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Published byMadeleine McGee Modified over 9 years ago
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall Oak Ridge National Laboratory Physics Division University of Tennessee, Knoxville Department of Physics and Astronomy Terascale Supernova Initiative
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Introduction to supernovae
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Peter Apian, Cosmographia (1524)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Tycho Brahe, De Nova et Aevi Memoria Prius Visa Stella (1573)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Johannes Kepler, De Stella Nova in Pede Serpentarii, (1606)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 M31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 SN 1987A Tarantula Nebula
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 SN 1998aq (in NGC 3982)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 The name "supernova" dates from the 1930s. New stars or "novae" were well known. The debate about the nature of spiral nebulae led to the realization that there must be "giant novae" (Lundmark 1920), novae of "impossibly great absolute magnitudes" (Curtis 1921), "exceptional novae" (Hubble 1929) "Hauptnovae" (Baade 1929).
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 The name "supernova" dates from the 1930s. The word "supernova" is claimed to have been used by Baade and Zwicky since 1931. L SN /L CN =10 3
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Spectral classification of supernovae: Filippenko (1997) Type II (obvious H) Type I (no H) Type Ia (no H, strong Si) Type Ic (no H, He, Si) Type Ib (no H, obvious He)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Physical classification of supernovae: Thermonuclear runaway; Type Ia, accretion onto a white dwarf.
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Physical classification of supernovae: Core collapse of a massive star; Type II, outer H layer remains at collapse; Type Ib, outer H layer stripped before collapse; Type Ic, outer H and He layers stripped before collapse.
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Neutrino predictions ca. 1986 Energy release ~ 10 53 erg in neutrinos, Emitted on a time scale of seconds, With an average neutrino energy of ~10 MeV Burrows and Lattimer 1986
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 The lucky messengers… Each “event” involves ~10 9 “messengers,” with at most 1 “detected” SN1987A sent ~10 58 “messengers,” with ~two dozen detected Raffelt (1999)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Prediction vs. observation Burrows and Lattimer 1987
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 On the way to explosion… Accretion continues until stalled shock is reinvigorated: relation between neutron star mass and delay to explosion Optical display is powered by the decay of 56 Ni; connection to neutrino transport The electron fraction… which determines how much 56 Ni is produced is set by neutrino interactions:
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Dispersion of elements, electromagnetic display Chandra X-ray Observatory (1999)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Chandra X-ray Observatory (2004)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Survey of collapse simulations
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 The observables to understand include Explosion (and energy thereof); Neutrinos; Remnant properties, Mass, spin, kick velocity, magnetic fields; Gravitational waves; Element abundances; Measurements across the EM spectrum, IR, optical, UV, X-ray, gamma-ray; images, light curves, spectra, polarimetry...
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Some key ingredients are Neutrino transport/interactions, Spatial dimensionality; Dependence on energy and angles; Relativity; Comprehensiveness of interactions; (Magneto)Hydrodynamics/gravitation, Dimensionality; Relativity; Equation of state/composition, Dense matter treatments; Number and evolution of nuclear species; Diagnostics, Accounting of lepton number; Accounting of energy; Accounting of momentum.
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Simulations of collapse and explosion Spherical symmetry + mixing prescription, simplified neutrino transport Totani, Sato, Dalhed, & Wilson (1998)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 2S 0M 1S 1M 3S 0M 1S 2M 2S 1M 1.5 2M S 3S 1M 2S 3M N GR N N N N N N N 1SN GR 2SN B GR B 3SN B GR B Magnetohydrodynamics Neutrino radiation transport Fluid mixing prescription in the core boosts neutrino luminosities; not accepted by most other investigators
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Simulations of collapse and explosion Multiple spatial dimensions, simplified neutrino transport Fryer & Warren (2002) Burrows, Hayes, & Fryxell (1995)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 2S 0M 1S 1M 3S 0M 1S 2M 2S 1M 1.5 2M S 3S 1M 2S 3M N GR N N N N N N N 1SN GR 2SN B GR B 3SN B GR B Magnetohydrodynamics Neutrino radiation transport Neutron star mass too small; heating drives explosion too soon. 56 Ni mass too small; Y e too low.
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Simulations of collapse and explosion Multiple spatial dimensions, simplified neutrino transport Janka & Mueller (1996) Mezzacappa, Calder, Bruenn, Blondin, Guidry, Strayer, & Umar (1998)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 2S 0M 1S 1M 3S 0M 1S 2M 2S 1M 1.5 2M S 3S 1M 2S 3M N GR N N N N N N N 1SN GR 2SN B GR B 3SN B GR B Magnetohydrodynamics Neutrino radiation transport
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Simulations of collapse and explosion Spherical symmetry, sophisticated neutrino transport Rampp & Janka (2000)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Simulations of collapse and explosion Spherical symmetry, sophisticated neutrino transport Thompson, Burrows, & Pinto (2002)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 2S 0M 1S 1M 3S 0M 1S 2M 2S 1M 1.5 2M S 3S 1M 2S 3M N GR N N N N N N N 1SN GR 2SN B GR B 3SN B GR B Magnetohydrodynamics Neutrino radiation transport
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Simulations of collapse and explosion Spherical symmetry, sophisticated neutrino transport Liebendoerfer, Mezzacappa, Thielemann, Messer, Hix, & Bruenn (2001)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 2S 0M 1S 1M 3S 0M 1S 2M 2S 1M 1.5 2M S 3S 1M 2S 3M N GR N N N N N N N 1SN GR 2SN B GR B 3SN B GR B Magnetohydrodynamics Neutrino radiation transport
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Simulations of collapse and explosion Multiple spatial dimensions, intermediate neutrino transport Janka, Buras, & Rampp (2002)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 2S 0M 1S 1M 3S 0M 1S 2M 2S 1M 1.5 2M S 3S 1M 2S 3M N GR N N N N N N N 1SN GR 2SN B GR B 3SN B GR B Magnetohydrodynamics Neutrino radiation transport Neutron star mass and 56 Ni mass are reasonable.
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 The Terascale Supernova Initiative
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 A diverse and experienced investigator team...
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004...with expertise in all necessary areas... Radiation transport, (Magneto-)hydrodynamics, Nuclear and weak interaction physics, Computer science, Large sparse linear systems, Data management and visualization;
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004...and support from the U.S. Department of Energy: Funding through the DOE Office of Sciences' SciDAC program, Access to DOE's terascale machines (several 10 12 bytes of memory and flops), Access to the expertise of teams specializing in Advanced solvers, Advanced computational meshes, Performance on parallel architectures, Data management and visualization, Software interoperability and reusability.
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Accretion shock instability A standing accretion shock, an analytic solution in spherical symmetry, is used as an initial condition. Blondin, Mezzacappa, & DeMarino (2003)
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Accretion shock instability The standing accretion shock is unstable in 2D/3D to the point of explosion.
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Neutrino radiation transport: a computational challenge Large dynamic range in time and space Time scale of neutrino interactions is many orders of magnitude smaller than the fluid time scale Use implicit time differencing: Evaluate right-hand side at new values of the variables Gravitational collapse gives a range of spatial scales Some features need higher resolution, e.g. shock
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Neutrino radiation transport: a computational challenge Dimensionality 2D: solution vector of several 10 9 elements 3D: solution vector approaching 10 12 elements
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 2S 0M 1S 1M 3S 0M 1S 2M 2S 1M 1.5 2M S 3S 1M 2S 3M N GR N N N N N N N 1SN GR 2SN B GR B 3SN B GR B Magnetohydrodynamics Neutrino radiation transport
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Adaptive mesh refinement
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Supernova neutrino challenges
Supernova neutrino challenges Christian Y. Cardall NOW2004, Conca Specchiulla, Italy, 11-17 September 2004 Progenitors Theory Dense matter equation of state Neutrino interactions with nuclei, dense matter Neutrino transport with flavor mixing, collisions, time and space dependence Computation Spatially multidimensional, energy- and angle- dependent, implicit neutrino transport Inclusion of physics: magnetic fields, general relativity, nuclear reaction networks Observation (talks by M. Selvi and A. Mirizzi this afternoon) Large detectors Signal expectations
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