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Scholarship to Kasetsart University in Thailand. to Kasetsart University in Thailand. ~ Scholarships for students from 3 ASEAN Member States (Cambodia,

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1 Scholarship to Kasetsart University in Thailand. to Kasetsart University in Thailand. ~ Scholarships for students from 3 ASEAN Member States (Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam) to attend the Food Value Chain (FVC) short-term intensive course. 24 th January to 6 th February in 2016 (*Schedule may change) For application or inquiries please check the application form, and contact the contact person at your university. Human resource development in food-related areas in partnership with universities in the ASEAN Region Major The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is preparing for economic integration in 2015. Japan and ASEAN, which commemorated the 40 th anniversary of friendship and cooperation last year, are accelerating expansion of their relationship. This project is for Human Resource Development in Food-related Areas through Partnership with Universities in ASEAN Region, supported by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) established for supporting ASEAN to advance the integration of the region. This scholarships for students from 3 ASEAN Member States (Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam), and give them opportunity to attend the Food Value Chain (FVC) short-term intensive course at Kasetsart University in Thailand. About Kasetsart University ● Packaging Technology ● Textiles Science and Technology ● Agro-industrial Product Development ● Agro-industrial Technology Management ● Food Engineering ● Food Science and Technology ● Biotechnology ● Textiles Industrial Technology and Merchandising Kasetsart University is one of the top universities, which is Jurisdiction by department of Agriculture and it was established in 1943. There are seven campuses and number of student is over 58000. Kasetsart university is one of the biggest universities in Thailand. Eligibility Citizenship of Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam. A graduate student, professor or government official in related areas in food value chain (such as agricultural science, fishery, food science, biotechnology, or applied sciences) or in related organizations. Proposed by the government units or university To be able to communicate in English Desirable Sufficiently fluent in English Communication skills in Japanese Interested in Japanese culture and working at Japanese companies Eligibility Application for Graduate Students 1 Signed and completed application form for “Scholarships for 2016 Food Value Chain Intensive Course” with attached photo. 2 Personal Statement (2 pages A4 maximum) 3 A letter of recommendation 4 Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate coursework 5 Curriculum vitae 6Proof of English proficiency (if any) 7 A copy of passport (*Must be remaining 6 months) 8 Other documents that the applicant deems relevant Required Documents *Please submit the Application documents by 30 th November 2015.

2 Human resource development in food-related areas in partnership with universities in the ASEAN Region Food Value Chain (FVC) short-term intensive course Food Value Chain (FVC) short-term intensive course Curriculum of Partnership program which case study & lectures conducted by the Japanese Private Sectors. DateTopicContentsMin.CompanyLecturer 26-JanIntorduction - Introduction of Food Value Chain 90ASEAN Secretariat Mr. Masanori Kawaguchi / Project Coordinator - Current trends and issues in food industry in Japan - Human Resource Development by Japanese Companies 90 Pasona Group Inc. Mr. Masaki Nakagawa / - Japan's Agriculture and Food Value Chain Mr. Shinsaku Tanaka / 27-JanSeed and Seedlings - Introduction of Seed Company and Seed Industry 180 Japan Seed Trade Association Mr. Tatsuya Mochizuki / Technical Advisor - Vegetable Production in Japan -Seed Industry and its Contribution to Livelihood of ASEAN Region 28-JanFood Processing 1 - Production and Processing of Palm Oils 180FUJI OIL Co., Ltd. Mr. Yasuharu Kida / 29-JanFood Processing 2 - Soft Drink Market in Japan: Value Chain and Product Development 90 Kirin Holdings Company, Ltd. Mr. Koichiro Yamauchi / - Manufacturing/processing techniques and development process for dairy products 90 MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Co., Ltd. Mr. Koichiro Yoshioka / Research Fellow, Milk Science Research Institute 30-JanFood Logistcs - Wrapping technology for dairy products: universal design and quality maintainance 90 MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Co., Ltd. Mr. Muneto Wakai / Researcher, Milk Science Research Institute - The latest technology of industrial refregirating equipments 90MAEKAWA Co., Ltd.Mr. Kuniaki Kawamura / - The newest technology in food preservation 2-FebMarketing - Development of Private Brand: case study in Malaysia and Thailand Mr. Nagahisa Oyama / Senior Executive Vice President - Business Strategy in ASEAN Countries: sales floors customization for consumer satisfaction based on marketing analysis 180AEON Co., Ltd. 3-Feb Marketing - Role of Food Company in the Food Value Chain 90Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. Mr. Yoshito Fujiki / International Division - Value Chain and Marketing at Food Company - Case Study: Development of New Products Food Service Industry - History and Current Situation of Food Service Industry in Japan Fujii Office (GURUNAVI, INC.)Mr. Jotaro Fujii / President - The Latest Trend in Food Service Industry in Japan 90 4-FebContribution to Our Dietary Life Ajinomoto Journey : From Umami to Foods and Beverages. 90Ajinomoto Co., (Thailand) Ltd. Mr.Saravut Jarutvuttiyakorn / Seasoning Business Division Manager Ms.Duangporn Morakotkarn (phD) / QASRA Deputy Department Manager Mr.Saravut Jarutvuttiyakorn / Seasoning Business Division Manager Ms.Jinta Pongpala / Product Design Division Manager - How Frozen Foods have Changed Our Dietary Life (TBC) 90Nichirei Foods Inc. Mr. Takashi Morikubo / Professional,. International Business Division 5-FebJapanese Food Culture - Essence of Food and Characteristics of Rice 180 Kokushikan University (GURUNAVI, INC.) Dr. Nobuo Harada / Professor - History and Charactaristics of Japanese Food Culture 6-FebEnvironmental Measures - Enviromental measures by KIRIN Group: toward the 100% resource circulation society 180 Kirin Holdings Company, Ltd. Mr. Takashi Makimura /

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