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Spanish Exploration. The Seven Continents During our studies of exploration and colonization, we will concentrate on three continents, North America,

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Exploration. The Seven Continents During our studies of exploration and colonization, we will concentrate on three continents, North America,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Exploration

2 The Seven Continents During our studies of exploration and colonization, we will concentrate on three continents, North America, South America, and Europe.

3 The Spanish Spain is located in Europe. Spain is located in Europe. 5.SS.2.1.1Develop and use different kinds of maps, globes, graphs, charts, databases, and models to display and obtain information.

4 Spain in relation to current day America. 5.SS.1.1.1Describe the interactions between European colonists and established societies in North America.

5 Spanish Timeline Spanish exploration of current day Mexico and Central America took place in the 1500s or 16 th century. Spanish exploration of current day Mexico and Central America took place in the 1500s or 16 th century. 0-99=1 st century 0-99=1 st century 100-199= 2 nd century 100-199= 2 nd century 200-299= 3 rd century 200-299= 3 rd century 300-399= 4 th century 300-399= 4 th century 400-499=5 th century 400-499=5 th century 500-599=6 th century…. 500-599=6 th century…. 1800-1899=19 th century 1800-1899=19 th century 1900-1999=20 th century 1900-1999=20 th century 2000-2099=21 st century 2000-2099=21 st century Do you see a pattern? What century where you born in? Do you see a pattern? What century where you born in?

6 Why Explore? The Spanish explored for a few main reasons: The Spanish explored for a few main reasons: Money, land, and power. 5.SS.1.2.1Discuss the religious, political, and economic motives of voluntary European immigrants to the United States 5.SS.1.2.3Analyze and discuss the motives of the major groups who participated in western expansion.

7 Where Did the Spanish Explore? Current day Mexico and South America. Why do we call it current day when referring to the age of Spanish exploration? 5.SS.2.1.1Develop and use different kinds of maps, globes, graphs, charts, databases, and models to display and obtain information.

8 Natives to Mexico Who lived in Mexico when Spanish Explorers arrived? Who lived in Mexico when Spanish Explorers arrived? Mayans and Aztecs.

9 Hernando Cortez 5.SS.1.2.5Discuss the significant individuals who took part in western expansion 5.SS.1.2.6Describe the impact of scientific and technological advances on westward expansion. Hernando Cortez defeated the Aztec king Motecuhzoma in 1521.

10 The Fall of the Aztecs The Aztecs thought the Spanish explorers were gods coming to help them, so they trusted Cortez and his men. However, many died do to the Spanish’s advanced weapons and the European diseases they brought to the Americas. The Aztecs thought the Spanish explorers were gods coming to help them, so they trusted Cortez and his men. However, many died do to the Spanish’s advanced weapons and the European diseases they brought to the Americas.

11 The Aftermath After Cortez conquered the Aztecs, he claimed the land for Spain and built Mexico city on the ashes of what use to be the Aztec Empire.

12 Natives to South America The Incas

13 Pizarro 5.SS.1.2.5Discuss the significant individuals who took part in western expansion 5.SS.1.2.6Describe the impact of scientific and technological advances on westward expansion. Pizarro conquered Atahuallpa and the Inca Empire fell in 1533. How did civil war play a part in the fall?

14 Assignments This assignment may possibly be a reading, language, and social studies grade, so make sure you do your best! This assignment may possibly be a reading, language, and social studies grade, so make sure you do your best! Lesson questions from book. Lesson questions from book. Final Spanish Assignment: The Spanish had an immediate impact on the Native Americans of the Southwest. Think about this impact and write obituaries for a conquistador from both the Spanish and the Native American point of view. Final Spanish Assignment: The Spanish had an immediate impact on the Native Americans of the Southwest. Think about this impact and write obituaries for a conquistador from both the Spanish and the Native American point of view.

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