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 Carla Bates Technology and Education ED 505.  Social Media Sites are interactive webpages, blogs, and other user created sites that all others to create,

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1  Carla Bates Technology and Education ED 505

2  Social Media Sites are interactive webpages, blogs, and other user created sites that all others to create, change, or comment on the site. Netiquette is the social code of the internet. This is also known as how you say what you say to others on the internet and how you use material on the internet.

3 Do’s  Tell the Truth  Share positive helpful information  Share accurate information  Respect the privacy of others  Post corrections you make  Participate regularly  Mind your manners  Be sociable  Be clear  Be brief  Make a good impression Don’ts  Use cursing and swearing  Be disrespectful to others  Use ALL CAPS  Discuss inappropriate topics  Say things you don’t want repeated  Send SPAM  Forward chain letters  Respond to FLAMES or personal attacks

4  A copyright is a property right attached to an original work of art of literature. Original work must be in a fixed or tangible form of expression and creative to a certain degree.  Fair use allows you to use a limited amount of copyrighted material for your educational use without owners permission.

5 Copyright  Copyright protects certain kinds of "original works of authorship" whether published or unpublished.  Copyright grants the author of the work the legal right to determine how or whether the work will be reproduced, distributed, displayed, or performed, as well as the right to produce derivative works based on the original. Fair Use  Fair use allows for portions, or in some cases the entirety, of copyrighted works to be used for purposes such as "criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research."

6  to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own  to use (another's production) without crediting the source  to commit literary theft  to present a new and original idea or product but was derived from an existing source.  In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

7  The internet has made plagiarism easier than ever before.  Although not normally a crime, a person who plagiarizes is subject to being sued for fraud or copyright infringement if prior creation can be proved.

8  Do not talk to strangers online.  Don’t give out personal information to anyone.  Use privacy settings and sharing controls.  Do not believe everything someone tells you on the web.  Always abide by Copyright and Fair Use policies.

9 Identity Theft  Think before you post- only share information you wouldn’t mind sharing with strangers  Use privacy settings- only people you know and trust should see what you’re posting.  Use security software Reputation Management  Only post positive content- photos, information, etc.  Photos and content that is considered negative, could possibly deter schools and employers from accepting them.

10 Passwords  Use different passwords for every site.  Choose good passwords and keep them in a secure location.  Never give your password to another person. Cyberbullying/Cyberstalking  Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person..  Be mindful what and how you say things online. The impersonal nature of text messages, Ims, and emails make it hard to detect the sender’s tone. One persons joke could be another's hurtful insult.  Don’t respond to rude emails, messages, and comments,

11  Use secure websites at all times. Phishing is a fake website that tries to get personal information from users.  Do not accept downloads from Internet sites that you don’t know and trust.  Protect your computer with antivirus software and a firewall. This will prevent the majority of vicious programs.

12  90% of computers are affected by viruses.  Viruses can come attached to email attachments, and once opened can release the virus. Scan email attachments before opening them.  A Trojan horse is sometimes hidden in harmless software or files. Trojans are not viruses or worms because they don’t self-replicate,

13 Copyright, Fair Use, & Educational Multimedia FAQ. (n.d.) Retrieved April 7, 2012 from Cyberbullying. (n.d.) Retrieved April 7, 2012 from Knutson, C.D., (2011). Trojan Horse? Retrieved April 11, 2012 from What is Plagiarism? (n.d.) Retrieved April 9, 2012, from

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