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Overview of FBA-BIP and Tier III Systems Teri Lewis Oregon Director NW PBIS Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of FBA-BIP and Tier III Systems Teri Lewis Oregon Director NW PBIS Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of FBA-BIP and Tier III Systems Teri Lewis Oregon Director NW PBIS Network


3 Purpose To describe considerations & procedures for developing & sustaining individual student systems This system will expand Tier I supports to Tier II and Tier III systems

4 Challenges to ISS Students Problem behaviors are high intensity &/or frequency Too many students display significant problem behavior at any one time Problem behaviors are disrupting learning & teaching environments Problem behaviors are difficult to understand Interventions are ineffective

5 Schools Not enough minutes in the day to collect information and develop interventions Administrative leadership & support is lacking, unavailable, or underdeveloped Staff are unable or untrained to implement interventions Overemphasis on form, policy, or regulation rather than on process Lack of continuum of positive behavior support

6 Considerations Behavior must be considered within context in which it is observed As intensity of problem behavior increases, so must intensity & complexity of functional behavioral assessment & behavior support planning process

7 Individuals who develop & implement behavior support plans must be behaviorally competent & able to… conduct fluently FBA-BIP facilitate efficient development, implementation, evaluation of BIPs collect & analyze student performance data develop academic & social BIPs that are based on research validated practice.

8 The longer problem behavior has been occurring, the more resistant it may be to intervention Staff need sustained & effective support to respond effectively & efficiently to significant problem behavior Efficient team-based approach & process to problem solving must be in place

9 Tier I - Universal School-wide discipline system for all students, staff, & settings that is effective for 80% of students Clearly & positively stated expectations Procedures for teaching expectations Continuum of procedures for teaching expectations Continuum of procedures for encouraging expectations Continuum of procedures for discouraging rule violations Procedures for monitoring & modifying procedures

10 Tier II - Secondary Specialized group administered system for students who display high-risk problem behavior & are unresponsive to universal interventions Functional assessment based intervention decisions Daily behavioral monitoring Regular & frequent opportunities for positive reinforcement Home-school connection Individualized academic accommodations for academic success Planned social skills instruction Behaviorally based interventions

11 Tier III - Tertiary Specialized individually administered system for students who display most challenging problem behavior & are unresponsive to targeted group interventions Simple request for assistance Immediate response (24-48 hours Functional behavioral assessment-based behavior support planning Team-based problem solving process Data-based decision making Comprehensive service delivery derived from a wraparound process

12 General Process 1.Establish Behavior Support Team to guide/lead process 2.Secure & establish behavioral competence within school 3.Develop/strengthen three level system of school-wide behavior support: Universal Interventions Secondary Interventions Individual Interventions

13 4.Establish data decision system for matching level of intervention to student Simple & direct request for assistance process for staff Data decision rule for requesting assistance based on number of major behavioral incidents 5.Establish a continuous data-based system to monitor, evaluate, & improve effectiveness & efficiency Are students displaying improved behaviors? Are staff implementing procedures with high fidelity? What can be modified to improve outcomes? What can be eliminated to improve efficiency?

14 Example 1 – DEBS (District Effective Behavior Support) District and Community Wide School Psychologist School Representative Spec ED Director Juvenile Justice After school Program United Way … Schools had to have high level of implementation at Tier I to participate Brought FBA-BIP, records to meeting Often brought key teacher/staff

15 In general, DEBS Met weekly for 1 hour Schools can present a student to team and then team brainstorms support Because community agencies were present it was fast and efficient to coordinate wrap-around services

16 Example 2 – BISSC (Bethel Individual Student Systems Cadre) The purpose of BISSC is to extend the existing school-based continuum of PBS to the district level by: increasing communication between key individuals, coordination of efforts, and specialized technical assistance. District MTSS Model 11 schools 5679 students District-wide PBIS project District-wide reading project Beginning a District-wide math project

17 In general, BISSC Met monthly with School-based Teams (at the school) Technical Assistance, Monitoring Quarterly District-wide Training, Coordination & Communication Monthly Advisory Council Systems and Planning for trainings and technical assistance Monthly District Leadership Team Connect to other initiatives (e.g., academic, multi-cultural)

18 Survey Summary Over the three years of implementation: It is easier to complete the FBA-BIP process They complete more without district or expert support Members believe that the BIPs are more effective As team member confidence increased, as reliance on outside support has decreased However, it took three years for schools to establish a system for referring students for BISSC support

19 Richland School District Video

20 Check-in Individual Student Systems Do you have a team that supports teacherswith at-risk students? Available to all staff? Y N Available to all parents? Y N Simple Request for Assistance? Y N Protected meeting time? Data sources Committee Review Worksheet, Staff Handbook,general knowledge…


22 Objectives Rationale for conducting FBA-BIP Define FBA Describe requirements for conducting FBA-BIP Be familiar with the main steps in FBA-BIP process

23 Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive

24 What is FBA? A systematic problem solving process for developing statements about factors that: Contribute to the occurrence and maintenance of problem behavior, and More importantly, serve as basis for developing proactive & comprehensive behavior support plans.

25 Use FBA when… Students are not successful Interventions need to be developed Existing interventions need to made more effective and/or efficient

26 How do I know if I have done an FBA? Description of problem behavior Identification of conditions that predict when problem behavior will and will not occur Identification of consequences that maintain problem behaviors (functions)

27 Summary statements or testable hypotheses that describe specific behavior, conditions, and reinforcers Collection of direct observation data that support summary statements

28 FBA’s do not… FBAs guide the development of BIP. They do not result in Eligibility Placement Manifest determination Can provide information that is useful for all of these of procedures

29 FBA Misrules Only one way to collect FBA information, FBA process is basically the same Decisions about methods for collecting data may vary based on what information need to be collected

30 Must do everything every time. Base FBA activities on what you know. FBA is systematic behavior support planning process.

31 Everyone has to know how to do FBA. Small # of people must have high fluency. All people must know process & what to expect. Some individuals must work on sustainability.

32 FBA is it. One component of comprehensive plan of behavior support. FBA is only for students with disability Process for behavior of all individuals across multiple settings

33 Power, authority, control, intimidation, bullying, etc. are functions Two basic research validated functions Positive reinforcement (get/access) Negative reinforcement (avoid/escape)


35 Steps in an FBA 1.Collect Information to determine function. 2.Develop testable hypothesis or summary statements and indicate functions. 3.Collect direct observation data to confirm summary statement. 4.Identify desired and acceptable replacement behaviors. 5.Develop behavior intervention plan. 6.Develop comprehensive BIP to ensure high fidelity implementation. 7.Develop on-going monitoring system.

36 Step 1: Collect Information Multiple sources Student, parent, teacher, etc. Multiple settings Where it occurs & doesn’t occur Strengths Reinforcers, goals, hobbies, social skills, academic achievements, etc.

37 Step 1 ….continued Multiple methods Archival review Office discipline referrals, behavior incident reports, etc. Checklist/inventory FACTS, routine analysis Interview Brief, student-guided, parent, teacher Direct observation O’Neill et al., ABC, scatter plot

38 Aaron Teacher interview, student interview, record review When Aaron sits next to preferred peers, he talks to them to gain peer attention.

39 Defining behavior Must be in operational, observable, or measurable terms. To achieve high agreement between two people.

40 Defining Behavior: Noncompliance Doesn’t follow adult directions to clean up lunch table. Walks away from teacher without responding. Flips tray over on table and tells the teacher to go to _________. Ask the teacher how their weekend was, talks for a few minutes, and then goes out to break.

41 Defining Behavior: Doesn’t complete class work Starts work when asked, gets stuck after a few minutes and begins to draw on the assignment. Spends the first 15 minutes “getting ready”, e.g., opening book, sharpening pencil, getting paper, fixing coat on back of chair, etc. Completes the assignment, shuts assignment in binder, and forgets to turn in when leaving.

42 Consider behavior dimensions : Topography/shape Frequency Duration Latency Intensity or force Locus Aggression = hitting, biting, & kicking or name calling & verbal abuse

43 Consider response class “Set of topographically different behaviors that have the same effect or function” (Sprague & Horner, 1999, p. 99) To escape difficult request: hit, push, runaway, cry

44 Consider response chains Predictable sequence of behaviors in which each behavior occasions next behavior in the chain, & functions as a reinforcer for previous behavior in chain. Given a task, student (a) talks with friends, (b) writes on papers, (c) says work is stupid, (d) throws paper in waste basket, & (e) leaves room.

45 Activity Defining Behavior Review the information you have about thestudent. Do you need additional information? Student, Teacher or Parent interview ODRs, other discipline records Academic and/or Health information Identify your target behavior(s) e.g., aggression, disruptive, non-compliant Write an operational definition of the student’starget behavior (s) Observable and measurable e.g., disruption – frequently out of seat walkingaround the room, takes others items off theirdesk, …

46 STEP 2. Develop summary statement. Testable hypothesis (“objective guess”). Write in observable terms. If not confirmable, collect more information & restate. Developed from review of assessment information. Composed of (a) problem behavior, (b) triggering antecedent, (c) maintaining consequences, & (d) setting events.

47 Antecedents Occurs before behavior, acts as a “trigger” Stimulus Control When an stimulus (event) reliably predicts that a behavior will or will not happen. What do you do at a red light? Why? What do you do at a green light? Why

48 Consequences Occurs after behavior, maintains it (meets a need). Either increases or decreases behavior. Possible functions Get/obtain (social, activity, tangible) Escape (social, activity/tasks) Automatic/sensory stimulation

49 Setting Events Happen before, similar to antecedents, but are more distant. Can even be several hours or several days before Because of this rarely “see” the setting event and hard to identify Think of the setting event as “setting up” the behavior and antecedents as “setting off” the behavior E.g., lack of sleep, missed breakfast, fight with peer, did poorly in earlier class, stayed with dad (or mom), allergies, not feeling well, …..

50 Setting EventsTriggering Antecedents Maintaining Consequences Problem Behavior Testable Hypothesis

51 Examples of summary statements When he misses breakfast & peers tease him about his walk, Caesar calls them names & hits them. The teasing stops.

52 Setting EventsTriggering Antecedents Maintaining Consequences Problem Behavior Testable Hypothesis Misses breakfast. Teased by peers. Name calling & Hits. Teasing stops.

53 Camillia stares off into space & does not respond to teacher directions when she doesn’t know how to do a difficult math problem. Her teacher removes the work.

54 Setting EventsTriggering Antecedents Maintaining Consequences Problem Behavior Testable Hypothesis None Difficult Math Stares into space Doesn’t respond Escape math

55 When his teacher gives him clear directions & praises him privately, Charlop completes his work.

56 Setting EventsTriggering Antecedents Maintaining Consequences Problem Behavior Testable Hypothesis Clear directions. Completes work. Private teacher praise.

57 Activity Testable Hypothesis Develop a testable hypothesis for you targetstudent Operational definition of the problem behavior Triggering antecedent Maintaining Consequence Consider if there are Setting Events Put answers in the middle row of theCompeting Path Analysis Data sources Guess & Check Brief FBAI

58 STEP 3. Collect direct observation data to confirm summary statement Testable hypothesis Multiple settings Measures of problem behavior triggering antecedents, maintaining consequences, & setting events

59 Measurement Process of assignment numbers, values, units to some feature(s) of an event Johnston & Pennypacker (1993) Researchers operationalize empiricism Achieve a scientific understanding Practitioners Optimize effectiveness and resources Ethical and accountable

60 Collect direction information to confirm summary statement.

61 Activity Confirming Summary Statement What data do you have now to support yoursummary statement Behavior, antecedent, consequence & settingevent ODRs, DPR, record review, anecdotal What additional data do you need to collect? What are you unsure about? Considering adding direct observation

62 STEP 4. Developing “competing pathways” summary statement Components Confirmed summary statements Desired replacement behavior to be displayed in problem situation (behavioral objective) Alternative replacement behavior that could achieve same outcome as problem behavior

63 Competing Behavior Pathway Setting event None Antecedent Preferred peer Problem Behavior Talking Maintaining Consequence Gain Peer attention Alternative Behavior Peer helper Existing Consequence Grades More work Desired Behavior Work quietly



66 Setting event Job Stress Deadlines Antecedent Family event (e.g., holiday) Problem Behavior Host all events Do all cooking Maintaining Consequence Control Alternative Behavior ????? Existing Consequence Less work Desired Behavior Let others host Some events

67 Activity Competing Path Analysis Finish completing the Competing Path Analysisfor your target student Desired Behavior – Long term goal Consequence for Desired Behavior Alternative Behavior – Short term goal Meets same function as problem behavior Easier and more effective than problem behavior

68 Behavior Intervention Planning

69 STEP 5. Develop behavior support plan. Tactics for discouraging problem behavior, teaching & encouraging desirable & acceptable replacement behavior, preventing & responding to emergency/crisis situations, & monitoring implementation effectiveness Emphasis on manipulation of (a) behaviors, (b) antecedents, (c) consequences, & (d) setting events

70 Guidelines Design antecedent strategies to make triggering antecedents irrelevant. So they no longer serve as triggers. Design behavior teaching strategies to make problem behaviors inefficient. So more acceptable behaviors are easier to do.

71 Guidelines Design consequence strategies to make maintaining consequences ineffective. So they no longer are present or Are less reinforcing. Design setting event strategies to eliminate or neutralize effects of setting events. So they have less impact on routines & reinforcers.


73 Aaron  None Neutralize  Self-management sheet  Choice of seating  Teacher precorrection Irrelevant  Teach Aaron to: - self-assess -self-monitor -self-recruit Inefficient  Praise/tokens for appropriate (self & peer)  Planned correction Ineffective Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Teaching Behaviors Maintaining Consequences

74 Problem Behavior Pathway Headaches Noise Peers Talking No work Obtain Peer Attention Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Maintaining Consequences Problem Behavior

75 Competing Behavior Pathway Setting event Headaches Antecedent Noise Peers Problem Talking No work Maintaining consequence Obtain Peer Attention Alternative Ask for Peer buddy Consequence Better grades Desired Sit quietly Do work

76  Have Cary check-in with the teacher at the beginning of the day  If Cary has a headache, give him a choice of tasks  Give Cary a choice a seating  Remind Cary that he can a sk to sit at the back table or move up  Give Cary a self-management  Teach Cary to ask for assistance (peer buddy)  Teach Cary to ask to sit at the back table, and how to move up  Teach Cary how to monitor his own behavior  When Cary talks give reminder and/or ask him to take a break  When Cary asks for assistance/ change seating immed. respond  Good day/week give Cary praise and summary to take home Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Teaching Behaviors Maintaining Consequences

77 Problem Behavior Pathway Prior “upsetting” event Difficult Work Groups Head down AWOL Escape Difficult work Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Maintaining Consequences Problem Behavior

78 Competing Behavior Pathway Setting event Prior “upsetting” event Antecedent Difficult Work Groups Problem Head down AWOL Maintaining consequence Escape Difficult work Alternative Ask for Break Consequence Better grades Friends Desired Participate Do work

79  Home and school phone if possible upsetting event  Meet Sean at door/bus  Give options for schedule  Reading instruction  Stress Thermometer  Art Basket  Establish Cool down areas  Give choice to be part of group from desk  Teach Sean to use Cool down  Teach Sean to use art basket  Teach Sean to ask for alternative activity  Teach Sean to use Stress Thermometer  When Sean has good day let him choose “medal”  When Sean is becoming upset remind him about break options  If Sean is walking around room, redirect to desk or break area  If Sean leaves area, begin search & call home Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Teaching Behaviors Maintaining Consequences

80 Activity Behavior Intervention Plan Use the Competing Path Analysis to identifystrategies for the behavior intervention plan Neutralize setting events Prevent antecedents from being triggers Teach alternative and desired behavior Consequences to encourage alternative anddesired behaviors Consequences to discourage problem behavior

81 STEP 6. Develop details & routines for full implementation of behavior support plan Logistics E.g., schedules, people, materials, training, monitoring Scripts for adults to Modify structural/routine/environment “Neutralize” setting events Manipulate antecedent & consequence events Teach response/skills Respond to emergency/crisis situations


83 Setting EventsAntecedentsBehaviorConsequences None-Give Aaron self- management sheet -Remind him to work quietly -Provide choice of seating -Teach Aaron to self- manage, record, and recruit Appropriate -Check and initial if correct -Give VISA tickets & praise Inappropriate -Remind him of plan -Redirect to task Weekly -Debrief -Send plan summary home

84 Generic Plan Template Beginning of class-give Aaron self-management sheet -Remind him to work quietly When Aaron raises his hand -check his self-management sheet -initial if accurate -give Aaron VISA tickets & praise If Aaron talks during class -Remind him of plan -Redirect to task At end of class-collect self-management sheet from Aaron -give him praise for efforts/successes At end of week-debrief on weeks progress -send plan summary home to parents


86 Activity BIP Implementation Decide how you will summarize the BIP so thatall individuals can easily understand andimplement Two column summary FAQ Flow-chart Identify what materials will need to bedeveloped before the BIP can be implemented

87 STEP 7. Monitor & evaluate implementation of behavior support plan. Data Impact on student behavior, lifestyle outcomes significant others Fidelity of implementation

88 Consider contextual fit (Albin, Lucyshyn, Horner, & Flannery, 1996) Characteristics of person for whom plan is designed. Variables related to people who will implement plan. Features of environments & systems within which plan will be implemented. (p. 82)

89 Aaron 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 136810121417202224262832343637394143 Preferred Peer Alone Non-Preferred Peer A BL A BL B Functional Analysis A BL C Intervention C Self-management Observations

90 How do I know if I’ve done an FBA? Develop testable hypothesis statement Confirm hypothesis with direct observations Develop behavior support plan Develop implementation plan Monitor/evaluate implementation

91 Big Ideas FBA-BIP is a process designed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of individualized behavior support planning. FBA-BIP is appropriate for all students and all types of problem behavior. Intensity of FBA-BIP should match intensity of problem and needs of students.

92 Next Steps

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