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1 Facilitation Facilitation is the process of making something easier or less difficult…

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Presentation on theme: "1 Facilitation Facilitation is the process of making something easier or less difficult…"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Facilitation Facilitation is the process of making something easier or less difficult…

2 2 Facilitator’s Approach Be sure of the workshop session objectives - ‘desired outcomes’ Introduce yourself Set out structure/agenda –2 main questions –Round table discussion –Give feedback as a group Explain the ground rules and process –Respect different views and let everyone have their say –Reflect; Share; Discuss –Summary for feedback Ask for round table introductions Ensure the group knows its task. Facilitation

3 3 Facilitation Skills Direct, guide and control discussion Involve everyone (actively) Periodically summarise & signpost Use questions, especially open questions and probing questions Actively listen Let it flow, but intervene when off track or running out of time. Facilitation Skills

4 4 General Guidance Allocate time per agenda item and for summarising Try not to preclude anything…everything is valid…you can screen contributions later Build on suggestions and probe Get a spread of views: make sure everyone has a chance to contribute Look to individuals and the interest they represent: get a range of views Don’t let individuals dominate: keep the discussion moving “We’ve got that point, has anyone else anything to add…” Facilitation

5 5 General Guidance Restrain the urge to offer ideas and direction on content (your job is to direct the process) Keep discussion moving: have some general points ready or build on previous contributions e.g. “You said earlier…” ‘Play back’ or summarise: repeat points to validate them and get consensus “Are we saying that…” List summary points for feedback as you go along Enjoy! You are making things happen. Facilitation

6 6 Facilitator’s Feedback “ Rehearse” your final summary with the group to practice and validate the feedback Don’t forget to thank people Include feedback on points of disagreement but DO NOT refer to individuals/comments by name When giving feedback, speak to the whole audience, not just to your group Make sure to collect individual worksheets and hand these in along with the “master copy”. Facilitation

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