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 Government: Who is in charge and how do they lead?  Economics: How are they going to make money or get the things they need to survive?  Community:

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Presentation on theme: " Government: Who is in charge and how do they lead?  Economics: How are they going to make money or get the things they need to survive?  Community:"— Presentation transcript:


2  Government: Who is in charge and how do they lead?  Economics: How are they going to make money or get the things they need to survive?  Community: Who are the members of the community? What types of laws should govern a community? What should members of the community contribute?

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4  1606- James I gives a land grant to the Virginia Company ◦ Joint-stock company  Land grant extends from 45° North Latitude to 35° South Latitude

5  Two branches of the Joint Stock Company  Bristol Branch  London Branch (1607) ◦ 5 goals  Economics: make money to send back to London  Find a North-West passage to Asia  Patriotism  Outpost against Spain  Missionary Activities

6  April 1607 Susan Constant, Godspeed, Discovery reach Cape Henry ◦ Home of Chesapeake Indians  May 14 th 1607 find spot on James River ◦ Name it Jamestown

7  Puts some men to work  He takes 21 men on a “peace mission”  Learns that Chief Powhatan rules all area above Jamestown  Plants and cross, tries to make nice,  Returns to an attacked fort

8  Supply Ships arrive  Out of the 140 men who arrived only 40 remain  John Smith arrives  7-8 die during winter

9  3 planting seasons later  500 people in the colony  Starving  Resort to cannibalism  60 of 500 survive

10  Still not growing corn  Lord De La Warr and the “Lawes Divine, Morall and Martiall”  Force the colony to work  (read p. 80)

11  Summer 1610  Accuse Chief Powhatan of hiding runaways  George Perry sent to take revenge on Paspeheans & Chickahominies  Kills 15-16 natives including queen and children  Burn homes and crops  1612 Natives are killing colonists

12  March 1612  Colony and Company not making $$  1613-1614  John Rolfe saves colony with Tobacco  1617 Begin Head right system:  Pay your own way get 50 acres of land  bring anyone else get an additional 50 acres  Bring Indentured Servants

13  Indentured Servants  Agree to work for 7 years to get a passage to new world  1619 1 st Africans arrive  1619 House of Burgesses  1 st representative assembly in the colonies  1622- Powhatan attacks  ¼ of settlement gone

14  James I turns Virginia into a Royal Colony  Dissolves the House of Burgesses  Appoints his own people to run things  1639- Charles I reforms the House of Burgesses

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