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Fall 2015 Dual Credit for Smarties ACC Dual Credit Counselor Update Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2015 Dual Credit for Smarties ACC Dual Credit Counselor Update Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2015 Dual Credit for Smarties ACC Dual Credit Counselor Update Session

2 Dual Credit Specialists:  Davelyn Forrest  Zach Denton  Jason Sanchez  Natalie Almanza  Katharine Bennett Support Staff:  Eva Ruiz  Angie Gosc  Tanya Riddick  Naomi Garza, Reports Mison Zuñiga, Dual Credit Director

3 The Dual Credit programs are:  Dual credit: ACC college credit course(s) that also fulfill high school graduation requirements.  Co-enrollment: ACC college credit course(s) that are not used to fulfill high school graduation requirements.  ACCTech – articulated credit: career and technical high school course(s) that are articulated to an ACC credit course. Varies for each ISD and ACC credit posted, once student completes one ACC class.

4  Fall 2015 Semester:  Students must have completed the sophomore year of high school.  Students must show college readiness in the areas required for the course they wish to take.  Students are limited to two ACC classes per semester.  Spring 2016 Semester:  Students must have completed the 8 th grade & enrolled in HS.  Students must show college readiness in the areas required for the course they wish to take.  Students are NOT limited to two ACC classes per semester; however, we strongly recommend all first time college students enroll in EDUC 1300, and a maximum of two total classes in semester one.

5  Receive weighted grade points toward high school graduation (many school districts).  Fulfills advanced measures for Texas Distinguished Achievement Plan or Distinguished Level of Achievement.  Family savings of thousands of tuition waived dollars.  Provides access to courses not available in high school.  Experience the college expectations and culture before graduating from high school.

6 If a student has submitted previously, they will get the RED message above upon submission. The ACCeID can be claimed 24hrs after submission (not including weekends).

7 Students MUST use their ACCeID and password to complete.

8 All students must take the TSI Assessment, unless they can demonstrate qualified exemptions. Partial college readiness permitted in reading/writing section & math section. TSI Exemptions (permanent): SAT: 1070 combined critical reading and math sections AND 500+ critical reading = TSI reading & writing exemption 500+ math = TSI math exemption Scores must be from one sitting and not older than five years. ACT: 23 composite AND 19+ English = TSI reading & writing exemption 19+ math = TSI math exemption Scores must be from one sitting and not older than five years. STAAR: English III & Algebra II English III Level 2, with a scaled score of 4000 = TSI reading & writing exemption Algebra II Level 2, with a scaled score of 4000 = TSI math exemption Completion of a college level course with a C (ex: ENGL 1301 with C will exempt a student from writing/reading).

9 TSI Exemptions (while in high school) PSAT: 107 combined critical reading and math AND 50+ critical reading = TSI reading & writing exemption 50+ mathematics = TSI math exemption Scores must be from one sitting and not older than five years. PLAN: 23 composite scores AND 19+ English = TSI reading & writing exemption 19+ mathematics = TSI math exemption and math sections. Scores must be from one sitting and not older than five years. STAAR: English II & Algebra I 4000+ English II = TSI reading & writing exemption 4000+ Algebra I AND 70+ in Algebra II class = TSI math exemption Students must demonstrate college readiness in the skills required for the course they intend to take. When testing on the TSI Assessment, we recommend students to take all sections, unless exempt, as subsequent testing will be assessed a retest fee.

10 ALL dual credit students MUST meet with an ACC advisor/specialist EVERY semester they wish to enroll. With high school counselor: Reviews college readiness or exemption. Determines ACC courses for high school dual credit. Gives ACC co-enrollment form to student and completes the “High School Counselor Sections” of form (TSI & ACC course(s), when for dual high school credit). With ACC dual credit specialist or campus advisor:  Verifies TSI & course prerequisite(s) eligibility.  Advises student on importance of success & satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards.  Reviews registration using ACC online services.

11  Register online using the ACC online services. Advising is NOT registration.  Register early and before deadline (Wednesday before the 1 st day of class).  Confirm registration by printing the “My Class Schedule” from online services each semester.

12  ONLINE: Using ACCeID, can pay in full or set up a payment plan.  IN PERSON: Any campus Cashier's Office. Payment MUST be received by payment deadlines listed online, if a student believes the tuition due is incorrect, contact a specialist immediately, or the student will be dropped for non- payment. REMINDER: Courses must be a part of the ACC core curriculum, workforce course, foreign languages, or KINE 1304/1305 to be eligible for dual credit tuition and fees waiver. Courses not eligible will be assessed regular tuition and fees. ACC allows for 12 total waivers per student.

13 Rebecca Robinson-Francis P-16 Coordinator School Relations Highland Business Center 5930 Middle Fiskville Road (512) 223-7013

14  College Prep for Technical Careers  College courses taught at the high school level by high school teachers using college curriculum  College credit held “in-escrow” until students enroll in college and complete one college credit course


16  Local Articulation Agreements for course alignment  CATEMA enrollment  Credit Award  ACC does not participate in ATC program

17  Establish Course Alignment  Establish requirements  Signed by ISD & ACC  Online at:

18  Students enroll in articulated classes at their high schools  Students enroll in CATEMA (Career & Technology Education Management Application)

19  Students must complete an articulated class with at least an 80  Student must enroll in ACC and complete at least one college credit course to receive credit-in-escrow.  Drafting & Animation students must submit portfolios to the respective ACC Department.  Culinary students must present their ServSafe Food Manager’s card to the ACC Culinary Department.  Construction students must present their 30 hour OSHA card to the ACC Building Technology Department.  Dual credit courses do count

20 For students who may not be in or have all courses in CATEMA. Use the Credit- in-Escrow Request form.

21 ACCTech Rebecca Robinson-Francis P-16 Coordinator 512.223.7013

22 Loretta Edelen, Director Community Outreach Eastview Campus 3401 Webberville Road Austin, TX 78703 (512) 223-5106


24  G-Force - we are hoping to hear back on our grant submission to THECB for 2015-17 and place up to 20 ACC students at designated high schools to encourage students to go to college.  ACC to HT – Two scholarships for students who start at ACC and then transfer to HT for their bachelors' degree. One scholarship is $12,500 and the other is for math or biology majors who plan to teach high school after starting at ACC and then transferring to HT for the bachelors' and this one covers seven semesters of tuition for the combination of education at the two institutions. Need more information contact Loretta Edelen, 512.223.5106


26 1. Spring 2016 Semester, changes to eligibility:  Students must have completed the 8 th grade & enrolled in HS.  Students must show college readiness in the areas required for the course they wish to take.  Students will not be limited to two ACC classes per semester, however, we strongly recommend all first time college students enroll in EDUC 1300, & enroll in only two classes for their first semester of college classes. 2. Dual Credit Tuition & Fees Waiver  All dual credit students will be afforded 12 tuition and fees waivers throughout their enrollment at ACC until HS graduation.  Eligible courses: ACC core, ACC workforce, foreign languages, KINE 1304/1305. All remaining ACC courses will be assessed regular tuition and fees for all dual students.  Out of taxing district per course fee is $150 per class, unless ACC class is taken on the high school campus.

27 3. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)  SAP can impact a student’s future ability to qualify for federal and state financial aid & transferability to another institution post high school graduation.  SAP has 3 components: GPA, completion rate, & maximum time frame. 1. GPA: Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA on all hours attempted at ACC. 2. Completion rate: Students must complete 67% of all hours attempted at ACC. 3. Maximum time frame: Students receiving financial aid must complete their program of study within a reasonable time frame. The maximum time frame is 150% of the published length of the academic program or certificate (to include all transfer credit hours).

28 4. Student Success  In addition to college readiness, it’s important that students are ready for the additional workload and expectations of college level coursework. Balance is key.  College records are permanent, meaning all grades earned will factor into college applications and future financial aid eligibility.  When a student registers for an ACC class, they will receive a grade, unless they officially drop or withdraw using their ACC online account. Classes dropped after the state reporting date for each session, will result in a grade of “W” and be calculated into SAP.

29 5. ACC Online Tools  ACC admission application  ACCeID & ACC email  ACC orientation – required for all first time college students  ACC pre assessment (PAA), ONLY if TSI is needed  Online registration & payment Detailed screenshots during “ACC Online Tools” session

30 6. TSI: Testing & Scores Report  All ACC TSI testing must be completed at an ACC campus, if your ISD has not contracted with College Board to become a TSI site. Your specialist can coordinate a group visit to an ACC campus for TSI testing, if needed. The cost of the ACC TSI test is $29.00 per student, subsequent retesting will cost $10 per section. There are no TSI test fee waivers.  TSI scores and/or exemptions MUST be submitted with co-enrollment form for all first time dual students.  TSI college readiness standards through Spring 2017:  Reading – 351  Writing – 5 essay OR 4 essay/363 objective  Math – 350 (valid for 5 years from date of test)

31 Chantel Reynolds Senior Director of ACCUPLACER State & Policy Initiatives College Board 45 Columbus Avenue New York, NY 10023 512.636.1436 / 212.253.4061

32 1. Dual Credit Paperwork Management  Natalie Almanza & Katharine Bennett 2. ACC Online Tools & Registration  Zach Denton & Jason Sanchez 3. ACC Class on Your Campus  Mison Zuñiga

33 Austin Community College 5930 Middle Fiskville Road Austin, TX 78752 (512) 223-7066 voice (512) 223-7068 fax Email:

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