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Scientific Inquiry Investigation Scientific Method.

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1 Scientific Inquiry Investigation Scientific Method


3 1. State the problem 1. State the problem as an inquiry question ???? as an inquiry question ???? What is the effect of __________ (independent variable -manipulated factor) What is the effect of __________ (independent variable -manipulated factor) on _________ (dependent variable -responding factor that is observed and measured)? on _________ (dependent variable -responding factor that is observed and measured)?

4 Ex. What is the effect of acid rain (I) on limestone (D)? Ex. What is the effect of acid rain (I) on limestone (D)? Ex. What is the effect of light (I) on Sow bugs (D)? Ex. What is the effect of light (I) on Sow bugs (D)?

5 How do you come up with the questions?

6 An educated guess An educated guess Prediction Prediction  If ________ (independent variable), then _________ (dependent variable). then _________ (dependent variable).  Ex. If I leave a popsicle out in the sun, then it will melt. 2. Form a hypothesis

7 3. Background Information Explain what led you to choose the topic and question. Explain what led you to choose the topic and question. Why do you think your hypothesis is correct? Why do you think your hypothesis is correct? What do you already know about the topic and question that helped you form your hypothesis? What do you already know about the topic and question that helped you form your hypothesis?

8 What have you researched that tells you your hypothesis is correct. What have you researched that tells you your hypothesis is correct. Did you use your five senses? Did you use your five senses? Background Information (cont.)


10 4. Procedure Materials: what is needed to do the experiment? Include amounts. Materials: what is needed to do the experiment? Include amounts. Step-by-step instructions Step-by-step instructions List in step-by-step order what needs to be done to perform experiment and test experiment and test hypothesis (be specific!). hypothesis (be specific!).

11 Procedure (cont.) Multiple trials to get accurate and valid data. Multiple trials to get accurate and valid data. Control variable-factor that never changes during an experiment. Control variable-factor that never changes during an experiment.  Ex. If you wanted to know how the sun affects the ripeness of grapes, you would need two set-ups.

12 Qualitative: observations of behaviors using 5 senses or conducting surveys over time.Qualitative: observations of behaviors using 5 senses or conducting surveys over time. Quantitative: measurements displayed in tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, drawings.Quantitative: measurements displayed in tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, drawings.  Use correct units  Use totals/averages 5. Record/Organize Data

13 Record/Organize Data (Cont.) Daily Recording- need a journal notebook to record everything done before, during, and after each run of the experiment.Daily Recording- need a journal notebook to record everything done before, during, and after each run of the experiment.

14 State whether your hypothesis is correct or not based on resultsState whether your hypothesis is correct or not based on results  The data does/does not support my hypothesis. Explain how the results/observations support hypothesis- use data!!Explain how the results/observations support hypothesis- use data!! 6. Conclusion (paragraph form and complete sentences)

15 Conclusion (cont.) Explain the scientific concept of your scientific inquiry.Explain the scientific concept of your scientific inquiry.  The results show that ________ because ________. Any errors/problems that may have affected your results? How can the experiment be done differently?Any errors/problems that may have affected your results? How can the experiment be done differently?  Is there a different independent variable that you could test?


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