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JAMESTOWN Funded by a JOINT STOCK CO. (VIRGINIA COMPANY) For Profit Investors 1606 -Received a Charter from King James 1.

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1 JAMESTOWN Funded by a JOINT STOCK CO. (VIRGINIA COMPANY) For Profit Investors 1606 -Received a Charter from King James 1

2 JAMESTOWN Site was chosen for defensive purposes Did not provide for a good water source or for good hunting


4 TROUBLE IN JAMESTOWN Main Focus: Profit Main Activity: Search for Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold Problems: Hunger and Disease – they never took the time to clear and plant. The marshy land = mosquito problem = malaria.

5 JOHN SMITH Takes control By winter of 1607 only 38 out of 150 are still alive “He that will not work, shall not eat” Forms and uneasy friendship with the Powhatan peoples.

6 POWHATAN Offer some help Colony of Jamestown begins to recover Smith returns to England 1609 – 600 more colonists arrive from England Powhatan reaction – Alarm Powhatan sabotage English

7 “Starving Time” Winter 1609 = Famine 60 out of the 600 survive New leaders convince them to stay Tougher rules Jamestown will stabilize

8 BROWN GOLD Significant to the success of Jamestown was the development of TOBACCO. (John Rolfe) Very Profitable Tobacco saved Jamestown allowing it to become THE FIRST PERMANENT ENGLISH SETTLEMENT IN THE NEW WORLD

9 TOBACCO / JAMESTOWN Labor intensive Must lure workers 1. Headright System 2. Indentured Servants English expand their settlements Relationship with Native Americans will decline

10 HOUSE OF BURGESSES First representative body in colonial America Jamestown – July 30, 1609 Taxes and Laws Limited: White male landowners Important contribution to the development of representative govt.

11 JAMESTOWN(VA.) GOES ROYAL Colonists grow in number – push into native land Attacks increase and Va. Company must send in troops and supplies 1624 – King James has had enough and he revokes the Charter Virginia becomes a ROYAL COLONY

12 INDENTURED SERVANTS 1670 – Many of the men in Va. Were former indentured servants Came out of servitude with little to show for it (land or money) Were poor and lived on the western outskirts of Virginia Former indentured servants are the first to encounter Native Americans

13 FORMER INDENTURED SERVANTS Felt Oppressed and Frustrated They paid taxes but felt the Va. government was not sympathetic to their plight with Native Americans (Wanted a Fort, etc.) “Planter Class” (upper) held the government jobs and had influence over how tax money was used CLASS BATTLE

14 NATHANIEL BACON Young wealthy planter – but hated Native Americans Raised an army to fight Native Americans on the frontier Va. Governor says the army is illegal 1676 – Bacon marched on Jamestown to confront colonial leaders

15 HOUSE OF BURGESSES First colonial legislature (Va.) First representative body in colonial America Met in Jamestown in 1619 Bacon was also protesting the colonists lack of representation in the House of Burgesses (Constituency was limited to white male landowners.)

16 BACONS REBELLION The Jamestown march turns violent (Bacon will die of illness after storming Jamestown and things go back as they were) IMPORTANCE: Exposed the growing power of the former indentured servants

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