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Institute of Metal Physics

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1 Institute of Metal Physics
Coulomb correlation effects in electronic structure of iron pnictide superconductors Vladimir I. Anisimov Institute of Metal Physics Ekaterinburg, Russia

2 Outline Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT)
Combining DMFT with Density Functional Theory methods (LDA+DMFT) Realization of the LDA+DMFT computational scheme in Wannier functions basis Pnictide superconductors LaOFeAs, BaFe2As2 LiFeAs and LaOFeP investigated within LDA+DMFT method Summary

3 Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
Object of investigation: interacting lattice fermions Simplest description – Hubbard model Unsolvable problem for d≥2 Reason – correlation phenomena Square lattice, z=4 Approximations need to be made

4 Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
Mapping Metzner, Vollhardt (1989) d→∞ Georges, Kotliar (1992) Jarrell (1992) mapping onto impurity problem, self-consistent equations Effective impurity problem Real lattice

5 Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
The DMFT mapping means: Dyson equation for impurity problem: Dyson equation is used twice in DMFT. First for known self-energy and lattice Green function bath Green function is calculated: Then after impurity problem solution new approximation for self-energy can be defined:

6 + – LDA+DMFT computational scheme
Start: noninteracting density of states N(ε), initial guess for Σ(iωn) Self-consistency check Impurity solver Restricted to single-orbital or degenerate orbitals case Can not be applied if orbitals of interest (d-orbitals) strongly hybridize with other electronic states (O2p orbitals) + Can be applied for Mott insulators with N(ε) – LDA DOS of d-band

7 LDA+DMFT computational scheme
Hilbert transform N(ε)→G(iωn) can not be applied to charge transfer insulators Solution – use full Hamiltonian instead of N(ε) Effective Hamiltonian construction Self-consistency check Impurity solver

8 Possible ways to define material-specific :
Effective Hamiltonian construction Possible ways to define material-specific : Tight-binding fit to DFT band structure – obtain {tij} Downfolding tecnique (NMTO) O. K. Andersen and T. Saha-Dasgupta (2000) Wannier functions techniques: (i) Maximally localized generalized Wannier functions N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt (1997), F. Lechermann et al (2006) (ii) Atomic-orbitals projected Wannier functions in a) LMTO basis set Anisimov et. al. (2005) b) Pseudopotential basis set Trimarchi et. al. (2008), Dm. Korotin et. al. (2008)

9 Wannier functions: projection technique
Wei Ku et al. (2002): A good approximation to Maximally localized Wanner functions is projection of trial orbitals onto the subspace of Bloch functions In our case = site centered pseudoatomic orbitals

10 Wannier functions: applications
I. Kinetic energy term of effective Hamiltonian calculation: a) Real space b) Reciprocal space II. Occupation matrix construction III. Interaction parameters U and J calculation: a) b) Constrained DFT, basis - WF

11 LDA+DMFT scheme in Wannier functions basis
LDA calculation – band structure Orbitals of interest choice (interacting d- or f-orbitals) for projection Effective Hamiltonian construction for Wannier functions LDA Effective Hamiltonian projection Interaction parameters U and J calculation in constrain DFT DMFT solution of the problem defined by Hamiltonian

12 dxz-like Wannier function modulus square isosurface:
Wannier functions: NiO example Wannier states constructed for different energy intervals (Dm.Korotin et al. (2008)): eV eV dxz-like Wannier function modulus square isosurface:

13 Novel superconductor LaOFeAs
Tc=26K for F content ~11% Y. Kanamura et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 3296 (2008)

14 Novel superconductor LaOFeAs
All bands WF constrain DFT U=3.5 eV J=0.8 eV Fe3d band only WF constrain DFT U=0.8 eV J=0.5 eV d (x2-y2) Wannier functions (WF) calculated for all bands (O2p,As4p,Fe3d) and for Fe3d bands only V.Anisimov et al, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, (2009)

15 Novel superconductor LaOFeAs
DMFT results for Hamiltonian and Coulomb interaction parameters calculated with Wannier functions for Fe3d bands only U=0.8 eV J=0.5 eV

16 Novel superconductor LaOFeAs
DMFT results for Hamiltonian and Coulomb interaction parameters calculated with Wannier functions for all bands (O2p,As4p,Fe3d) U=3.5 eV J=0.8 eV Moderately correlated regime with significant renormalization for electronic states on the Fermi level (effective mass m*~2) but no Hubbard band.

17 Novel superconductor LaOFeAs spectra
Comparison of calculation results with experimental spectra confirms moderately correlated regime without Hubbard band. V.I. Anisimov, E.Z. Kurmaev, A. Moewes, I.A. Izyumov, Physica C 469, 442–447 (2009)

18 M.Rotter et al. (2008) tetragonal structure I4/mmm (139)
BaFe2As2: parent compound Critical temperatures: - stochiometric under 40 kbar Tc=29 K P.L. Alireza et al. (2009) - doped Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Tc=38 K M.Rotter et al. (2008) M.Rotter et al. (2008) tetragonal structure I4/mmm (139) Evidences for correlation effects in pnictides: - ARPES measurements: bands narrowing comparing with LDA bands ~ 2 times - dHvA experiments: electronic mass enhancement 1.7÷2.1

19 No Hubbard bands Moderate renormalization
BaFe2As2: LDA vs DMFT and m* estimation DMFT spectral functions: No Hubbard bands Moderate renormalization Quantitative estimation of the correlation strength: Orbitals 3dxy 3dyz, xz 3d3z2-r2 3dx2-y2 m*/m 2.06 2.07 2.05 1.83 S. Skornyakov et al, Phys. Rev. B 80, (2009)

20 BaFe2As2: Hubbard bands or hybridization?
Stripes: lines with the LDA 3d band width Effects of As p – Fe d hybridization

21 BaFe2As2: DMFT results vs ARPES experiment
Chang Liu et al. (2008) This work - Good agreement with PES and ARPES data - DMFT bands εDMFT(k) are very well represented by scaling εDMFT(k)=εLDA(k)/(m*/m) S. Skornyakov et al, Phys. Rev. B 80, (2009) S. de Jong et al. (2009)

22 BaFe2As2: correlation strength
SrVO3 m*/m=2 Substantial spectral weight transfer from the quasiparticle states to well pronounced Hubbard bands m*/m=2 No spectral weight transfer from the quasiparticle states to Hubbard bands

23 LaOFeP: correlation strength
Transition temperature Tc ~ 4 K in LaOFeP in contrast to Tc ~ 26–55 K in RO1−xFxFeAs (R = La, Sm) Correlation effects in LaOFeP are comparable with LaOFeAs and BaFe2As2 m*~2 S. Skornyakov et al, Phys. Rev. B 81, (2010)

24 LaOFeP: DMFT results vs ARPES experiment
-Good agreement with experiment (overall shape, size and position of electron and hole pockets) -Band narrowing corresponding to m*/m~2 (in comparison with LDA) for all orbitals, like in other pnictides -No obvious connection between correlation strength and superconductivity in pnictide superconductors

25 Magnetic properties of pnictides
For nonsuperconducting pnictides antiferromagnetic spin density wave is observed in FeAs layers (TN=140K for LaFeAsO) Anomalous χ(T) at T>Tc, T>TN non Pauli and non Curie-Weiss type1,2 Linear increase – features: - Slope of χ(T) curve is doping-independent - universal property of paramagnetic phase in all pnictides, superconducting or not Attempts to explain due to inter-site magnetic correlations3 1Klingeler et al. EPL (2009), 2Zhang et al. PRB (2010), 3Korshunov et al. PRL PRL (2009) 25

26 LaFeAsO1-xFx – first discovered pnictide superconductor Tc=26 K
Klingeler et al. PRB (2010) 26

27 LDA+DMFT: LaFeAsO spectral functions

28 LaFeAsO: magnetic susceptibility calculations results
Taking into account local correlations in DMFT is enough to obtain linear increase in temperature dependence of χ(T) ! Contributions χi(T) are orbital dependent What is possible mechanism for linear increase in χi(T)? S.L. Skornyakov, A.A. Katanin, V.I. Anisimov PRL 106, (2011) 28

29 LaFeAsO: magnetic susceptibility calculations results
Qualitatively χi(T) temperature dependence is defined by one-electron spectra obtained in LDA+DMFT calculations 29

30 LaFeAsO: magnetic susceptibility calculations results
Increase of χ(T) for x2-y2 is provided by peculiarities of the other orbitals Temperature 387 K 580 K 1160 K ImΣxy(EF) -0.142 -0.242 -0.454 ImΣyz,xz(EF) -0.131 -0.163 -0.306 ImΣ3z2-r2(EF) -0.054 -0.092 -0.228 ImΣx2-y2(EF) -0.053 -0.101 -0.334 30

31 BaFe2As2: spectral properties from LDA+DMFT

32 BaFe2As2: magnetic susceptibility calculations results

33 BaFe2As2: uniform susceptibility and single-particle properties

34 Peaks near Fermi in some superconductors
Borisenko et al PRL 105, (2010) LiFeAs BCFA PCCO LSCO Sr2RuO4 OD-YBCO OD-BSCCO BKFA © S.V. Borisenko

35 LiFeAs: k-resolved spectrum from LDA+DMFT

36 LiFeAs: k-resolved spectrum from LDA+DMFT

37 LiFeAs: k-resolved spectrum from LDA+DMFT

38 Comparison of calculated and experimental spectra for LiFeAs
Borisenko et al. PRL 105, (2010)

39 Conclusion Dynamical Mean-Field approach combined with DFT methods – powerful tool for material-specific investigation Wannier functions – convenient and illustrative basis making LDA+DMFT scheme numerically feasible LDA+DMFT results for LaOFeAs, BaFe2As2 ,, LiFeAs and LaOFeP are in good agreement with PES and ARPES data Calculated quasiparticle bands renormalization corresponding to effective mass enhancement m*/m~2~3 observed simultaneously with the absence of Hubbard bands shows pnictide superconductors as moderately correlated systems but far from metal-insulator Mott transtion Linear increase with temperature for uniform magnetic susceptibility observed experimentally is successfully reproduced in LDA+DMFT calculations.

40 Wannier functions: projection technique
Wei Ku et al. (2002): A good approximation to Maximally localized Wanner functions is projection of trial orbitals onto the subspace of Bloch functions In our case = site centered pseudoatomic orbitals

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