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Chapt. 11 Mass communication & social control. Schramm: Four Theories of the Press 1 、 Authoritarian 2 、 Libertarian 3 、 Social Responsibility 4 、 Communist.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapt. 11 Mass communication & social control. Schramm: Four Theories of the Press 1 、 Authoritarian 2 、 Libertarian 3 、 Social Responsibility 4 、 Communist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapt. 11 Mass communication & social control

2 Schramm: Four Theories of the Press 1 、 Authoritarian 2 、 Libertarian 3 、 Social Responsibility 4 、 Communist

3 Authoritarian  16 th, 17 th century (printing-bourgeois revolution)  Tudor and Stuart Monarchs  1902 《大清报律》:不得刊载 “ 诋毁宫廷之语、混淆政体之 语 ” 。  Charter & Censorship  Criticize king/government?

4 Libertarian 1688— Milton “ Areopagitica”, Mill “On Liberty”, “U.S. First Amendment ” Enlightenment Rationalism Natural right - Media are not governing tools, but means to argue. “free market of opinions”

5 Late 19 th & early 20 th century Crisis of both theory and practice of libertarian : - Monopolization - Sensationalism - Commercialism

6 Social responsibility 20 th century USA TIME “Hutchins Committee”/ “Press Freedom Committee”

7 Communist Soviet Union, Nazi Germany Marxism-Leninism Media are owned by nation and exist only as an administrative tool.

8 Comments on Four Theories of the Press 1984 J▪ Altschull: Agents of Power 1. market pattern 2. communist pattern 3. development pattern Criticism on cold war ideology

9 Conclusion of Altschull  Media are spokesperson of those who own political and economic power.  Media content reflects financial supporters’ interests.  All media systems use press freedom as foundation, with various definitions.  All media systems commit social responsibility.  Other patterns are abnormal.  Media practitioners communicate ideology and values.

10 Gate-keeper theory Gatekeeper is information controller who select, summarize, modify, spruce up, distort that which passes through communicative gate in the process of information dissemination.

11 K▪Lewin  1947: Channels of group life in Human

12 Wright  1949 : newsletters 11910 – 1297  1950 : gate-keeping model in news selection process

13 1950:The Gatekeepers: A Case Study in the Selection of News N N1 N2 N3 N4 N1 N4 N2` N3` M


15 Gate keeper  Based on personal or social influences they let the information to the group.  Through this process the unwanted, sensible and controversial information is removed by the gate keeper which helps to control the society or a group and let them in a right path.

16 Influential elements 1. Political and legal 2. Economic 3. Social and cultural 4. Information 5. Organization 6. Audience 7. Technology 8. Communicator

17 9 elements that influence foreign news selection  Timespan  Intensity or Threshold Value  Clarity  Cultural Proximity  Consonance  Unexpectedness  Continuity  Composition  Sociacultural Values

18 Think about it  The development of capitalist communication system and concepts.  Use an example to explain gate-keeping behavior of mass communicators.

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