. It is d____________s and healthy. 2.Fruit is more than just f____________d. It has different m____________s in different cultures. 3.Apples mean p____________e in Chinese culture. AFTER YOU READ A. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the article. naceliciou eaning oo eac P.27 P.28 P.26

31 31 4. Cherries are l____________y for f____________s in England. 5. People bring pomegranates to w____________s in Greece. 6. Pomegranates have lots of s____________s. They are a sign of many c____________n in China. AFTER YOU READ Complete the sentences with the words from the article. uckarmer hildre edding eed A. Fill in the Missing Letters P.27 P.28 P.26

32 32 AFTER YOU READ B. Classification Match the fruit with the culture and the meaning. b e a d c

33 33 1. Which of these is NOT true of fruit? a. It tastes great. b. It is good for you. c. It has many meanings. d. It is Greek. AFTER YOU READ C. Multiple Choice Circle the answers. P.27 P.28 P.26

34 34 2. Which fruit has the most seeds? a. Oranges b. Pomegranates c. Pears d. Apples AFTER YOU READ Circle the answers. C. Multiple Choice P.27 P.28 P.26

35 35 3. What means beauty in Japan? a. Cherries b. Cherry flowers c. Cherry wood d. Cherry trees AFTER YOU READ Circle the answers. C. Multiple Choice P.27 P.28 P.26

36 36 4. What is another appropriate title for the article? a. Fruit Is Good for You b. China Has a Lot of Fruit c. What Does Fruit Mean to You? d. Pomegranates Have a Lot of Seeds AFTER YOU READ Circle the answers. C. Multiple Choice P.27 P.28 P.26

37 37 WRITING Fill in the blanks with the words below. Task I 38

38 WRITING vegetables groceries bar free are pay bread Dear customers, Buy at Supersavers this week! There are lots of cheap 1. ___________. Orange juice is two dollars off. You can save 20 percent on 2. ___________. Eggs 3. ___________ half price! Buy a 4. ____________ of chocolate and get another one 5. ____________. Cheese and 6. ____________ are on sale too. Come to the store today. 7. ____________ less and get more at Supersavers! Supersavers groceries vegetables are barfree bread Pay 37

39 39 WRITING eggs else onions carry few the a some bottle eggs else onions carry few a the bottle some (some) chocolate onions potatoes carrots (some) cheese (a carton of) eggs Your mom leaves you a note. Fill in the blanks and write a list. Task II (a bottle of) orange juice

40 40 The End

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