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The Forward Roll 1 Tucked – “Rocking” 2 Roll from shoulders

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1 The Forward Roll 1 Tucked – “Rocking” 2 Roll from shoulders
i) Head forward ii) Chest moves towards thighs 2 Roll from shoulders i) Extend body to develop momentum ii) Tuck rapidly as seat touches the floor iii) Chest moves towards thighs 3. Forward roll – tucked i) Thrust forward from the legs to give a low flighted phase ii) Tuck head in as the arms bend 4. Forward roll – straddled. Place hands between legs and hold the chest down during the “push”

2 Advanced Rolls Once you have mastered the basic forward roll, give one of these progressions a try. Make sure you have a teacher or partner to support you if necessary. Straight leg forward roll i) Hands move quickly forwards to side of the legs ii) Chest should remain down on the thighs until the “push” is complete Handstand forward roll i) Show handstand – straight body ii) Tilt body off balance iii) Lower to shoulders as body Moves forward iv) Tuck head in Dive forward roll i) Hold body tension and lean forward on take off

3 THE CARTWHEEL Swing the chest and arms downwards and swing into a straddled handstand ii) The body should be straight and the head held neutrally iii) Press strongly on the first landing leg and lift the arms and chest sideways and upwards iv) The hands and feet should be positioned

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