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Welcome to Art with Mrs. Welka. This year in art Grading Rules Curriculum What to Expect this year in art.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Art with Mrs. Welka. This year in art Grading Rules Curriculum What to Expect this year in art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Art with Mrs. Welka

2 This year in art Grading Rules Curriculum What to Expect this year in art

3 Grading

4 Grading: Percentages Major art projects 60% of final grade Minor art projects, homework 15% of final grade Time management, and effort 10% of final grade sketchbooks due once a week 15% of final grade

5 Grading: Major Art Projects What if I am not artistic? What if art is easy for me? All projects will be graded on basis of 1/3 skill 1/3 creativity 1/3 motivation

6 Grading: Minor Art Homework in class short lessons that seem less art, more learning grades for taking notes pop quizzes to see who was listening

7 Grading: Time Management Work on more than one art project at a time. Work in sketchbook if ahead, see me for the topic. Art is NOT a study hall, under no circumstance will anything but art be done during art class. This way no one is rushing through their art assignment to make time to do other homework. If you fall behind catchup, if the class all fall behind I will quickly call the deadline. If the class stays on pace no worries, the deadline will be predictable.

8 Grading: Lateness Late sketckbooks NOT accepted. Late major artwork will be graded as is, unless we have made other arrangements. Deadlines existing prior to your absence, will be the same upon your return. Be prompt to class, repeat offenses will hurt 15% of your final grade.

9 Grading: Absences Work on ideas in your sketchbook Catch up on assignments quickly, I will NOT move any deadlines that have been existing. YOU are responsible to find out what was missed If you are sick the day before a test, expect the test the day you walk in. Sketchbooks are always due the same day every week. Get ahead, NO LATE SKETCHBOOKS

10 Grading: Sketchbooks Our due date? Are we making them? What will go in them?

11 Class Rules

12 Rules: Respect to yourself-----watch the self talk. Call me over before you shut down. An expert in any field was once a beginner. to others--- be considerate of others, or be asked to sit in the hall. We are safe and fun environment, be a part of it. to me---active listening, clean up your area, and be respectful in your tone. to materials--they are OUR supplies, not yours. Take care of them like the borrowed items they are.

13 Rules: Passes I will be available to you during my prep periods with a pass from me. Don’t enter my room with out me present. I will not give late passes to your next class, when I have given sufficient time for your class to clean up. Bathroom/Locker passes: don’t abuse ‘em or you’ll lose ‘em. Sign out/in properly: Ask permission, sign out, write reason, take pass, sign back in. (bathrooms only by my room)

14 Curriculum

15 7th Grade Curriculum

16 Adv Art 1 Curriculum

17 Adv Art Curriculum

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