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Review Game WG 5, 6, 11a, 11b, 11c. The factor that influences population that deals with oil, water and farm land.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Game WG 5, 6, 11a, 11b, 11c. The factor that influences population that deals with oil, water and farm land."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Game WG 5, 6, 11a, 11b, 11c

2 The factor that influences population that deals with oil, water and farm land

3 Natural resources

4 Which Characteristic of human population deals with how long a person should live in a certain area

5 Life Expectancy

6 Which influence of population deals with things like brushing your teeth and washing your hands?

7 Modern Medicine and hygiene

8 Push or Pull? religion

9 Pull

10 Push or Pull? Overpopulation

11 Push

12 Push or Pull? Religious Persecution

13 Push

14 Push or Pull? Economic Opportunity

15 Pull

16 Push or Pull? Land Avaiability

17 Pull

18 Push or Pull? Lack of job Opportunties

19 Push

20 Factor that influence population that deals with hot or cold weather and wet and dry weather

21 Climate

22 Which characteristic of human population deals with the amount of children in a region who die before their first birthday

23 Infant Mortality Rate

24 Which factor that influences population deals with how people are taught how to be a citizen or prepare for better jobs?

25 Education

26 Push or Pull? Agricultural decline

27 push

28 Push or Pull? conflict

29 Push

30 Push or Pull? Political freedom

31 Pull

32 Push or Pull? Political Persecution

33 Push

34 Push or Pull? Natural hazards like droughts

35 Push

36 Push or Pull? Ethnic and Family Ties

37 Pull

38 Push or Pull? Limits on Personal freedom

39 Push

40 Push or Pull? Environmental degradation

41 Push

42 Push or Pull? Arable Land

43 Pull

44 The actual location of a city is?

45 Site

46 The factor of population distribution that deals with job growth

47 Economic Development

48 Which Characteristic of human population deals with how many people in a area live in cities or farms?

49 Urban/Rural distribution

50 Which factor that influences population growth rates deals with the modernization of a region and growth of cities?

51 Industrialization and urbanization

52 The relative location of a city with respect to other geographic features, regions, resources and transportation routes

53 Situation

54 NYC, Alexandria Egypt and Istanbul Turkey are what sites?

55 Harbor

56 Paris, Hong Kong and Singapore are all what sites

57 Island

58 Richmond Virginia is what site

59 Fall Line

60 Khartoum Sudan and Pittsburgh Pennsylvania are what sites

61 Confluence

62 Rome, Athens and Jerusalem are what sites

63 Hilltop

64 Damascus Syria and Siwa Egypt are what sites?

65 Oasis

66 London and Quebec City are what type of site

67 Rivers Narrow

68 The factor of population distribution that deals with rules and laws set down by a governing body

69 Government Policy

70 Which characteristic of human population deals with the Gross Domestic Product of a country?

71 GDP

72 Which factor that influences population growth rates deals with the growth of people’s ability to earn money?

73 Economic Growth

74 Which place’s situation is the command of the land between the Tigris and Euphrates River

75 Baghdad

76 Which city’s situation was command of the straits and land bridge to Europe?

77 Istanbul

78 Situation for Varanasi (Benares) India

79 Point of Pilgrimage

80 What city was the focal point of pilgrimage for Muslim faith?

81 Mecca Saudi Arabia

82 Situation discussed for Singapore

83 Maritime trade

84 Situation discussed for Timbuktu Mali

85 Trade Route : Trans-Sahara

86 Situation discussed for Samarkland Uzbekistan and Xi’an China

87 Trade Route : Silk Road

88 Situation discussed for Cape Town South Africa

89 Supply Station for ships

90 Situation for Omaha Nebraska and Sacramento California

91 Both on the U.S. Transcontinental Railroad

92 Which cities grew up along the Trans-Siberian Railroad

93 Novosibirsk, Vladivostok

94 The factor that influences population distribution that looks at people living in either the urban or rural settings is

95 Rural/Urban Settlement Patterns

96 Which Characteristic of human population deals with people in a region from different backgrounds

97 Ethnicities

98 Which factor the influences population growth deals with how the powers that makes laws makes it more inviting for people to live there?

99 Government Policy

100 What function of a city is best displayed here?

101 Security, Defense

102 What city function is best on display in this photo?

103 Religious Center

104 What function of a city is best on display here?

105 Trade Center

106 What function of a city is best on display here?

107 Government Administration

108 What function of a city is best on display here

109 Manufacturing Center

110 What function of a city is best on display here?

111 Service Center

112 The factors that influence population distribution that deals with transportation and technology

113 Capital Resources

114 Which Characteristic of human population deals with how people communicate in different regions

115 language

116 What city changes in functions is described as “a change of Brazil’s capital from here to Brasilia”

117 Rio de Janeiro

118 Which city’s change in function is best described as “Early function connected to defense, then became steel manufacturing center, later shifted to diverse services (financial, light manufacturing)

119 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

120 What city change of function is best described as “Resource depletion, changes in the environment?”

121 Mining Towns, “Ghost” Towns

122 What city change of function is best described as “Changes in trade patterns – coastal and transatlantic trade, trade from Great Lakes via Erie Canal, worldwide trade and finances?”

123 New York City

124 The Factor that influences population distribution that deals with the creation of refugees due to struggles within an area

125 conflict

126 Which characteristic of human population deals with different ways people worship a deity, answer questions of life and deal with morals

127 Religion

128 Which factor that influences population growth would best be the example of a woman becoming president?

129 Role of women in society

130 Which influence of a urban area is best shown in the picture

131 Nation Building (monuments, symbols)

132 Which influence of a urban area is best shown in the picture

133 Transportation/Communication Hub

134 Which influence of a urban area is best shown in the picture

135 Magnets for Migration

136 Which influence of a urban area is best shown in the picture

137 Seed beds of new ideas and technologies

138 Which influence of a urban area is best shown in the picture

139 Diversity, leading to creativity in the arts

140 Which influence of a urban area is best shown in the picture

141 Universities, education opportunities

142 Which influence of a urban area is best shown in the picture

143 Corporate Headquarters/ regional offices

144 Which influence of a urban area is best shown in the picture

145 Media Centers (news, entertainment)

146 What characteristic of human population deals with how many children are born per 1,000?

147 Birth Rate

148 Which characteristic of human population deals with how a region teach its population

149 education

150 What theory talks about factors that make people go or stay in a region?

151 Push – Pull Theory

152 What problem with growth in urban areas is best shown below?

153 Transportation Problem

154 What problem with growth in urban areas is best shown below?

155 Rich and poor neighborhoods exist in different areas isolated from each other

156 What problem with growth in urban areas is best shown below?

157 Providing essential services (fresh water, sewage disposal, electricity, schools, clinics)

158 What problem with growth in urban areas is best shown below?

159 Air, water and noise pollution

160 What problem with growth in urban areas is best shown below?

161 Urban Sprawl

162 Which Characteristic of human population deals with how many people die per 1,000

163 Death Rate

164 McDonalds being popular in Moscow is….

165 Diffusion of US culture in different regions

166 Which Characteristic of human population deals with how many people are in a area by different age groups

167 Age distribution

168 Halloween traditions and Japanese style game shows being popular in the U.S. are examples of…

169 Popularization of other cultures in the U.S.

170 Which characteristic of human population deals with how many of both genders live in a certain area

171 Male/Female distribution

172 What are these 4 items Language Religion and Religious Freedom Customs and Traditions Cultural Landscape

173 Impact of migration on regions

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