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Session 6 Guidelines For Talking About Domestic Violence.

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1 Session 6 Guidelines For Talking About Domestic Violence

2 6.1 Overview of Session 6 Learning Objectives   Identify factors related to achieving and maintaining a sense of safety - for the victim/survivor of domestic violence.   List and give examples of the 3 kinds of safety plans.   Express statements appropriate for approaching someone about domestic violence.   Articulate appropriate openings for introducing the subject of domestic violence and safety planning.   Demonstrate appropriate responses when talking with a victim/survivor of domestic violence.

3 6.1 (cont) Overview of Session 6 Agenda   6.1 Opening 15 min   6.2 Safety Planning 20 min   6.3 Talking About Domestic Violence: Role Plays 70 min   6.4 Closing and Homework Assignment 15 min

4 6.2 Three Kinds of Safety Plans 6.2 Three Kinds of Safety Plans 3 Kinds of Plans 1. 1. Immediate 2. Short Term 3. Longer Range (Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, 42 U.S.C.A. § 510g)

5 6.3 Guidelines for Talking About Domestic Violence 6.3 Guidelines for Talking About Domestic Violence 1. 1. Listen 2. 2. Believe 3. 3. Support ****************************************************** After doing the above: Provide Information and Referrals.

6 6.4 Things to Consider About Yourself in Your Interaction with a Victim/Survivor   What is your role? What are your limitations?   What is your potential impact?   Do you have the time and/or skill?   Who else is involved?   What do you do when you don’t like her choices?   Don’t make assumptions regarding: Her experience Her options About how she’s been treated About what she’s got to lose Do ask…if you have time to listen. Other Questions to Consider  What is she hoping you can do?  What may she fear you will do?

7 6.5 How to Approach a Family 6.5 How to Approach a Family Helpful Things to Say   I believe you   I am afraid for your safety.   I am afraid for the safety of your children.   You don’t deserve to be treated this way.   What can I do to help? How can I best support you? What is it you need right now?   I am so sorry that this has happened to you.   I’m here to listen, if you want to talk.   No one has the right to be abusive - no matter what.   Many people have experienced this. You are not alone.   What are some things you have done to keep yourself and your children safe?   The local domestic abuse project might be able to give you some ideas and support.

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