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Now THIS is a restaurant for my taste. Located in Waldgeist, in Hofheim/Taunus it offers the worlds biggest Schnitzel. (a chunk of pork meat, flattened.

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Presentation on theme: "Now THIS is a restaurant for my taste. Located in Waldgeist, in Hofheim/Taunus it offers the worlds biggest Schnitzel. (a chunk of pork meat, flattened."— Presentation transcript:

1 Now THIS is a restaurant for my taste. Located in Waldgeist, in Hofheim/Taunus it offers the worlds biggest Schnitzel. (a chunk of pork meat, flattened and fried, usually served with fries) The shown plates are in fact pizza plates. The prices are allmost ridiculessly low. On every table is a role of aluminum foil for making Your own doggy-bag. Anyhow, using it is considered as cowardess... Drinks are serverd, unless explicitly ordered different, in two liter mugs. The locations hit is, BTW (Finns will love this one ;-) ) the CUP OF DEATH! A 5 liter Cup full of Bacardi-Cola for only 35 Euro.







8 Cafe und Restaurant "Waldgeist" Schloßstraße 70 65719 Diedenbergen (Hofheim) Telefon: 0 61 92 / 38 38 5 Telefax: 0 61 92 / 38 32 6 Kein Scherz, das Ganze gibts im

9 And if You think You could get away with a simple makkara...........................................




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