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1 Understanding assessment rubrics PrimaryConnections: Continuing Professional Development 2014.

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1 1 Understanding assessment rubrics PrimaryConnections: Continuing Professional Development 2014

2 2 Facilitator Ms Sophia McLean Professional Learning Manager PrimaryConnections Australian Academy of Science

3 3 Workshop purpose You are here to develop knowledge and understanding of the purposes and detail of assessment rubrics and to experience their application in the PrimaryConnections curriculum resources.

4 4 Workshop outline (90 minutes) INTRO:Purpose, outline, outcomes (5 mins) ENGAGE:Beliefs about rubrics (10 mins) EXPLORE:Explore the purposes of rubrics (20 mins )Identify the root purpose of rubrics EXPLAIN:The embedded assessment processes in PrimaryConnections (25 mins) De-constructing a PrimaryConnections rubric Identifying opportunities for gathering evidence of learning outcomes ELABORATE:Student science journals and using rubrics (20 mins) EVALUATE:Reflect on learning (10 mins)

5 5 Outcomes On completion of this module participants will understand: the purposes of assessment rubrics the detail of the PrimaryConnections assessment rubrics the range of assessment processes providing evidence of learning in the curriculum resources the Australian Curriculum:Science outcomes of the curriculum units the use of the PrimaryConnections assessment rubrics


7 7 Beliefs continuum Assessment rubrics: Beliefs continuum _________________________________________ Disagree Agree


9 9 Inter-relationship digraph A tool that helps to identify the root factor of something. What is the root purpose of a rubric? Brainstorm the purposes of rubrics Multi-vote to the top 5 purposes Use the Inter-relationship digraph to identify the root purpose


11 11 PhaseFocusAssessment focus ENGAGEEngage students and elicit prior knowledge ? EXPLOREProvide hands-on experience of the phenomenon ? EXPLAIN Develop scientific explanations for observations and represent developing conceptual understanding Consider current scientific explanations ? ELABORATEExtend understanding to a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student- planned investigation ? EVALUATEStudents re-represent their understanding and reflect on their learning journey and teachers collect evidence about the achievement of outcomes ? PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model

12 12 Features of an assessment rubric


14 14 Student science journals and using assessment rubrics


16 16 Thinkers keys The Reverse:Name a use of rubrics that is inappropriate. The Question: Rubric is the answer. Write five questions that would link to this answer. The Brick Wall:Rubrics are essential for assessing whether effective learning has taken place. Break down the wall by suggesting other ways of assessing “effective learning”. The Alphabet:List words from A to Z that link with “rubrics” What if:What if rubrics did not exist for PrimaryConnections units?

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