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Elements in Group 1A will form what type of ion? +1 cation.

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2 Elements in Group 1A will form what type of ion? +1 cation

3 What is the singlemost important characteristic used to organize atoms in the periodic table? Atomic number or proton number

4 What is the ideal gas law formula? PV=nRT

5 Vertical columns are known as Groups or Families

6 What 2 things are represented in a Lewis Dot Diagram? Atom symbol Valence electrons

7 What type of ion do atoms in Group VIA form? -2 anions

8 What are the 2 main types of intramolecular bonds? IonicCovalent

9 The most electronegative atom on the periodic table Fluorine

10 In a solution containing water, carbon dioxide and sugar, name the solvent(s) and solute(s) Solvent – water Solutes – carbon dioxide & sugar

11 What type of relationship exists between atomic radius and bond length trends on the periodic table? Direct relationship as radius increases, bond length increases as radius increases, bond length increases

12 Positive ions are called Cations

13 What type of bond is formed when electrons are share equally between nuclei? Nonpolar covalent

14 What is the formula for Phosphoric acid? H 3 PO 4

15 These types of molecules have dipoles Polar molecules

16 The distance from the center of an atom’s nucleus to it’s valence shell is known as it’s Atomic radius

17 This is the weakest of the intermolecular forces Dispersion Force

18 These types of bonds are longer than double bonds Single bonds

19 What is the formula for the ionic compound containing Ca +2 and Cl -1 ? CaCl 2

20 These types of solids behave as supercooled liquids Amorphous Solids

21 P 1 V 1 =P 2 V 2 Which gas law is this the formula for - P 1 V 1 =P 2 V 2 Boyles Law

22 What is the formula for the polyatomic ion sulfate? SO 4 -2

23 What do atoms in period 3 all have in common? 3 energy levels

24 The measure of an atom’s ability to attract electrons Electronegativity

25 What is the formula for Bromine gas? Br 2

26 What happens to the atomic radius as you move from left to right within a period on the periodic table? Decreases

27 What do elements in Group VIIA have in common? 7 valence electrons

28 In the writing of an ionic compound, how do we determine the number of each atom in the compound? Criss cross the ionic charges

29 What type of intermolecular bonds form between water molecules due to their polarity? Hydrogen bonds

30 Bonds in which static electrical attraction is holding atoms together Ionic

31 What element has the following electron configuration: [Ne]3s 2 3p 5 Na – sodium (atomic # 11)

32 What is the suffix on monoatomic anions? -ide

33 What type of equation is - Aluminum + chloride  Aluminum chloride Synthesis

34 In naming an ionic compound, which ion is always listed first? Cation (positive ion)

35 What is the name of this polyatomic ion: NH 4 + Ammonium

36 In this type of bond, shared electrons spend more time near one nucleus than another Polar Covalent

37 When an atom gains electrons what does it become? Anion (negatively charged ion)

38 What is the relationship between bond length and bond strength? Inverse, As bond length increases, strength decreases

39 This theory explains molecular shape as a function of electron pairs arranging themselves as far apart from one another as possible VSEPR - Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion

40 What law are we following when we balance a chemical equation? Law of Conservation of Mass

41 One mole of a compound contains how many particles? 6.02x10 23 particles

42 Balance the following equation: Ca(ClO 3 ) 2  CaCl 2 + O 2 Ca(ClO 3 ) 2  CaCl 2 + 3O 2

43 What is the formula for: iron (III) carbonate? Fe 2 (CO 3 ) 3

44 Write the balanced equation for the following word equation: Aluminum chloride + Calcium  Aluminum + Calcium chloride 2AlCl 3 + 3Ca  2Al + 3CaCl 2

45 What type of equation is - Aluminum chloride + Calcium  Aluminum + Calcium chloride Single Replacement

46 What is the formula for: iron (III) carbonate? Fe 2 (CO 3 ) 3

47 2Al + 3Br 2  2AlBr 3 What type of reaction is the one previously written? 2Al + 3Br 2  2AlBr 3 Synthesis reaction

48 What is the balanced equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas? 2H 2 O 2  2H 2 O + O 2

49 What does the abbreviation STP stand for? Standard Temperature & Pressure

50 One mole of carbon has a mass of how many grams? 12 grams

51 6.02x10 23 is also known as Avagodro’s Number

52 The sum of the masses of the elements composing a compound is known as its Formula Mass

53 What is the percent composition of CO 2 ? %C = 12/44 = 27% %O = 16(2)/44 = 73%

54 One mole of any gas has what molar volume? 22.4 Liters

55 The mass of each element in a compound divided by the formula mass is the Percent composition

56 Write the balanced formula for the reaction of iron with oxygen gas to form iron (III) oxide. 4Fe + 3O 2  2Fe 2 O 3

57 If 4.3g of iron reacts with oxygen, as in the previous formula, what mass of Fe 2 O 3 would be produced? 6.1 g Fe 2 O 3 4.3g Fe1mol Fe2mol Fe 2 O 3 160g Fe 2 O 3 56g Fe4mol Fe1mol Fe 2 O 3

58 Determine the molarity of a solution containing 10g of sodium hydroxide in.5L of water 0.5M NaOH 10g NaOH1mol NaOH=.25 mol NaOH 40g NaOH 0.5L = 0.5M NaOH

59 How many liters of oxygen are required for the previous reaction? 1.29 L O 2 4.3g Fe1mol Fe3mol O 2 22.4 L O 2 56g Fe4mol Fe1mol O 2

60 Aluminum reacts with bromine gas to produce aluminum bromide. What is the balanced equation for this reaction? 2Al + 3Br 2  2AlBr 3

61 If 15.0g Al reacts with 46.0g Br 2, which is the limiting reactant? 46.0g Br 2 15.0g Al1mol Al2mol AlBr 3 267g AlBr 3 27g Al2mol Al1mol AlBr 3 46.0g Br 2 1mol Br 2 2mol AlBr 3 267g AlBr 3 160g Br 2 3mol Br 2 1mol AlBr 3 = 51.2g = 148.3g

62 Find the empirical formula for the compound that consists of 20.23% Al and 79.77% Cl. AlCl 3 20.23g Al1mol Al=.75 mol Al 27g Al 79.77g Cl1mol Cl= 2.28 mol Cl 35g Cl.75 = 1 = 3

63 Name the 4 factors that influence the behavior of a gas. VolumePressureTemperatureAmount

64 If the molar mass of the compound in the previous question is 264g, what is the molecular formula? Al 2 Cl 6 AlCl 3 formula mass = 132 264/132 = 2

65 For the formula 2P + 3Br 2  2PBr 3, if 5.0g P and 35g of Br 2 react, what is the limiting reactant and how what mass of PBr 3 is produced? 35g Br 2 produces 39.5g PBr 3 5.0g P1mol P2mol PBr 3 271g PBr 3 31g P2mol P1mol PBr 3 35g Br 2 1mol Br 2 2mol PBr 3 271g PBr 3 160g Br 2 3mol Br 2 1mol PBr 3 = 43.7g = 39.5g

66 If the actual yield of PBr3 from the previous problem is 30g, what is the percent yield? 75.9% 30g/39.5g

67 In the writing of an ionic compound, how do we determine the number of each atom in the compound? Criss cross the ionic charges

68 What is an aqueous solution? A solution in which water is the solvent

69 What law are we following when we balance a chemical equation? Law of Conservation of Mass

70 Balance the following equation: Ca(ClO 3 ) 2  CaCl 2 + O 2 Ca(ClO 3 ) 2  CaCl 2 + 3O 2

71 One of the unique properties of water is the large amount of heat needed to change it from liquid to gas. This is known as Heat of Vaporization

72 Write the balanced equation for the following word equation: Aluminum chloride + Calcium  Aluminum + Calcium chloride 2AlCl 3 + 3Ca  2Al + 3CaCl 2

73 This is a measure of the amount of heat needed to raise 1g of liquid by 1 o C. Specific Heat

74 If the pH of a solution is 2, what is the hydrogen ion concentration? 10 -2

75 What does the abbreviation STP stand for? Standard Temperature & Pressure

76 What is the term used for the idea that no kinetic energy is lost due to collisions within a gas? Elastic

77 Rank the 3 states of matter by the strength of their intermolecular forces from weakest to strongest. GasLiquidSolid

78 Acids, by which definition, donate H+ ions to solution? Bronsted-Lowry

79 Have mass Fill container Exert pressure Pressure depends on temperature Compress easily Move through one another easily Name at least 4 properties of gases.

80 This is the strongest of the intermolecular formulas due to the large differences in electronegativities within the molecules. Hydrogen bonds

81 What is the formula for Charles’ Law? V 1 T 2 = V 2 T 1

82 These types of solids have highly ordered repeating patterns. Crystalline Solids

83 What unit is used as a measure of concentration and defined as moles per liter? Molarity

84 This is the measure of resistance as molecules of a liquid move past one another Viscosity

85 A neutralization reaction between a strong acid and strong base will yield what 2 products? A Salt and Water

86 Substances that resist changes in pH are known as Buffers

87 In pure water, the concentrations of which 2 ions are equal? H + and OH -

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