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IT Employee Termination Policy

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1 IT Employee Termination Policy
Policy and Guideline MIS 5202 Group Project 1: IT Employee Termination Policy Michael Mai Oyinkan Adeleye Kalyani Harika David Siegelman

2 Policy Overview What is an IT Employee Termination Policy?
IT Employee Termination policy deals with managing employee’s system access and privileges after they are no longer with the organization. It should clearly define steps of employee separation. Adequate protection for organization’s computer assets and data

3 Type/Reason of Termination
Voluntary Termination Involuntary Termination Death Retirement Layoff Contract Position Abandonment

4 IT Employee Termination Policy
Step of Termination Policies Notification Permission and Access Terminations Return of Property Final Pay Routines Status of Benefits Exit Interview

5 General Termination Policies
Notification Employee should provide a two weeks notice of intent to leave employment Revocation of Access All access to the company’s information system and all proprietary information should be revoked and documented. Access to the company’s facilities will be terminated through disabling the building entry code, entry swipe card or collecting the keys Return of Company Property Keys, IDs/Badges, Laptops, Cell Phones, PDAs, any other electronic items should be returned and documented Data Retention Policy All employee data regarding contributions, rewards and recognition, performance coaching, policy violations and disciplinary actions should be documented, preserved and retained for future reference. Status of Benefits Employees shall be notified of their rights to extend their health benefits under COBRA and their options for rollover of 401(K) plan. General Termination Policies Notification 1. Employees are required to provide a two weeks of notice of their intent to leave their employment through a formal letter of resignation 2. Upon the receipt of the letter of intent to leave employment, the HR and Information Security should be immediately notified. Permissions and Access Terminations Effective on the termination date, the following access rights shall be revoked: 1. All access to computers, network and data and remote access shall be immediately revoked. 2. The network password of all network accounts should be changed 3. The employee’s file server data and should be preserved and archived for operational or legal purposes 4. Access to the company facilities will be terminated through disabling the building entry code, entry swipe card or collecting the keys Return of property The line manager will coordinate the process of return of all company properties that may include: 1. Keys 2. ID badges/cards 3. Laptops 4. Cell Phones/PDAs 5. Any other Electronic Equipment that could contain confidential company information Data Retention Policy • All employee data regarding contributions, rewards and recognition, performance coaching, policy violations and disciplinary actions should be documented and retained. Status of Benefits and Final Pay 1. The employee’s final pay will be arrived at after adding pay for unused, accrued vacation time; after deducting use of vacation time that has not been accrued; after deducting payroll advances, if any. The final pay check will be sent out to the employee 2. Consistent with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA), the employees will continue their medical, dental and vision benefits up to 18 months from the date of termination. The employees will be given an opportunity to enroll themselves and their dependents into one or more of these plans at their expense 3. The employees shall be notified of their options for rollover of their 401(K) plan Exit Interview 1. The line manager will conduct an exit interview with the employee. The employee will be given an opportunity to express his/her views and impressions about working at the company, which will be kept in strict confidence 2. Finally, the employee should be escorted out of the building ======================= Consequences of not providing the notice of COBRA rights: Can result in a court imposed civil penalty on the plan administrator of up to $110 per day payable to each affected plan participant for the period of noncompliance There may be additional damages including attorney’s fees and court costs “Failure to provide timely and accurate notices to plan participants as required by COBRA can result in a court imposed civil penalty on the plan administrator of up to $110 per day which would be payable to each affected plan participant for the period of noncompliance (Section 502(c)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”)). This penalty would be in addition to any damages imposed on the employer for failure to provide the medical coverage mandated by COBRA, including attorney’s fees and court costs expended to enforce these rights under COBRA.” Hess, John, Esq. "Employers Who Fail To Give Health Care Continuation Notices May End Up With A Nasty “Cobra” Bite." RiskVue. Warren, McVeigh & Griffin, Inc. Risk Management Consultants, Dec Web. < Revocation of Access should be well documented too, especially for legal purposes Return of property should be well documented and signed by both employee and the manager

6 Employee Type Contractor Privileged Access Employee IT Personnel
provides IT-related services for a client as an independent contractor. Privileged Access Employee Employee that has access to organization’s account or business intelligence and access of approving financials. IT Personnel IT Administrator, database Administrator, security specialist.

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