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Building an Interactive Classroom Haley Crabtree Terra State Community College Assistant Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "Building an Interactive Classroom Haley Crabtree Terra State Community College Assistant Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building an Interactive Classroom Haley Crabtree Terra State Community College Assistant Professor

2 Getting Students involved  Get away from a sit and lecture lab  Allow students to get up and move around  Work in Groups:  Pick a different partner for each project  Implemented Skip Downing’s approach to Interactive learning   Provides numerous ways to design group discussion  Provided in many of my lesson plans

3 Technology show and tell  Allow students to bring in or share a topic they are passionate about in relation to technology  Rotating Schedule, each student must go  Give a time limit of 15 minutes

4 Classroom Design  15 Minutes: Show and Tell  5 Minutes: Discussion of Objectives Covered  30 Minutes: Lecture  10 Minutes: Discussion of In Class Lab / Instructions  45 Minute: Hands on/Working Lab

5 Products Used:  TestOut Software  Contact Information:  Wendy Edwards  800-877-4889 ext. 280   A+ Pro 220-201 and 220-802  CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing & Maintaining Your PC, (Andrews), 8 th ed., Lab Connections  ISBN13: 978-1133135081

6 Samples of TestOut 

7 CTIT003: PC Hardware Operation and Maintenance/ CompTIA A+  1.1 Demonstrate proficiency in working with microcomputer systems  1.2 Demonstrate proficiency in working with basic computer system architecture  1.3 Explain the purpose and importance of hardware standards  1.4 Identify common computer platforms  1.5 Classify computer architecture and processor types  1.6 Classify computer systems  1.7 Identify and explain CPU and system components  1.8 Identify and describe connectivity devices  1.9 Identify and describe peripheral equipment  1.10 Evaluate cost and performance issues in designing, building or upgrading a computer system  1.11 Troubleshoot computer systems

8 Discussion of Lesson Plans for PC Hardware Operation and Maintenance/ CompTIA A+  CTIT003: 1.1 Demonstrate proficiency in working with microcomputer systems  CTIT003: 1.2 Demonstrate proficiency in working with basic computer system architecture  CTIT003: 1.5 Classify computer architecture and processor types  CTIT003: 1.9 Identify and describe peripheral equipment  CTIT003: 1.10 Evaluate cost and performance issues in designing, building or upgrading a computer system

9 CTIT005: Introduction to Desktop Operating Systems:  1.1 Explain operating systems  1.2 Describe computer memory utilization  1.3 Implement and maintain security compliance  1.4 Apply Systems operations procedures  1.5 Maintain and respond to system needs  1.6 Perform standard computer backup procedures

10 Discussion of Lesson Plans for Introduction to Desktop Operating Systems  CTIT005: 1.1 Explain Operating System  CTIT005: 1.3 Implementing and maintain security compliance  CTIT005: 1.6 Perform standard computer backup procedures

11 CTIT006: Introduction to user Support:  1.1 Analyze technical support needs  1.2 Perform customer service  1.3 Provide support and training  1.4 Explain the life cycle of an information system  1.5 Implement a system  1.6 Monitor the information System  1.7 Perform system maintenance  1.8 Troubleshoot problems  1.9 Evaluate problem-solving processes and results  1.10 Integrate software upgrades and fixes

12 Discussion of Lesson Plans for Introduction to user Support  CTIT006: 1.1 Analyze Technical support needs  CTIT006: 1.2 Perform customer service and 1.8 Troubleshoot problems  CTIT006: 1.3 Provide support and training  CTIT006: 1.7 Perform system maintenance

13 Group Work Example  Method learned from On Course Workshop: Skip Downing  Get into 3 groups of 4  Each person in the group will get an index card with a different lesson plan and number  Now, groups are going to break up and everyone who has lesson plan 1 meet, lesson 2 meeting and so forth for 15 minutes  Master your lesson plan as a group  After the 15 minutes meet back in your original groups to teach the rest of your group about your lesson plan

14 Lesson Plans for Group Activity:  CTIT003: Learning Objective 11  CTIT006: Learning Objective 4, 5, 6  CTIT006: Learning Objective 9  CTIT006: Learning Objective 10

15 Raspberry Pi  Great tool to teach students creativity in the IT world  ACTIVITY:  Break into two groups  Each group will make a help desk manual for the following activities:  Downloading OS to Raspberry pi  Setting up hardware for Raspberry pi  When finished email me a copy:  I will send out a finished copy to everyone for their records

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