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QILT June Webinar 1. Just before we get started… Who are we? How questions will be handled Resources available after the webinar QILT June Webinar 2.

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Presentation on theme: "QILT June Webinar 1. Just before we get started… Who are we? How questions will be handled Resources available after the webinar QILT June Webinar 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 QILT June Webinar 1

2 Just before we get started… Who are we? How questions will be handled Resources available after the webinar QILT June Webinar 2

3 QILT Sample File Preparation Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching

4 Overview 1.The population file and sampling 2.What do institutions need to do QILT June Webinar 4

5 The data file and sampling The population file  Derived variables  Exclusions (In and out of scope)  Extra quota (additional populations)  Subject Areas (45 for sampling)  The Sample Frame  Combined and double degrees QILT June Webinar 5

6 The population file Where is the file? (What file?)  Secure File Exchange (interim) Institution data contacts and accounts –Who is nominated? –How do we get people on the system? File expiry (7 days) Population file and instructions QILT June Webinar 6

7 The population file What is the population file?  Where does the data come from? HEIMS Submission 1 Non-HEIMS higher education providers  Who is included in submission 1? Students who have enrolled between 1 st January and 31 st March QILT June Webinar 7

8 The population file What is in the file?  50 variables Student background Course related elements Student Address Details Your bit… –Current enrolment status –Student first and last name and add address details –Email address –Contact numbers (optional) –Faculty (Organisational Unit) (optional) QILT June Webinar 8

9 Derived Variables What are derived variables?  Variables that have been calculated from other variables Age – as of 31 st December in 2014 (E913) Concurrent/Major indicator (E331) – Multiple course enrolments Cumulative EFTSL – (CumEFTSL) – Used to calculate course “Stage” Subject Area & Strata Exclusions ExtraQuota QILT May Webinar 9

10 Exclusions What does this mean?  These are the students who are “in” or “out” of scope for the SES.  Unless you have added populations prior to 3 rd June, the SES population file includes onshore, undergraduate commencing and final year students. Non- University Higher Education Institutions (NUHEI) also have middle year students in their population file.  For smaller institutions this may include a census of all commencing and final year students and for larger institutions a sample to ensure strata “coverage”.  Excludes: Offshore international students Middle year students Concurrent enrolments Post graduate courses Small strata (ie study areas six or fewer enrolments) QILT June Webinar 10

11 Extra Quotas This is information about additional populations that your institution has requested  This had to have been finalised by 3 rd June to be included  Extra population information for future reference can be found in the Additional Populations fact sheetAdditional Populations QILT June Webinar 11

12 Subject Areas and the sample frame The SES is sampled across 45 Study areas  These are the same as the reported study areas in the 2014 UES.  Sample is also checked against a number of demographic variables in the file such as gender, qualification, mode of attendance, broad field of education and citizenship QILT June Webinar 12

13 Commencing and Final Year … Commencing student – is a student who enrolled in the course for the first time at this higher education provider and who have been studying there for about one semester (started prior to March 31 census date). Final year student – is a student with a ratio of EFTSL completed so far for the course to the total EFTSL for the course which is close to 1.0.  The definition is “appear close to finishing” the course (e.g., 75% complete).  There are two approaches used in combination to arrive at the “final year” sample. QILT June Webinar 13

14 Combined and Double degrees Double Degrees  Where a student is in a double degree where there are more than one study area (for example Arts/Law) these students are included in the study area with the lowest enrolments. FOE in HEIMS is important Recognisable course names in HEIMS is important  Students still answer the SES for both components of the double degree but response quotas are monitored for the smallest one. QILT June Webinar 14

15 What do we need to do? Check the file for correctness Add in information Return the file to SRC BY 10 th July using the SRC Secure File Exchange QILT June Webinar 15

16 Checking the file for correctness Don’t recreate your submission 1 file, just update the specific fields in the file we sent you  We are aware there may be some errors and omissions in unverified submission 1 data Students are asked to confirm their course enrolment as part of the survey  If you intend to correct misreported data for the HEIMS let us know asap because it could alter the sampling frame  Do not append mid year enrolments – the sample only includes students who have been enrolled for at least one semester. QILT June Webinar 16

17 Current enrolment status Enrolment Status  Why is this important? We don’t want to include withdrawn students in the sample Could affect targets and response rates in smaller strata  If you can’t get this information in your institution, leave it blank  Convert your institution’s wording to the following numeric values –0 = Enrolled –1 = Withdrew –2 = Graduated –3 = Deferred or Leave of absence –4 = Excluded from the survey for other reasons determined by the Institution This is IMPORTANT. QILT June Webinar 17

18 Email addresses The SES is an online survey- email address is critical Email invitations are sent by SRC with unique links to the survey ALL email communications will come from SRC Any email fields left blank cannot be included in the survey You should use institutional email addresses that you would normally use to contact students - this should be in line with your institution’s privacy/communications arrangements Check that email addresses are valid (ie, have an @ or don’t end in a full stop etc.) QILT June Webinar 18

19 Student name and postal address Postal addresses are not submitted in HEIMS for onshore international students or non-CSP students  Please replace all “null” values with student name and address fields as appropriate.  Please ensure each student has E403 populated. Students without a first name should have part of their surname (E402) moved to E403.  Use semester addresses – particularly for international students (no good getting a letter in Malaysia if they are in Melbourne)  Check postcodes are valid (and be careful of NT postcodes 0800 with leading 0 in Excel files) Australia should be 4 digits.  Use the specified address fields as labelled. E.g., suburb in the suburb field etc. QILT June Webinar 19

20 Phone numbers (optional) You should include telephone contact details if you have notified SRC you wish to have telephone follow up for the SES.  There are multiple fields for telephone numbers so you could include mobile and landline numbers if available  If there are mobile numbers, please include these in the first phone field if you can  Keep phone number formats consistent if possible  Check phone numbers for things like international numbers, dummy numbers (for example internal extensions), if possible. QILT June Webinar 20

21 Faculty This is a new field in 2015  In field reporting will be able to tell you response rates for your chosen level of organisational units.  You can use you faculty, school, campus or department information here. Whatever level you need to be able to manage your response rates strategies in your institution.  Just make sure that your information is consistent (i.e. FBC, FB&C, Faculty of BC are not the same thing!) Coin a phrase – rubbish in- rubbish out. The better your data here, the better you will be able to monitor your responses QILT June Webinar 21

22 In summary: Creativity is a bad thing …  Don’t add fields or change field names  Don’t put multiple phone numbers or words in phone number fields  Be consistent with faculty names for good in field reporting  Use the numeric code frame for enrolment status Do include data for all of the required fields (Mission Critical)  No valid email, no survey  No valid address, no “non-response” letter  No valid name, no personally addressed materials QILT June Webinar 22

23 Keeping SRC informed Main survey contacts  Managerial responsibility  Survey Managers  Data contacts and SFX accounts QILT June Webinar 23

24 To summarise… The completion and return of the SES Sample file is mission critical for the SES. The SES will go into field at the same time for all providers* You need to have these files completed and returned through the SFX by the 10 th July. *No kidding!!! QILT June Webinar 24

25 Thank you! Questions? QILT June Webinar 25

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