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Springdale High School Dr. Cheryl Griffith, AVSD Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Linda Stiehler, Business Owner and Resident.

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Presentation on theme: "Springdale High School Dr. Cheryl Griffith, AVSD Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Linda Stiehler, Business Owner and Resident."— Presentation transcript:

1 Springdale High School Dr. Cheryl Griffith, AVSD Superintendent of Schools Mrs. Linda Stiehler, Business Owner and Resident

2  Dress for Success

3  When You Speak --Tone/Volume --Word Choice --Pace

4  Good Body Language --Eye Contact --Sit/Stand Erect --Thoughtful Handshake --Smile as Appropriate --Be Conscious of Hands

5  Researching the Company/Organization --Online Research --Talk with Current Employees --Visit the Company --Business Publications

6  Knowing Your Strengths, Skills and Interests --Career Cruising Resource --Feedback from Parents, School Personnel, Employers --Self-Reflection --Match Strengths with Job Requirements

7  Use Your Contacts --School Personnel --Former Employers --Community Service Contacts --Clergy --Extracurricular Activities

8  Anticipating Questions --Know the Job Requirements --Know Your Accomplishments --Know Your Areas for Growth --Demonstrate Enthusiasm --Communicate the importance of punctuality, meeting expectations, demonstrating work ethic and teamwork

9  Telephone  One-on-One  Group --Practice the Interview

10  Common Interview Mistakes --Negative commentary about previous employer and/or schooling --Chewing Gum --Use of slang terms --Presence of cell phone --Short responses without substance

11  Letter of Interest (Cover Letter)  Resume  State/Federal Clearances  Thank You Note/Letter

12  Continuous Professional Development  Continuous Self-Assessment  “Attitude of Gratitude”  Anticipate Contribution to Company

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