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1.Research Motivation 2.Existing Techniques 3.Proposed Technique 4.Limitations 5.Conclusion.

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2 1.Research Motivation 2.Existing Techniques 3.Proposed Technique 4.Limitations 5.Conclusion

3  Characteristics of Mobile Phones ◦ Variety of sensors ◦ Wireless capability and increasing device density ◦ Aggregate sensory inputs from surroundings ◦ Human participation and social collaboration ◦ Distributed content sharing

4  People centric applications  Unlike Traditional Sensor networks ◦ Participatory ◦ Interactive ◦ Scale of Human Users  Isolated impacts of distributed knowledge sharing (Wikipedia), social networks, sensor networks, and mobile communication.  More impact in their convergence to come up with novel applications.

5 Existing projects ◦ Sensing the surrounding ◦ Urban planning ◦ Environment Monitoring ◦ Healthcare ◦ Location Aware information sharing None of them exploits all features like ◦ Social and sensor networking ◦ Multimedia information exchange ◦ Querying information of any type globally ◦ Location specific information on a spatial platform

6  Generalization of all the ideas with the characteristic to query mobile phones or users  Framework to query, browse and share location specific information globally  Four distinct components ◦ Powerful phone sensors  GPS, accelerometers, Cameras etc ◦ Wireless Network ◦ Information processing ◦ Spatial Visualization

7 ‣Senses data and distills the data through human participation ‣Widely Deployable Service ‣Several potential application ‣Micro-News ‣Human opinions about topics of interest, or blogs on emergency ‣Social Collaboration ‣Applications on Micro-Blog may connect those who need services to those who can offer them ‣Micro-Health ‣Timeline of a person’s health conditions as blogged at different time instants

8  Phone users record multimedia blogs  Blogs associated with time and location  Localization service is consulted that meet application accuracy and energy requirement  Blogs uploaded to server and stored in Database  Server positions blog on a spatial platform(Maps)  Internet users can zoom into any part of map and browse streaming content at those locations.

9  When user looking for specific information cannot find it, he can mark out a geographic location  Direct queries to phones located near it  Queries are serviced either through human or automatic sensing  Human responses to queries can be placed on maps  Server pushes location specific blogs to phones arriving in that location


11  Resolve a tension between localization accuracy and battery lifetime ◦ GPS : good location accuracy, exhaust a lot of energy ◦ Wi-Fi: Improve battery lifetime but higher localization error ◦ GSM: Energy efficient but less accurate than the above ◦ Switching between different schemes to maintain balance ◦ Micro-Blog is geotagged, user experience depends on accurate matches between data and location ◦ However, accurate localization cannot come at cost of short battery lifetime



14  Incentives for participation ◦ Social networks and pool of free query credits  Privacy ◦ Public, social and private mode  Spam ◦ Restrict the number of queries  Content Inaccuracy ◦ Users can be assigned reputations ◦ Below a threshold reputation, microblogs from that user is not published. ◦ Identify misbehaving user overtime

15  Location-privacy ◦ Users reluctant to expose locations  User movements are estimated through changes in Wi-Fi or GSM which are low accuracy indicators ◦ Utilizing accelerometer readings for improvements  Micro-Blog not practical to initiate a new social network ◦ Features dependent on pre-established network

16  Security concerns in real time decision making ◦ Intelligent attacker maintains reputation and misleads  Study on a larger cross-section of population ◦ Study conducted on a set of 12 individuals ◦ Needs to be more conclusive

17  Micro-Blog is evaluated by building and deploying a prototype implementation  Experience of users is positive  With energy efficient localization technique, Micro- Blog represents a promising new model for social collaboration

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