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Accuracy in assessment Evidence bundles: tracking Trainee achievement through pupil progress overtime.

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1 Accuracy in assessment Evidence bundles: tracking Trainee achievement through pupil progress overtime

2 Accuracy in assessment tool Kit: The principles
a vision for the development of outstanding teachers which places the pupil at the heart of teacher education a framework for assessing the quality of trainees’ teaching - starting with impact on pupils’ progress which informs ongoing achievement and final attainment the identification of essential resources to support trainees and their tutors/mentors in recording and evidencing progress and the setting of appropriate long and short term targets assessments reflect the quality of trainees’ teaching overall; the interrelatedness of the Teachers’ Standards and the promotion of pupil progress an unambiguous shared language for discussing the progress of, and expectations for, trainees

3 ThE Heart of the system Identify evidence of pupils’ progress over time What difference has teaching made? Why? Identify strengths and areas for development for the trainee Map to TS grade descriptors to identify quality of teaching Review and identify precise short and longer term targets

4 The 7 absolutes of assessment
Assessed as a trainee teacher, in accord with TSs’ Judged by impact on pupil progress and learning overtime Judged through sequences of lessons -using all available evidence Judged against Teachers’ Standards - in full and sub headings Assessors’ informed professional judgments applied All grades, comments, targets aligned and moderated All trainees exceed the minimum expectation for the Teachers’ Standards - appropriate to the age range and ability of pupils

5 the toolkit The Toolkit is being adapted and used across the country to ensure Accuracy in assessment That all trainees and partners understand and can explain how accuracy in assessment is achieved and their role in that!!

6 Impact across a partnership
At-a-glance processes and procedures from observation to assessment understood and used by all Mentors, trainees and link tutors understanding and using the language of progress Collaboration over training: trainees taking increased responsibility for their progress and that of their pupils Trainees able to pinpoint their own needs, working with their mentors – individualised training Secure evidence of progress towards exceeding the Teachers’ Standards – showing how pupil progress results from impact of teaching overall through performance in individual standards

7 Toolkit: additional resources and guidance
Tracking and evidencing trainees’ progress Accuracy in target setting Joint HEI SCITT development group hosted by NASBTT

8 Tracking and Evidencing Trainee progress
Currently, this process can be cumbersome - masses of evidence collected against each TS and sub-heading confused as to purpose, expectations and intended impact on trainees’ teaching and progress focused on ‘getting’ individual TS

9 Tracking and evidencing trainee progress
Shift focus, to ensure that identifying and analysing of evidence demonstrates: impact on progress of groups of learners overtime which aspects of teaching, linked to TS, are securing this impact which aspects of teaching, linked to TS, need strengthening to enhance impact Always emphasising it is the impact of the strengths across the interrelated TS which secure pupil progress

10 Interrelationship of TS and Pupil Progress
Teaching Impact on Pupil progress High expectations Promote progress Subject knowledge Plan and teach well Respond to needs Use of assessment Manage behaviour Wider professional responsibilities Personal and professional conduct

11 Tracking and evidencing Trainee progress
Accurate tracking data of quality of all trainees’ teaching and their pupils’ progress and learning overtime progress and areas of development against the TSs targets linked directly to pupil progress Explicitly used to inform on going self-evaluation and improvement planning for trainees overall and groups of trainees Clearly rationalised for trainees and mentors, fit for purpose as it demonstrates:

12 Pupil progress and learning overtime
Quality of trainee’s teaching within each standard Quality of trainee’s teaching overall

13 evidence ‘bundles’ process
Trainee, with mentor, identifies strong sequence (or sequences) of lessons re pupil progress overtime Pull together a ‘bundle’ of evidence relating to this: assessments, marking, learning plans, observations, evaluations, photographs, weekly review forms etc. ‘Bundle’ analysed and annotated to: identify evidence of impact on the progress and learning of different groups highlight what has enabled the impact linked to TSs indicate evidence of progress against each of the TSs Trainee writes analytic evidence-based commentary of their progress since their previous review; including impact of training NB Building evidence bundles needs to be modeled through centre and school based training

14 evidence bundles Evidence bundles can be used to demonstrate:
progress made by pupils overall and by groups of pupils quality of trainee’s teaching overall how trainees’ skills against each Standard has enabled them to impact on pupil progress how strong their teaching is in each of the Standards areas for targets specifically linked to pupil progress quality of trainees’ teaching within subjects, eg PE

15 Tracking and evidencing Trainee progress
1 Observations: full range of evidence of pupil progress and learning overtime, trainee strengths and areas for development impacting on pupil progress 2 Weekly meetings: trainees present evidence of pupil progress and learning overtime, progress v targets, map new and revised targets and key strengths against Teachers Standards 3 Interim reviews: evidence of impact on groups of learners; evidence bundle/s review targets and progress against TSs’ 4 Summative reviews: evidence bundle/s; progress for groups of learners; progress against the TSs’; strengths and targets for next stage

16 In Practice Pupil progress is a focus for discussion in taught sessions: developing language for discussing progress and evidence of progress for trainees and pupils; modelling of evidence bundle building and analysis The weekly mentor meeting draws on evidence from across the week: trainee provides evidence for appraisal – mentors need training to do this Increased focus on groups of pupils’ progress The Teachers’ Standards, grade descriptors and targets are reviewed in the light of the progress made by pupils Progress against the standards is tracked back from the impact of teaching on pupil progress and learning overtime

17 University OF St Mark and St John
The Indicative evidence a collation of a range of synoptic evidence that illustrates that the trainee is secure in all standards and moving beyond minimum expectation but not divided standard by standard. The Indicative evidence should refer to two key stages and include: Unit of work for either KS 3, 4, or 5 which includes 6 lesson plans, evaluations and all resources used to deliver the unit, assessment material, and risk assessment. A second unit of work from a different KS. A further 6 Lesson plans showing development and progression with their lesson evaluations Additional resources Examples of pupils’ work, feedback, photos of displays, How does the indicative evidence support the judgments made of Trainee Progress? How does the indicative evidence demonstrate pupil progress?

18 What more is needed? Challenges?

19 How it works: starter Activity for mentors and trainees
Think about your/your trainees’ last taught sequence of lessons Did pupils make expected progress? Was that because of you or the trainee? What made the difference? Positive/negative? How can you evidence this? What would you do to extend the impact of the teaching on pupil progress?

20 Contact details Gillian Golder – Director of Teacher Education University of St Mark and St John Liz George - Programme Director LDBS SCITT Bea Noble-Rogers - Teacher Education Solutions

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