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Stock Assessment Methodologies for Reef Systems: A Joint Analyses

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1 Stock Assessment Methodologies for Reef Systems: A Joint Analyses
Gerard DiNardo NOAA Fisheries, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, USA Qin Chuanxin CAFS, South China Sea Fishery Research Institute, China Hui-Hua Lee Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Hawaii, USA

2 Goal Capacity Building via Staff Exchange But
Dr. Qin to PIFSC for 30 days to learn about reef stock assessments Time permitting, conduct preliminary stock assessments of key species in the Guangdong Province based on available data But Data sets are large and not easily accessible (still raw) Habitat and stock enhancement occurring Have to understand the extent and associated benefits of enhancement programs before conducting any assessment Goal

3 Work Plan Day 1-15 Data screening, rectification and mining
Spatiotemporal views of the data Exploratory analyses and literature search Day 16-30 Identify analytical strategy (right tool for the job) Conduct preliminary analyses Initiate development of an Assessment strategy allowing for ecossystem enhancements

4 Stock Assessment Process
Catch Logbooks, Observers, Age/Size Data Abundance Resource Survey, Fishery CPUE, Age/Size Data Biology Age, Growth, Maturity Advanced Model Habitat, Climate, Ecosystem Population Model At minimum, a quantitative stock assessment requires monitoring of catch, abundance, and biological characteristics of the stock. These three primary sources of data feed into mathematical models that represent the demographics of the harvested fish stock and produce estimates of relevant fishery management factors. Information on ecosystem and environmental effects is incorporated into the models, when possible, to improve the interpretation of historical information and the precision of forecasts. Stock Status

5 Conceptual population assessment model for the annual change in biomass (B) of a harvested LMR
Biomass additions in year T due to: Somatic growth (G) Recruitment (R) Biomass losses in year T due to: Fishery yield (Y) Natural deaths (D) Adapted from Russell (1931. Some theoretical considerations on the “Overfishing” problem. Journal du Conseil, 6:1-20)

6 Equilibrium, Sustainability, and Maximization
An equilibrium stock size has an associated sustainable equilibrium yield Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) generally occurs at an intermediate stock size and depends on the harvest pattern “MSY is the largest average yield that can continuously be taken from a stock under existing environmental conditions” ~ Ricker Catch > Equilibrium Reduces Biomass Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) CATCH Equilibrium Yield Curve Catch < Equilibrium Allows Growth K STOCK BIOMASS

7 Biological Reference Points
Reference points measure the status of a fish stock to provide rational guidance for management Limit reference points express the maximum degree of safe exploitation Target reference points express the degree of exploitation desire by management MSY is the limit for USA marine fisheries and optimum yield is the target The target optimum yield is MSY “as reduced by any relevant economic, social, or ecological factor” ~ Sustainable Fisheries Act (2008)

8 Effects of an Environmental Shift
Favorable Environment MSY Unfavorable Environment Conceptual model for artificial reef enhancement: Substitute habitat for environment

9 Incorporating Environmental Signals into Forecasts of Future Recruitment and Catch

10 Requirements for Advancing Assessment (Data Needs)
Catch Monitoring CPUE Time Series Size Structure Movement (connectivity) Stocking numbers Explore utility of size-based assessment approach (life history information and length data): PIFSC-SEFSC-UM Joint Collaboration

11 Thank You

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