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Temporal Ontology Shervin Daneshpajouh

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1 Temporal Ontology Shervin Daneshpajouh

2 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 2 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

3 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 3 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

4 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 4 Yesterday : Gadget Rules Pervasive Computing Environment Yesterday : Gadget Rules Too bad they can’t talk to each other…

5 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 5 Today: Communication Rules Pervasive Computing Environment Today: Communication Rules Configuration? Too much work…

6 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 6 Tomorrow: Services Will Rule Pervasive Computing Environment Tomorrow: Services Will Rule Thank God! Everything is done for me!

7 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 7 Some Scenario Shopping in Pervasive Computing Office in Pervasive Computing Hospital in Pervasive Computing

8 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 8 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

9 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 9 Ontology Provide a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of a domain that can be communicated between people and heterogeneous and widely spread application systems A formal explicit description of concepts in a domain of discourse (classes), properties of each concept describing various features and attributes of the concept (slot) and restrictions on these properties

10 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 10 Ontology for Pervasive Computing Provide meanings for terms when information exchange – Bridge knowledge gaps between different domains – Enable knowledge sharing in open and dynamic distributed systems – Allow devices and agents not expressly designed to work together to interoperate (i.e. better device interoperability)

11 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 11 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

12 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 12 SOUPA Standard Ontology for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications Agust 2004

13 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 13 SOUPA FOAF friend of a friend DAML-Time OpenCyc Spatial Regional Connection Calculus Cobra Mogatu BDI Rei Policy

14 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 14

15 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 15 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

16 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 16 COBRA - Context Broker Architecture An agent based architecture for supporting context- aware systems in smart spaces (e.g., intelligent meeting rooms, smart homes, and smart vehicles). Central to this architecture is an intelligent agent called Context broker Context broker maintains a shared model of context on the behalf of a community of agents, services, and devices in the space and provides privacy protections for the users in the space by enforcing the policy rules that they define.

17 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 17 Key differences between CoBrA and other similar architectures CoBrA uses the Web Ontology Language OWL, a W3C Semantic Web standard, to define ontologies of context (people, agents, devices, events, time, space, etc.). In other systems, context is often implemented as programming language objects (e.g., Java classes), lacking the expressive power to support context reasoning and high-level knowledge sharing.

18 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 18 Context Broker Architecture CoBrA Features [1] Use Semantic Web languages for context modeling and reasoning [2] Use logic inference to detect and resolve inconsistent context knowledge [3] Extend the REI policy language for privacy protection [4] Adopt the FIPA standards for communication & knowledge sharing EasyMeeting an intelligent meeting room prototype that provides services for speakers, audience & organizers based on their situational needs.

19 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 19 COBRA-ontology

20 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 20 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

21 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 21 Temporal Logic Our “worlds” are the states in an execution. There is a linear relation between them, each two sequences in our execution are ordered. Interpretation: over an execution, later over all executions.

22 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 22 Temporal Logic Representing Time – Points in Time – Intervals

23 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 23 Temporal Logic - Syntax  ::= (  ) | ¬  |  /\   \/  U   |O  | p  “box”, “always”, “forever”  “diamond”, “eventually”, “sometimes” O  “nexttime”  U  “until”

24 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 24 Semantics over suffixes of execution   O   U        

25 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 25 Temporal Logic - Combinations []<>p “p will happen infinitely often” <>[]p “p will happen from some point forever”.

26 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 26 Temporal Logic - Combinations ([]<>p) --> ([]<>q) “If p happens infinitely often, then q also happens infinitely often”. Mortal = LivingBeing  (LivingBeing U [] not LivingBeing) “A living being that is alive until it dies”

27 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 27 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

28 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 28 Ontology And Temporal Logic Ontologies for pervasive computing environments will require logical models that include spatial and temporal logic, geometry, and other quantitative reasoning. It is unclear whether DAML+OIL should be extended to include additional logical concepts, or whether other kinds of markup languages should be developed for expressing concepts involving these quantitative aspects.

29 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 29 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

30 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 30 DAML-TIME Class Hierarchy Thing () Thing – TemporalEntity (before*) TemporalEntitybefore Instant () Instant Interval (endOf*, inside*, startOf*) Property Hierarchy IntervalendOfinsidestartOf – before before – endOf endOf – inside inside – startOf startOf 0/Time.daml

31 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 31 DAML-TIME the temporal properties of Web pages and the temporal properties of Web services.

32 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 32 Temporal Ontology Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

33 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 33 An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web TOPOLOGICAL TEMPORAL RELATIONS – Instants and Intervals – Before – Interval Relations – Linking Time and Events

34 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 34 An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web TOPOLOGICAL TEMPORAL RELATIONS – Instants and Intervals

35 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 35 An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web TOPOLOGICAL TEMPORAL RELATIONS – Before

36 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 36 Summery Pervasive Computing Environment Ontology and Pervasive Computing – SOUPA – COBRA Temporal Logic Ontology and Temporal Logic – DAML-TIME – An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web

37 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 37 References Ontologies in a Pervasive Computing Environment SOUPA: Standard Ontology for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications, Harry Chen, Filip Perich, Tim Finin, Anupam Joshi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Agust 2004 An Ontology for Context-Aware Pervasive Computing Environments, Harry Chen, Tim Finin, and Anupam Joshi, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County Semantic Web in a Pervasive ContextAware Architecture,

38 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 38 References Harry Chen, Tim Finin, Anupam Joshi, University of Maryland Baltimore County Description Logic Handbook, chapter 6, Extensions to Description Logics Reasoning about Temporal Context using Ontology and Abductive Constraint Logic Programming, Hongwei Zhu, Stuart E. Madnick, Michael D. Siegel, 2004 Toward an Ontology of Time for the SemanticWeb, Jerry R. Hobbs 2004 The Specification Language TimeML, James Pustejovsky, Robert Ingria, Roser Saur´ı, Jos´e Casta˜no, Jessica Littman, Rob Gaizauskas, Andrea Setzer, Graham Katz, Inderjeet Mani, 2004

39 12 April 2005-1384/1/23 39 References An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web, JERRY R. HOBBS and FENG PAN, 2004 Temporal Aggregates in OWL-Time, Feng Pan and Jerry R. Hobbs, 2005 IEEE First Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services Second IEEE Annual Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communcations Workshops-2004

40 Any Question? Thanks for your attention.

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