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August 12, 2011 Agenda Item F10a City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update)

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Presentation on theme: "August 12, 2011 Agenda Item F10a City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update)"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 12, 2011 Agenda Item F10a City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update)

2 2 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Vicinity Map Arcata Arcata (Humboldt) Bay Pacific Ocean 2 Mad River Eureka McKinleyville (Humboldt Co.) Blue Lake

3 3 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Coastal Zone Jurisdictional Areas 3 Approximately 1/5 of City is situated in Coastal Zone Majority of Coastal Zone portion is within Commission’s original / retained permitting jurisdiction City jurisdiction areas:  Samoa Boulevard (SR 255) industrial-commercial corridor  “South of Samoa” residential neighborhoods  South “G” Street industrial corridor  Seventh St to Sunny Brae  Old Arcata Road / Bayside rural residential neighborhoods  Periphery of Windy Acres, Greenview, Spear Ave/27 th St & Pacific Union neighborhoods 

4 4 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Historic Overview – Settlement Point of Entry 4

5 5 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Historic Overview – Gold Mining Supply Port 5

6 6 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Historic Overview – Tidelands Reclamation 6

7 7 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Historic Overview – “Lumber Capital of the West” 7

8 8 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Historic Overview – College Town Diversification Humboldt Normal School/Humboldt State University 8

9 9 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Contemporary Features – Green Infrastructure 9

10 10 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Contemporary Features – Compact Urban Center Development Pattern 10

11 11 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Contemporary Features – Coastal Agriculture 11

12 12 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Contemporary Features – Abundant Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas 12

13 13 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Contemporary Features – Significant Coastal Access & Recreational Opportunities 13

14 14 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Planning Issues – Changing Sea Level 14 Loss of habitat & development sites “Planned Retreat” Tsunami resiliency Strengthening shoreline revetment

15 15 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Planning Issues – Changing Face of Agriculture Revenue diversification to include non-agricultural uses (e.g., B&Bs, SDUs, ) 15

16 16 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Planning Issues – Changing Face of Industry Transition from resource extraction based industries to light manufacturing Surplus of “brownfields” sites Demand for multiple use forms (e.g., “live-work” development 16

17 17 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Planning Issues – Changes in Living Forms Transition from traditional suburban tract subdivision design Growing acceptance of clustered, common-walled planned unit developments Prohibitive expense of providing community services to low-density, dispersed development “Walkability” 17

18 18 Staff Recommended Suggested Modifications Revisions to the allowable uses Insertion of California Coastal Trail policies Include water quality protective measures and actions Refinements to ESHA protection policies Refinements to agricultural conversion policies Addition of sea level rise and tsunami policies Revisions to second unit and density bonus provision consistent with Coastal Act.

19 19 OTHER STAFF SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS Distinguishing “Policies” Governing Coastal Development Permit Issuance from “Other Initiatives” Emphasizing Development as the Subject of Regulations Collating Thematic Policies “Friendly Modifications” Reorganization / Recodification

20 20 City of Arcata LCP Amendment ARC-MAJ-1-09 (LCP Update) Potential Areas of Controversy Significance of task of adopting suggested modifications with limited staff and funding resources; need for Specific Plan focus on certain development sites Use limitations /prohibitions on Agricultural Lands (residential, transient accommodation, community facilities) Limitations on the development of Secondary Dwelling Units Unified 100-foot-wide ESHA buffer standards (with provisions for width reduction for cause) Ensuring water quality protection measures don’t conflict with City’s efforts 18

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