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Student Discipline Interviews with two administrators from Pulaski County Virginia Interviewed and compiled by Debra Perry.

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1 Student Discipline Interviews with two administrators from Pulaski County Virginia Interviewed and compiled by Debra Perry

2 Principal of Dublin Elementary School Interview with Jennifer Wall Interview with Jennifer Wall

3 Consistency: school-wide. Teachers handle differently some offenses and the challenge is to obtain school-wide consistency with regard to discipline. Interview with Jennifer Wall What are the challenges with student discipline? Interview with Jennifer Wall What are the challenges with student discipline?

4 We have an ESD (effective school-wide discipline) plan in place for the third year now. It is a school-wide positive behavior-based program which recognizes the teaching of behaviors. It leads to a warmer climate – more supportive. The plan is instructionally based. My assistant and I want to be viewed as helpful, not as leaders who send kids home. Interview with Jennifer Wall How does discipline effect the overall school climate? Interview with Jennifer Wall How does discipline effect the overall school climate?

5 Discipline is teaching/education based. We don’t follow the same rules as home so we need to teach our rules here and reinforce with posters, etc., our school-wide approach. We use positive reinforcement which reinforces their desire to behave. Interview with Jennifer Wall What is your personal leadership style/philosophy related to student discipline? Interview with Jennifer Wall What is your personal leadership style/philosophy related to student discipline?

6 Brochures go home, newsletters go home, we have fun days where students get to spend their earned $$ (shamrocks) from good behaviors. All calls to home are framed toward change; change in behaviors focusing on the positive. I developed a scavenger hunt through the student handbook to reinforce learning of the expected behaviors. Parents volunteer to help at fun days and come to see their child. Interview with Jennifer Wall How do you involve parents in student discipline? Interview with Jennifer Wall How do you involve parents in student discipline?

7 Two come to mind – special education issues as to providing behavior support. And the second issue is bullying. With this topic there are a variety of different conceptions as to what is bullying which causes vagueness in defining the level of offense. I would like more staff training on this. Interview with Jennifer Wall What are legal issues related to discipline? Interview with Jennifer Wall What are legal issues related to discipline?

8 Our ESD is positive behavior supportive. We involve students in creating our plan and we have monthly ESD team meetings. Consistency is our goal. We have created an icon (character) on magnets, posters, etc. Students earn shamrocks for good behavior. Our rewards are not toys but opportunities on fun days to play games, get teachers to sings, etc. When a student has a problem there is a Thinking Back/Planning Ahead plan written up by the student. the ESD handbook and supporting documents are used and review by all. Interview with Jennifer Wall What are effective strategies that you have used? Interview with Jennifer Wall What are effective strategies that you have used?

9 We began in year one with the hallways (each teacher had a book which they reviewed daily with the class). Then in year two we added the cafeteria and year three our ESD plan is now school-wide. Ours is an acknowledge system with opportunities to recognize positive behaviors. It is relationship-based. We gave training to all through T/TAC. Teachers, parents and students were a part of the planning, writing the school song, making the list of expectations. This needs to be a collaborative effort to be successful. Interview with Jennifer Wall How does a school go about creating a school-wide discipline strategy? Interview with Jennifer Wall How does a school go about creating a school-wide discipline strategy?

10 Teachers have been tremendously supportive. They have been a part of the plan all along and are on the ESD team. They volunteer to work the fun days or to have their talents be the shamrock rewards. The only issue is training new staff who have now come on board in year three – it will take practice for new teachers as this is a school-wide policy. Interview with Jennifer Wall How do teachers feel about how educational leaders approach to discipline? Interview with Jennifer Wall How do teachers feel about how educational leaders approach to discipline?

11 Student Discipline Interviews with two administrators from Pulaski County Virginia Continued...

12 Interview with Janis Carter Principal Snowville Elementary School

13 Interview with Janis Carter What are the challenges with student discipline? - Parent’s non-support of consequences that are used when students misbehave. Even with good communication of protocol, parents can be a challenge.

14 Interview with Janis Carter How does discipline effect the overall school climate? - Discipline makes for smooth running of the school. Since all know the rules and consequences concerning discipline, school routine runs smoothly.

15 Interview with Janis Carter What is your personal leadership style/philosophy related to student discipline? - Personal. I know all of the students and parents and have visited in their homes. The students respect me. They know my philosophy, that if I say it, I do it, and I follow through on all things. This applies to discipline as well as modeling learning behaviors.

16 Interview with Janis Carter How do you involve parents in student discipline? - I always call parents if a child is seen in my office. I also call parents for incidents that are recorded on bus reports. If a child is suspended, a parent must bring in the child when the child returns.

17 Interview with Janis Carter What are legal issues related to discipline? - Following county policies, confidentiality, disciplinary actions are a few.

18 Interview with Janis Carter What are effective strategies that you have used? -Some strategies are: student/parent handbook with rules; consistency of discipline, rapport with students so they want to follow rules and be kind to all.

19 Interview with Janis Carter How does a school go about creating a school-wide discipline strategy? - Teachers, parents and students all have input into the discipline plan.

20 Interview with Janis Carter How do teachers feel about how educational leaders approach to discipline? - Teachers want good discipline so their classrooms run smoothly. They turn to the principal to speak to students who misbehave and follow through. Teachers want protocols in place for sending students to the principal.

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