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What is Science? Science is  A way of learning about the natural world through observations and logical reasoning.  This information can grow and change.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Science? Science is  A way of learning about the natural world through observations and logical reasoning.  This information can grow and change."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Science?

3 Science is  A way of learning about the natural world through observations and logical reasoning.  This information can grow and change as new ideas are explored.  Scientific Inquiry refers to the various organized methods of investigating problems and answering questions.

4 Pure Science  Involves gathering information or the discovery of a pattern.  When that information is applied to some use, it becomes technology.

5 Technology  The practical use of scientific information.

6 Major Categories  Science is divided into many categories:  Life Science  Earth Science  Physical Science  Physical science is the study of matter and energy.  Two branches: physics and chemistry  You will study what makes up matter and how it behaves.

7 Finding out… solving problems.  The problem is a situation in which something appears to be missing.

8 Solve the problem  Look for a pattern – did this happen before?  Solving the problem – check out everything that could be a possibility. (appliance plugged in)  Plan a strategy – break the problem down into smaller simpler steps.  Think critically!!!

9 Critical Thinking  Using certain skills to solve a problem.

10 Scientific Method!  Ask questions  Make observations and inferences  Develop hypotheses  Conduct experiments  Draw a conclusion

11 Be Curious…  Observation – involves all 5 senses  Data – are facts, figures, other evidence collected during the experiment.  Inference – is a logical interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge

12 Hypothesis  Hypothesis is a possible explanation for observations that relate to a scientific question.  A hypothesis must be testable by observation or experiment.

13 Test the hypothesis  Do the experiment which is an organized procedure for testing the hypothesis.  Collect Data  Interpret Data  Draw conclusions  Communicate the information  Develop a theory – a well tested idea that explains and connects a wide range of observations.  Law is a statement that describes what will happen every time under a particular set of conditions.

14 Drawing the conclusion  Control is a standard for comparison This is the constant factor that doesn’t change or vary in the experiment.

15 Design a controlled experiment MManipulated or independent variable is the variable that the scientist changes. DDependent variable is expected to change due to the independent variable. CControlled experiment is an investigation in which all variables remain the same except for one.

16 Steps to watch  Determine the problem  Make a hypothesis  Test your hypothesis  Analyze the results  Draw conclusions

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