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Great Start Collaborative-Wayne Collaborative Meeting November 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Start Collaborative-Wayne Collaborative Meeting November 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Start Collaborative-Wayne Collaborative Meeting November 16, 2015

2  Help Me Grow (HMG) provides a comprehensive and coordinated system for early identification and referral of children at risk for developmental and behavioral problems. What is Help Me Grow?

3  Help Me Grow provides:  Child development information and support for families with children 1 month to age 5.5 (66 months)  FREE Ages and Stages Developmental Screening  Access to community resources  Training for health care providers as well as early care and education providers What is Help Me Grow?

4  Two ways to access  Landing Page (individuals and small community partners)  Large Community Partners

5  Developmental Screening  Care Coordination

6  Children–developmental delays are identified early; families are connected to appropriate early intervention services and community resources  Families–gain a better understanding of their child’s development (including social and emotional development) Specific goals of this project

7  Professionals–understand the importance of developmental screenings as a first indicator for developmental delays  Community–increase use of developmental screening; build community data to be used for future planning and advocacy efforts Specific goals of this project

8  How Help Me Grow is Impacting developmental readiness  Over 11,567 Screenings in 2014-2015 Grant Year  Total of 133 Community Partners as of last Grant Year (Already increased that number by 15 in first half of Q1 of 2015-16)  Help Me Grow Data findings based on last year’s screening results show 56% of Wayne Co. Children Screened were Developmentally On-Track  Able to identify developmental risk by zip code based on screenings collected, narrowing the outreach focus. Collectively, in county, learned that 21% of screenings are indicating Strong Risk for Delay and 23% indicating Potential Risk for delay Outcome #2: Children are healthy, thriving and developmentally on track from birth to third grade

9  Data findings indicate a significant difference in the overall scores from the initial screens and subsequent screens. The result indicates the risk of delay decreases over time when children are screened again at a later age interval. (Oakland University HMG Regional Evaluation Report, September, 2015)  Additionally, the data demonstrate an increase in the number of children progressing on track when screened again later at a different age interval (Oakland University HMG Regional Evaluation Report, September, 2015) Outcome #2: Children are healthy, thriving and developmentally on track from birth to third grade

10  Progress in:  Early Childhood System Development / Program Coordination  15 new Help Me Grow Community Partners from Oct. 1 (2015) to date with 40+ individual provider contacts within those new partnerships  Over 3,581 new ASQ Screenings, October 1-November 11 th 2015 Outcome #2: Children are healthy, thriving and developmentally on track from birth to third grade

11  Enhanced Service Delivery  Help Me Grow-Wayne’s development of specific outreach/training to In-Home Childcare centers utilizing enhanced relationships with UWSEM Quality Improvement Specialists and Consultants  Help Me Grow-Wayne’s increased focus on Faith Based Community Partnership and enhancing those existing partnerships with ACCESS and ACC WIC programs to conduct onsite ASQ screening opportunities (2 Screening events with ACCESS, 1 Screening event with ACC with monthly planned regular scheduling, 1 Pending Screening event with Fellowship Chapel)  Help Me Grow-Wayne’s hiring of 2 new data support positions in order to free up time and productivity for Care Coordination and Help Me Grow Technical Training and Assistance Outcome #2: Children are healthy, thriving and developmentally on track from birth to third grade

12 Consistent, Common Messaging  Outreach regarding Help Me Grow-Wayne built around messaging for the 3 main audiences of GSC-W (Parents, Professionals, Community)  New HMG Wayne flyers updated and recreated for each of the 3 above listed audiences Outcome #2: Children are healthy, thriving and developmentally on track from birth to third grade

13  Support Needed from GSC-W Members:  Messaging Support  Utilization of outreach materials at Collaborative Partner Agencies  Additions of Help Me Grow links to Collaborative Partner Agencies  Collaborative Partner use of and link to GSC-W Activities calendar for increased awareness Help Me Grow Screening events  Assistance bringing developmental awareness to the community to produce a cultural shift in community dialogue and parent/professional/community buy-in We Need You!

14  If you would like to add a link to Help Me Grow on your website, please contact me (Shannon Mathison) at  If you would like to set up a large community partner training, please contact Katherine Vance at We Need You!

15 As of April 2015

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