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“Step” “Step” n2 M-STAR! Strategic Tools for Educator Preparation  This training was designed to support the training effort of all Mississippi educators.

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2 “Step” “Step” n2 M-STAR! Strategic Tools for Educator Preparation  This training was designed to support the training effort of all Mississippi educators to learn the M-STAR process.  M-STAR is a tool for you to use as a road map to success in your classroom.  Today, learn the basics of this process and prepare to use it for your professional growth.  More training is coming your way, and we are excited to bring it to you.

3 Objectives of This Training  To introduce the Mississippi Statewide Teacher Appraisal Rubric (M-STAR) to Mississippi teachers  To help teachers acquire knowledge and understanding of M-STAR  To increase teacher effectiveness  To promote higher levels of achievement for all students

4 The research and data are clear! “ Teacher quality is the single most important variable impacting student achievement.” (Rivkin, Hanushek & Kain, 2005; Rockoff, 2004)

5 What do teachers want to know?

6 Why an appraisal system now?  Under previous systems of evaluating teachers’ work, the scores teachers have received have become separated from the key output – student learning.  Teachers have received considerably higher ratings than test results suggest should be the case.  Meaningful evaluations start with a well-designed system. But ultimately the system’s success depends on strong implementation with good communication at its core.

7 What have your previous evaluations been like? Were they  Consistent throughout your school and district?  Completed each semester?  Informative to you?  Helpful in your professional growth?  Grounded in best practices and research?

8 Most Important Reason for Effective Appraisals  Student Achievement U.S. ranks 17th in industrialized nations in education In Mississippi, almost 50% of children in 3rd-8th grade are below grade level in language arts and math. Low graduation rates! Students not equipped with 21st-century skills!  Whose job is it to improve these outcomes? All Mississippi educators!

9 Federal and State Theory of Action Improved Evaluation System Improved Educator Quality Improved Student Outcomes

10 How is M-STAR different?

11 MS Teacher Evaluation M-STAR

12 M-Star Timeline M-Star Timeline 2011-2012Pilot implemented with 20 schools in Mississippi January – July 2012Focus group review and feedback July 2012 – July 2013Statewide training on use of the system 2013-2014 Field test the M-STAR process 2014-2015 Full implementation

13 More Questions from Teachers Is my pay going to decrease? Do I have to do this? What is in it for me?

14 Observation Cycle Pre-Obs. Conf. Within 1-2 days prior to obs Obs. Post-Obs. Conference Within 1 week after ob. Follow-up Walkthrough Within 2 weeks after post-obs. conference Effective, concrete feedback + next steps are key! Observe feedback in action Key Questions: What are students learning? What is the evidence for this learning? Review lesson plan, understand context, + ask clarifying questions

15 Five Components of the Teacher Observation Cycle 1.Teacher self-assessment 2.Professional Growth Goals (PGG) and Student Learning Objectives (SLO) - MDE will have additional training in the future on these items. 3.Walk-through visits 4.Formal observations and conferences 5. Student surveys (optional)

16 M-STAR Ratings A teacher’s performance on each standard will be appraised in accordance with a four-level rating scale:  Level 4 Distinguished: Indicates that the teacher’s performance consistently exceeds expectations – exemplary; cream of the crop!  Level 3 Effective: Indicates that the teacher’s performance meets expectations. Learning is evident!  Level 2 Emerging: Indicates that the teacher’s performance inconsistently meets expectations. PD is needed as teacher continues to learn more about the science of teaching and learning.  Level 1 Unsatisfactory: Indicates that the teacher’s performance does not meet expectations. An immediate plan of improvement should be designed by the administrator and teacher.

17 Example: Summative Observation Rating DomainDomain Score WeightWeighted Rating I: Planning2.75x.20.55 II: Assessment4x.20.80 III: Instruction2.5x.20.50 IV: Learning Environment3.5x.20.70 V: Professional Responsibilities2.5x.20.50 Summative Classroom Observation Rating3.05 17 (2.75 + 4 + 2.5 + 3.5 + 2.5) = 3.05 5 SPRING SCORING


19 What does the rubric mean? The M-STAR rubric can be difficult to understand. What can I do to simplify it? It is important to fully understand the rubric!

20 M-STAR Rubric Overview  Five domains (weighted equally) 1. Planning (4 standards) 2. Assessment (2 standards) 3. Instruction (5 standards) 4. Learning Environment (5 standards) 5. Professional Responsibilities (4 standards)  20 standards (placed among the 5 domains)

21 A Closer Look A Closer Look Look at your copy of the M-STAR appraisal rubric.  Find Domains  Locate Standards  Identify the Indicators  Examine Domains III and IV

22 What do best practices look like?  Don’t get lost in what the standards are saying...  Instead, focus on what behaviors will be seen when an effective teacher and his/her students are observed.

23 Actively engages students in the learning process Teachers will be: Using a variety of teaching strategies and resources Teaching appropriate for skill levels and different learning styles Linking content with student interests Probing and incorporating students’ questions As a facilitator, he/she is able to grasp and hold students’ attention. Using a wide range of learning skills and technology to enhance learning Within close proximity to students Exhibiting excitement and interest in lesson and students Leading a student-centered classroom  Can you think of other evidence of engaging students in learning? Standard 8

24 Actively engages students in the learning process Students will be: Asking and answering questions Their questions reflect applicable understanding of content Responding to formative assessments Using technology to access, interpret, and apply information Demonstrating interest in lesson/activity Learning on their level; engaged  What else will they be doing if they are truly engaged? Standard 8

25 What are artifacts?  Real working documents that provide evidence of the standards  Administrators will talk with you further about what artifacts are important  Artifacts are not “portfolios” or decorated boxes that are time consuming to organize!!

26 Are we reaching our students? What is a 21st- century educator?

27 M-STAR Key Points  Student-centered vs. teacher-centered  Rubric is not a checklist but used to evaluate where a “preponderance of evidence” points on the rating scale.  Conversations and FACE-TO-FACE feedback are key pieces in improving teacher practice.  Stay focused on clear communication, which is transparent and professional.

28 Will it be some work? Yes... but you work hard everyday.

29 Develop Your M-STAR Cruise Plan

30 Any Questions?

31 Exit Slips

32 For More Information Contact: MDE Quality Professionals and Special Schools 601.359.3631

33 For More Information Check out the RCU website: Under the MDE tab, go to the M-STAR tab and find great reference items put there for you.

34 Contact Information Lois Kappler, M-STAR Coach 662.325.3764 (w) 662.546.0066 (c) Call or text – leave a message with your information and your call will be returned.

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