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Published byBeatrix Edwards Modified over 9 years ago
Integrated National Education Information System (iNEIS TM ) Academic Year 2016 Preparation Clinic Session
Task to do 1.Manage Student Movement (Transfer/Withdraw) – School Student Registrar Transfer o Refer to: Withdrawal o Refer to: 2. Manage Student Clearance - School Admin: Student Clearance Refer to: Manage Student Completion for Graduating Students_v0.3.pdf 3. Manage Graduating Student - School Admin: Student Clearance Refer to: Manage Student Completion for Graduating Students_v0.3.pdf
Task to do 4.Manage Schools with Issue – School Student Registrar 5.Run Attendance Stats Calculation - School Admin: Attendance Refer to: 6.Student Progression – School Student Registrar Refer to: Manage Student Progression (Primary and Preu)v0.3.pdf 7.Student Track Allocation (Streaming) – School Students Registrar Refer to: Manage Student Progression (Secs and Sprt)v0.3
Reminder School Student Registrar need to upload new student intake: o Preschool 2016 student o Year 1 2016 student o Year 7 2016 student o Lower 6 th 2016 student o Student from Private School Refer to Online Help for student upload process: o
Instructions Set Download the following documents from iNEIS portal: Manage Student Completion for Graduating Students o Preschool, Year 6, Year 10(Express), Year 11, SAP Diploma, Upper Sixth, and CCA (Prim, Secs, Preu) Manage Student Progression (Primary and Preu) o Primary 1 to Primary 5, Year 7, Year 9, Year 10, and Lower Sixth o The book include instructions for Student Movement (Transfer/Withdrawal) Manage Student Progression (Secs and Sprt) o Year 8, and Year 11 o The book include instructions for Student Movement (Transfer/Withdrawal)
Manage Student Movement (Transfer and Withdrawal) School Student Registrar
Student Movement 2015 - 2016 Description o There are two types of Student Movement which is Transfer and Withdrawal Process. This step should be done before student is progress to the next level. Granted Role: o Transfer/Withdrawal School Student Registrar Class Teacher
Transfer Students Menu Path: o Main Menu > Records and Enrolment > Student Movement > Transfer Student > Transfer Student Request Steps: 1.Fill in Transfer Request form 2.Save and Submit the Transfer Request form 3.Current School Principal approve the Transfer Request form New School Principal approve the Transfer Request form 4.Complete the Transfer Request form 5.Clearance is automatically assigned 6.Update the Student’s record: Drop Class Enrolment Update Student Program / Plan
Withdrawal Students Menu Path: o Main Menu > Records and Enrolment > Student Movement > Student Withdrawals > Withdrawal Request Steps: 1.Fill in Withdrawal Request form 2.Save and Submit the Withdrawal Request form 3.Current School Principal approve the Withdrawal Request form 4.Complete the Withdraw Request form 5.Clearance is automatically assigned 6.Update the Student’s record: Drop Class Enrolment Term Withdraw Update Student Program/Plan
Manage Student Clearance School Admin - Student Clearance
Manage Student Clearance Description o It allows to create clearance checklist for students who are eligible to go to clearance. Granted Role: o Clearance School Admin – Student Clearance Class Teacher o Graduating Students School Admin – Student Clearance
Create Clearance Checklist Flow Chart for Clearance Process Update the status of the Clearance Checklist Items View the created Clearance Checklist Batch START Custom Population Selection – External File Population Selection – PS Query Individually Batch Individually
Create Clearance Checklist - Individually Description: o It allows to create for a student who is transferring-out of school or who is withdrawing from school. o For example, if the Registrar/Class Teacher didn’t completed a request form for the Student therefore there is no clearance checklist automatically assigned. So, the Registrar/Class Teacher will create the clearance for the student manually by batch or individually. Menu Path: o Main Menu > Campus Community > Checklists > Person Checklist > Checklist Management – Person
Create Clearance Checklist - Individually Checklist Management - Person
Steps on how to assign clearance checklists for an individual student 1.Click on the Add a New Value tab. 2.Click on the lookup icon to search for the Student ID then Click on the Add button. 3.Search for ‘GEN’ – General on the lookup icon of the *Administration Function. 4.Click on the lookup icon to search for the *Checklist Code and make sure to choose the correct code for the student. 5.Select ‘Initiated’ from the *Status drop-down list. 6.Click on the ‘Save’ button.
Checklist Codes List of Checklist Code for Primary School: - ‘CPRICL’ (Completion – Primary) - ‘TPRICL’ (Transfer Student – Primary) - ‘WPRICL’ (Withdrawal Student – Primary) List of Checklist Code for Secondary School: - ‘CSECCL’ (Completion – Secondary) - ‘TSECCL’ (Transfer Student – Secondary) - ‘WSECCL’ (Withdrawal Student – Secondary) List of Checklist Code for Sixth Form School: - ‘CSXFCL’ (Completion – 6 th Form) - ‘TSXFCL’ (Transfer Student – 6 th Form) - ‘WSXFCL’ (Withdrawal Student – 6 th Form) List of Checklist Code for Sports School: - ‘CSSCL’ (Completion – Sports School) - ‘TSSCL’ (Transfer Student – Sports School) - ‘WSSCL’ (Withdrawal Student – Sports School)
Description: o It allows to create for students who have completed their Academic Programs and will be ready for ‘graduating’. o For example, creating clearance checklists for all students from SCGEEY10 (General Education Program – Express Track Year 10) Menu Path: o Main Menu > Records and Enrolment > Student Movement > Clearance > Assign Clearance Checklist Create Clearance Checklist – Batch
3 ways to create Clearance Checklist in Batch: 1)Custom o User to manually enter the students one by one. 2)Population Selection – External File o User to create an Excel file then upload the students. 3)Population Selection – PS Query o User to create a group of students by their Academic Program and Academic Plan.
Create Clearance Checklist – Batch Custom
.CSV Create Clearance Checklist – Batch External File Steps the user should do: Enter the Student ID Save it as.csv Upload the file into iNEIS
Upload the External File Create Clearance Checklist – Batch
Steps how the user upload into iNEIS 1.Select Population Selection 2.Select External File option 3.Click Upload File button to upload the file created in.csv format 4.Select File Mapping – UPLOAD CL STUDENTS 5.User can either Preview the file or directly Load the results 6.User also can add or remove students if necessary 7.Save then run the process
PS Query o Query Name: MOE_CL_CHK_QRY Create Clearance Checklist – Batch
Steps how the user upload into iNEIS 1.Select Population Selection 2.Select PS Query option 3.Select the MOE_CL_CHK_QRY query 4.Click Edit Prompt – to select the specific Academic Program and Academic Plan 5.User can either Preview the file or directly Load the results 6.User also can add or remove students if necessary 7.Save then run the process
View Created Clearance Checklist Description: o It allows the user to view the created Clearance Checklist of a student. Menu Path: o Main Menu > Campus Community > Checklists > Person Checklist > Checklist Management – Person.
Checklist Management 1
Checklist Management 2
Update status of Clearance Checklist Items Description: o It allows the Teachers/Persons In-Charge of the Clearance Items to update the status of the Clearance Checklist Items of the students 2 ways to Update status of the Clearance Checklist Items: 1)Individually o User to update status of a student one by one 2)In Batch/Group of students o User to update status of students in batch
Update status of Clearance Checklist Items Menu Path: o Individually Main Menu > Campus Community > Checklists > Person Checklist > Checklist Management – Person o In Batch/Group of Students Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Student Movement > Clearance > Student Clearance Checklists
Individually Update status of Clearance Checklist Items
Steps on how to update clearance checklists for an individual student 1.Click on the Find an Existing Value tab. 2.Search for the student who as a Clearance Checklist created for him/her then click on Search. 3.Click on the Checklist Management 2 tab. 4.Select one of the statuses from the dropdown list of the items the School Admin or teachers/persons in-charge of and update the status of the item. 5.Click on the Save button.
Batch Update status of Clearance Checklist Items
Steps on how to update clearance checklists for batch of students 1.Click on the Find an Existing Value tab 2.By default, after clicking the Find an Existing Value tab Academic institution and Campus is filled in. Click the Search button. 3.Click on the Academic Career lookup icon to select the Academic Career. This is the field the teacher/person in- charge must enter in order to search for the students. 4.Click on Fetch button to fetch the students who have Clearance Checklists created. 5.Select one of the statuses from the dropdown list of the items the School Admin or teachers/persons in-charge of and update the status of the item. 6.Click on the Save button.
Update status of Clearance Checklist Items There are 4 statuses available: 1)Completed – Student has returned the item or has completed the task 2)Initiated – No action has been taken to clear of the item, the initial status of all items 3)Not Applicable – The item is not applicable for the student to clear 4)Work in Progress – Action has been taken to clear the item but not yet completed
Manage Graduating Student School Admin: Student Clearance
Flow Chart for Graduating Students Graduating Students Process View Student Certificate View Student Program/Plan Batch START Manually
Graduating Students Process Description: o It allows to update the Student Records for students who have completed their Academic Programs that will be ready for ‘graduation’ o Preschool, Year 6, Year 10(Express), Year 11, SAP Diploma, and Upper Sixth 2 ways to run the Graduating Students process: 1)Manually 2)In Batch/Group of Students Menu Path: o Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Graduation Processing
Manually Run Control ID format o SchoolCode_Year_AcademicProgram/Plan o For example, 3001_2015_SCGEEY10 Steps: – Unchecked the Population Selection checkbox –It is used for only a few students to process and also allows the user to manually enter the student one by one Graduating Students Process
Batch/Group of Students Run Control ID format o SchoolCode_Year_AcademicProgram/Plan o For example, 3001_2015_SCGEEY10 Steps: – Check the Population Selection checkbox –It is used to process many students where it allows the user to select the PS Query option. –Query Name: MOE_CL_CHK_QRY_GRAD Graduating Students Process
View Updated Student Program/Plan Description: o It allows to view the updated Student Program/Plan once the Graduating Students process is successfully completed. Menu Path: o Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan
View Updated Student Program/Plan Student Program tab
Student Certificates tab View Updated Student Program/Plan
View Student Certificate Description: o It allows to view the certificate awarded to the student Menu Path: o Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Student Certificate
View Student Certificate List of Student Certificates that will be awarded: o Pre-School PRES o Primary School Year 6 - PSR Year 6 - CCA Primary Completion o Secondary School Year 10(Express), Year 11 - GCE O’ Level Year 11 - IGCSE Year 11 - BTEC EDEXCEL – Extended Year 12 - BTEC EDEXCEL – Diploma CCA Secondary Completion o Sixth Form Upper Sixth - GCE A’ Level CCA Sixth Form Completion
View Student Certificate
Verify Student’s Certificate Check the *Certificate that will be awarded is based on the level. Verify the *Completion Term Make sure the Confer Date is correct. Confer Date is set up for the Academic Career and Term in the Academic Calendar. The *Certificate Status should be awarded.
Manage Student Progression
Flow Chart Run Attendance Stats Calculation Student Progression Student Track Allocation (Streaming) START
Run Attendance Stats Calculation School Admin: Attendance
Attendance Stats Calculation As a prerequisite, user will need to run Attendance Statistics Calculation Process before proceeding to progressing students This is to calculate the overall attendance of student throughout the year. Only student with Attendance Statistics of 85% and above will be progressed. Granted Role: o School Admin: Attendance Navigation: o Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Process > Attendance Stats Calculation Refer to Online Help for more details: o
Student Progression School Student Registrar
Student Progression Description: o This function allows the teacher to progress student where there is no changes in Academic Program but changes in Academic Plan. o It is only applicable for Primary, Sixth Form, Year 7, Year 9, and Year 10 students. Granted Role: o School Student Registrar Menu Path: o Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Manage Student Progression o Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan Refer to: o Hand out Manage Student Progression (Primary and Preu)v0.3.pdf or Manage Student Progression (Secs and Sprt)v0.3Manage Student Progression (Primary and Preu)v0.3.pdf Manage Student Progression (Secs and Sprt)v0.3
Manual Student Progression Flow Chart Run Batch Process Retain Student Batch Student Progression Verify Progressed Student Edit Wrongly Progressed Student START
1001_2016_Y1 Student Progression (Batch) 3.Enter new Run Control ID and click Add button Format: School Code_Academic Year_Level Eg: 3026_2016_Y7 2. Click on Add a New Value tab 1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Manage Student Progression
Student Progression (Batch) 4.Click the Academic Career look-up button to select the career that need to be progress
Student Progression (Batch) 5.Click the Campus look-up button to select your campus
Student Progression (Batch) 6.Click the Term look-up button and select the end of term as students are only progressed at the end of the term. Note: Term entered should be the final term of the current academic year. i.e 1530 for progressing students to year 2016
Student Progression (Batch) 7.Click the Academic Program look-up button in “From” table and select the academic program
Student Progression (Batch) 8.Click the Academic Plan look-up button in “From” table and select the current academic plan that need to be progress
Student Progression (Batch) 9.Click the Academic Program look-up button in “To” table and select the academic program
Student Progression (Batch) 10.Click the Academic Plan look-up button in “To” table and select the new academic plan for next term
Student Progression (Batch)
11.Click on “Run” button to run the student progression process
Student Progression (Batch) 12. Ensure the “Student Progression PRCS” is checked and click on “OK” button
Student Progression (Batch) 13. Click on “Process Monitor” link to view the status of student progression process
Student Progression (Batch) Check for process name MOE_PR_MSP 14.Click “Refresh” button at interval time until the Run Status change to “Success” and Distribution Status change to “Posted”
Student Progression (Batch) 15.Click on “Details” link once the Run Status is “Success” and Distribution Status is “Posted”
Student Progression (Batch) 16. Click on “View Log/Trace” link to view the log file
Student Progression (Batch) 17. Click on.log link to view the progression result
Student Progression (Batch) 18.This is the progression result page. It shows the number of student that is successfully progress and unsuccessful number of student with its reason.
Manual Student Progression Flow Chart Retain Student Batch Student Progression Run Batch Process Edit Wrongly Progressed Student START Verify Progressed Student
Verify Student Progression 1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan 2. Search using the Student’s ID and click the Search button
Verify Student Progression 3. Ensure that: - Effective Date should be a day before the start of the term - Program Action should be PLNC (Plan Change) - Academic Program should be the same program
Verify Student Progression 4. Ensure that: - Academic Plan should be next year plan
Manual Student Progression Flow Chart Retain Student Batch Student Progression Run Batch Process Verify Progressed Student START Edit Wrongly Progressed Student
This process is done because student is wrongly progressed For example: o Student is supposed to be in Year 4 but being progressed to Year 5 o Registrar will need to update the Student Program/Plan
Edit Wrongly Progressed Student 1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan 2. Search using the Student’s ID 3. Tick the Correct History and click the Search button Note: Correct History check box is ONLY clicked because the student’s existing data need to be edited.
Edit Wrongly Progressed Student 4. Change Program Action from “PLNC” to “DATA” 5. Click Student Plan tab Note: Make sure the Academic Program is correct
Edit Wrongly Progressed Student 6. Change Academic Plan to the actual plan. From the new plan to the previous plan. E.g: From Year 5 to Year 4, Year 8 to Year 7. 7. Click Save button
Flow Chart Retain Student Batch Student Progression Run Batch Process Verify Progressed Student START Manual Student Progression Edit Wrongly Progressed Student
Student Progression (Manual) Scenarios: 1.Student attendance falls below 85% but school wants to progress the student 2.Student transfer to new school but: i.Student have not been progress ii.New school already done batch progression
Student Progression (Manual) 1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan 2. Search using the Student’s ID 3. Click Search button
Student Progression (Manual) 4. Click the “+” button 5. Change the Effective Date to the day before the term 1610 start 6. Change Program Action to “PLNC” 7. Click Student Plan tab
Student Progression (Manual) 8. Change the Academic Plan 9. Click Save button
Flow Chart Batch Student Progression Run Batch Process Verify Progressed Student START Edit Wrongly Progressed Student Retain Student Manual Student Progression
Student Retain 1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan 2. Search using the Student’s ID 3. Click Search button
Student Retain 4. Click the “+” button 5. Change the Effective Date to the day before the term 1610 start 6. Change Program Action to “DATA” 7. Click Student Plan tab
Student Retain 8. Verify the Academic Plan 9. Click Save button
Student Track Allocation School Student Registrar
Student Track Allocation Description: o This function allows student registrar to upload student progression file and verify details of progressing year 8 and year 11 students Granted Role: o School Student Registrar Menu Path: o Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer o Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Student Track Allocation o Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan Refer to: o Hand out Manage Student Progression (Primary and Preu)v0.3.pdf or Manage Student Progression (Secs and Sprt)v0.3Manage Student Progression (Primary and Preu)v0.3.pdfManage Student Progression (Secs and Sprt)v0.3
Upload Students Track Allocation File Verify Student Track Allocation Details Flow Chart Generate List of Year 8 Students Create CSV File Edit Wrong Progression
Generate List of Year 8 Students 1. Navigate: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer 2. Enter: MOE_PR_SECS for Secondary schools Year 8 students’ list MOE_PR_SAPY11 for Secondary schools Year 11 students’ list MOE_PR_SPRT for Sport schools Year 8 students’ list then click on Search button
Generate List of Year 8 Students 3. Click on Excel to download the list
Generate List of Year 8 Students 4. Select the Academic Institution, Campus, and Term then click View Results Note: Term entered should be the final term of the current academic year. i.e 1530 for progressing students to year 2016
Generate List of Year 8 Students 5. Select the Open With Microsoft Excel and click on OK
Upload Students Track Allocation File Verify Student Track Allocation Details Flow Chart Create CSV File Generate List of Year 8/ Year 11 Students Edit Wrong Progression
Create CSV File 1. Delete the entire row for the retain students: a.Select the entire row by clicking on the number to the most left of the retaining student b.Right click and select Delete from the dropdown list
2. Enter the students’ Academic Program and Academic Plan for the following year in the next two column Create CSV File Note: Refer to Online Help for the Academic Program and Academic Plan code:
Create CSV File 3. Delete the Name column: a.Select the entire column by clicking on the alphabet at the top of the sheet b.Right click and select Delete from the dropdown list
Create CSV File 4. Save file as CSV (Comma delimited) type
Create CSV File Verify Student Track Allocation Details Flow Chart Generate List of Year 8/ Year 11 Students Edit Wrong Progression Upload Students Track Allocation File
1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Student Track Allocation 2. Click on Add a New Value tab 3. Enter a new Run Control ID then click on add. Format: School Code_Academic Year_Level Eg: 3026_2016_Y8 Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
4. Select the Academic Career, Campus and End of Term 5. Upload the.CSV file 6. Click the Run button Note: Term should be the final term of the current academic year. i.e. Term 1530 for progressing students to year 2016 Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
7. Ensure the box is checked, then click on OK Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
8. Click the Process Monitor to check the status of the upload Note: Take note of Process Instance number Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
10. Click Refresh at interval times 9. You should see that: i.Run Status: Processing or Queued and ii.Distribution Status: N/A Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
12. Click on the Details link 11. Click Refresh at interval times until i.Run Status: Success and ii.Distribution Status: Posted Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
13. Click on the View Log/Trace link Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
14. Click on the.log file to view the summary of the uploads of students Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
15. Summary of processed, success and error rows Upload Students Track Allocation File (Batch)
Example of the Uploaded File With Error Note: If there is error in the file, the entire list of students will not go through although the results stated, there exist successfully progressed students The.log file showing the summary of the result and the student with the error
This process is to update the Student Program/Plan records for Year 8 and Year 11 retaining student, whose name have been deleted from the list of student extracted from the query. Upload Students Track Allocation File (Manual)
1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan 2. Search using the Student’s ID
Upload Students Track Allocation File (Manual) 3. Select the student’s Secondary Academic Career
Upload Students Track Allocation File (Manual) 4. Click on the “+” button 5. Change the Effective Date to the day before the term 1610 start 6. Enter Data in Program Action
Upload Students Track Allocation File (Manual) 7. Select the Student Plan tab 8. Verify the Academic Plan 9. Click on the Save button
Create CSV File Upload Students Track Allocation File Flow Chart Generate List of Year 8/ Year 11 Students Edit Wrong Progression Verify Student Track Allocation Details
1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan 2. Search using the Student’s ID
3. Select any one of the student’s Secondary Academic Career Verify Student Track Allocation Details
4.Ensure that: Effective Date should be a day before the start of the term Program Action should be PRGC (Program Change) Academic Program should be the new program Admit Term should be the new term of the year Verify Student Track Allocation Details
5. Ensure that: Academic Plan should be: Year 9 plan (Progress from Year 8) Year 12 plan (Progress from Year 11) Verify Student Track Allocation Details
Create CSV File Upload Students Track Allocation File Flow Chart Generate List of Year 8/ Year 11 Students Verify Student Track Allocation Details Edit Wrong Progression
Edit Wrongly Progressed Student This process is to edit the Student Program/Plan when student, who should retain, has been progressed by mistake For example: –Student is supposed to retain in Year 8 for year 2016, but registrar has progressed the student to Year 9 –School Student Registrar will need to demote the student back to Year 8
Edit Wrongly Progressed Student 1. Navigate: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan 2. Search using the Student’s ID
Edit Wrongly Progressed Student 4. Select any one of the student’s Secondary Academic Career 3. Click on the Correct History checkbox
Edit Wrongly Progressed Student 5. Change the Program Action from PRGC to DATA 6. Change the Academic Program, Admit Term and Requirement Term back to the previous record
Edit Wrongly Progressed Student 7. Select the Student Plan tab 8. Enter the student’s previous Academic Plan and Requirement Term, then click the Save button
How to View Student’s Previous Records Note: Click on the “Next Row” button to view the previous record In the Student Program tab, Check the Academic Program, Admit Term, and Requirement Term
How to View Student’s Previous Records In the Student Plan tab, Check the Academic Plan
Manage Schools with Issues School Students Registrar
Important Please ensure schools resolve the following issues before proceeding to student progression.
School Issues Student not Enrolled –Student is not enrolled into any classes Student enrolled to Wrong Campus –Student has been transferred to new Campus without dropping student from previous school –Student has been transferred to the wrong Campus by previous Campus Student in Wrong Level –Student enrolled into wrong level, for e.g. student is Year 5 but enrolled to Year 6 class. –Student not progressed, for e.g. student is Year 6 but Academic Plan is Year 5 No Citizenship details Wrong Citizenship –Citizenship status is not Brunei, ONLY Brunei citizenship is captured.
Check list Before you leave, please make sure you: Sign Attendance Correct Students with Issue o Look for iNEIS team to check for your school’s issue Sign Tracker
End of Presentation Thank You
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